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1. The Daylight Savings Time (DST) was last implemented on which
Presidency and year?
A. Corazon Aquino, 1990 c. Ferdinand Marcos, 1978
b. Ramon Magsaysay, 1954 d. Manuel L. Quezon, 1936-1937
2. The winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the
year. What usual dates in a year does it fall?
a. June 21-22 c. March 21-22
b. December 21-22 d. September 21-22
3. It is defined as a dry creek/brook, which fills up only after a heavy
spell of rain.
a. Acid rain c. escarpment
b. Blizzard d. arroyo
4. It is the variations in climatic conditions, especially, in the rainfall
pattern and average temperature.
a. Climatology c. Climate Change
b. Drought d. Diurnal
5. A tide that occurs in the first and third quarters of the moon, caused
when the difference between the high tide and the low tide is the least.
a. neap tide b. ebb tide
c. red tide d. tidal wave
6. On January 23, 1899, the Malolos Republic was inaugurated at the
Barasoain Church in Malolos Bulacan. President Aguinaldo
congratulated the Malolos Congress for drafting the Malolos
Constitution. Later on, he formed his own cabinet that will run the
affairs of the government. Who among the following was elected as the
Secretary of the Interior?
a. Baldomero Aguinaldo c. Teodoro Sandico
b. Mariano Trias d. Apolinario Mabini
7. By the virtue of RA 4166, President Diosdado Macapagal signed in
the official date of Philippine Independence as June 12 from July 4. On
what years did the Philippine Independence celebrated as July 4?
a. 1946-1962 c. 1946-1964
b. 1945-1961 d. 1946-1961
8. In this right according to the constitution, no literacy, property or
substantive requirement shall be imposed on its exercise:
a. Citizenship c. appointment
b. Suffrage d. human right
9. What is not true about the legislative department as stipulated in
Article VI of the Philippine Constitution?
a. The House of Representative should not compose of more than 250
b. Senators could serve up to three consecutive terms
c. 35 years old is the age requirement for those who wish to run as
d. The term of office of the senators shall be six years
10. Which agency of the government is not covered on the common
provisions stipulated on Article IX of the constitution?
b. COA d. CSC
11. The Congress shall give highest priority to the enactment of
measures that protect and enhance the right of all the people to
human dignity, reduce social, economic, and political inequalities, and
remove cultural inequities by equitably diffusing wealth and political
power for the common good—in what particular article in the
constitution could it be found?
a. Social Justice and Human Rights c. Bill of Rights
b. National Economy and Patrimony d. General Provisions
12. The writ of habeas corpus protects/covers:
a. All cases of illegal confinement and detention which any person is
deprived of his liberty; or rightful custody of any person is withheld
from the person entitled
b. extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats thereof
c. the right to privacy in life, liberty or security of the aggrieved party
and covers extralegal killings and enforced disappearances
d. all of human rights violation cases
13. It denotes awarding a lesser sentence in place of one originally
awarded due to some special fact, such as the physical disability of
convict or the pregnancy of a woman offender.
a. Reprieve c. commutation
b. Remission d. respite
14. It implies a stay of the execution of a sentence (especially that of
death) for a temporary period. its purpose is to enable the convict to
have time to seek pardon or commutation from the President.
a. Reprieve c. commutation
b. Remission d. respite
15. This cabinet member of the Duterte administration apparently
resigned due to “delicadeza” that involved her in a scandal over the
placement of P60 million in tourism ads on her brothers' television
show that airs on state television.
a. Gina Lopez c. Bernadette Romulo-Puyat
b. Wanda Tulfo-Teo d. Patricia Licuanan
16. Among the listed advantages from the advocates of Federalism are the
following, except one:
a. The Philippines’ wealth will be allocated fairly among local governments
b. Regional authorities will retain a larger portion of their income, and will
only be required to give a small part to the state government they fall under.
c. It will have a great contribution to the economic development of the
country simply because Filipinos will now engage themselves in working
outside their own regions in the same way Filipinos choose to work overseas
(they may receive more incentives outside their area).
d. It will continue to proliferate political dynasties
17. Following the rationale proposed in federalism was the concept of
‘decentralization’. Which among the following best explains decentralization?
a. Providing local constituents with better public goods and services delivery
and a greater voice in matters of governance and policy.
b. It brings government closer to the people, making it more accountable
and responsive to local governance and development needs.
c. The invoked principle is that vesting local governments with sufficient
autonomy would enable them to steer local development better than the
central government.
d. All of the choices
18. In one of the interviews of House Speaker Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, she
emphasized that the federalism the Philippines would pursue is a Federal-
Presidential system, just like the US. Which best explains a federal-
presidential type of government?
a. The President is elected through a national election and heads the
executive branch. He/She has no sway on the judicial or legislative branches
except through party-line influence.
b. It encourages people to vote according to political parties.
c. The citizens elect their Members of Parliament (their representatives),
most often, based on the ideology of the party they belong to, not on their
d. The parliament elects its Prime Minister (PM) from among themselves.
19. What do you call the power of the electorate to approve or reject a
legislation through an election called for the purpose.
a. Initiative c. plebiscite
b. Referendum d. petition
20. What is the electoral process by which an initiative on the
Constitution is approved or rejected by the people.
a. Initiative c. plebiscite
b. Referendum d. petition
21. The British invasion of Manila:
a. 1760-1765 c. 1762-1764
b. 1762-1765 d. 1760-1764
22. What was the cult that alarmed the Spanish clergy that made them
kill its known leader Apolinario dela Cruz, aka Hermano Pule?
a. Cofradia de San Jose c. Cofradia de San Felipe
b. Congregacion de San Felipe d. Congregacion de San
23. The Cavite mutiny was used by the Spanish clergy to:
a. implicate Fathers Mariano Gomes, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora
or known as the GOMBURZA to rebellion.
b. seize the members of the Katipunan
c. arrest Andres Bonifacio
d. prosecute all members of the Filipino clergy
24. Which marked the declaration of war against Spain?
a. The death of GOMBURZA
b. The execution of Dr. Jose Rizal
c. The discovery of Katipunan
d. The exile of Rizal to Dapitan
25. This historical event signaled the secession of hostilities between
the Spanish government and the Filipino revolutionary leaders. This
also led to the voluntary exile of the revolutionary leaders to
a. Cry of Pugadlawin c. Battle of Manila Bay
b. Acta de Tejeros d. Pact of Biak-na-Bato
26. This signified the noninvolvement of the Muslims in the Filipino
American War.
a. Naic Military Agreement c. Treaty of Paris
b. Bates Treaty Agreement d. Pact of Biak-na-Bato
27. The Philippine National Anthem’s lyrics was composed by:
a. Julian Felipe c. Melchora Aquino
b. Antonio Luna d. Jose Palma
28. The end of the Philippine revolution was caused by:
a. Capture of Aguinaldo in Palanan, Isabela
b. The death of Andres Bonifacio
c. The execution of Dr. Jose Rizal
d. The discovery of Katipunan
29. The Philippine Military Academy was founded on February 19, 1905
at the Santa Lucia barracks Intramuros which was later transferred in
Baguio City on 1908. It has since then became the premiere military
school in the Philippines. Its former name was:
a. Philippine Constabulary Academy c. Philippine Constabulary
b. Philippine School of Constables d. Philippine Military
30. The Japanese invaded Manila on 1942. It fell on the hands of whose
Commander General of the Japanese Imperial Army?
a. Masaharu Homma c. Hirohito Masaki
b. Yokihiro Yamashita d. Masaharu Tanaka
31. Who was the founder of the La Liga Filipina?
a. Graciano Lopez-Jaena c. Jose Rizal
b. Marcelo H. del Pilar d. Andres Bonifacio
32. Rizal was known to be the following except one:
a. Sculptor c. essayist
b. Painter d. architect
33. Which law prohibits cockfighting, horse racing and jai-alai on the
thirtieth day of December of each year and to create a committee to
take charge of the proper celebration of Rizal day in every municipality
and chartered city, and for other purposes:
a. RA 1425 c. memorandum Order No. 247
b. RA 229 d. CHED Memorandum Order No. 3 s 1995
34. On this year, Rizal was exiled in Dapitan that ignited the fight of
many Filipinos against the Spaniards:
a. 1892 c. 1896
b. 1894 d. 1898
35. In this university, Rizal obtained his Licentiate in Medicine:
a. University of Santo Tomas c. Universidad Central de Madrid
b. Ateneo de Manila University d. University of Heidelberg
36. Adam Smith explained this as how self-interest guides the most
efficient use of resources in a nation’s economy, with public welfare
coming as a by-product:
a. The invisible hand c. laissez-faire
b. Mercantilism d. liberalism
37. The following countries practice mixed economy, except one:
a. USA c. Japan
b. The Philippines d. North Korea
38. The demand curve:
a. Is typically upward sloping and has negative relationship between
the price and the quantity demanded
b. Is typically downward sloping and has negative relationship between
the price and the quantity demanded
c. Is typically upward sloping and has positive relationship between the
price and the quantity demanded
d. Is typically downward sloping and has positive relationship between
the price and the quantity demanded
39. Perfectly inelastic demand takes place when a consumer will buy a
good/service regardless of the movement of the price. Example of this
would be:
a. Cancer medicines c. gold jewelry
b. Water bill d. parking space on a mall
40. If the price of one crate of orange originally costs Php 500 then
marked down to Php 450, the supplier stops the distribution. This is an
example of:
a. A perfectly inelastic supply c. a perfectly elastic supply
b. A unitary elastic demand d. an elastic supply
41. A tax of a fixed proportion of the value of the property with respect
to which the tax is assessed, and requires the intervention of assessors
or appraisers to estimate the value of such property before the amount
due from each tax payer can be determined.
a. Specific tax c. local tax
b. National tax d. ad valorem tax
42. This principle holds that individuals should be taxed in proportion
to the benefit they receive from the government and that taxes should
be paid by those people who receive the direct benefit of the
government programs and projects out of the taxes paid.
a. reciprocal distribution principle c. equal distribution principle
b. ability-to-pay principle d. the benefit principle
43. The following entities are exempted from taxation, except one :
a. Religious institution c. private cemeteries
b. Foreign diplomats d. charitable institutions
44. This form of escape from taxation happens when business owners
exhaust/utilize all allowable deductions or exemptions in law to lessen
or reduce the tax burden.
a. Tax minimization c. tax evasion
b. Shifting d. capitalization
45. A tax imposed on the net income or on the entire income received
by a taxpayer in one taxable period:
a. Real estate tax c. income tax
b. Poll tax d. excise tax
46. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law was fully implemented
into law thru RA 6657. On whose administration was it?
a. Ferdinad Marcos c. Diosdado Macapagal
b. Corazon Aquino d. Fidel V. Ramos
47. A natural person who renders service for value as an employee or
laborer in an agricultural land enterprise or farm regardless of whether
his compensation is paid on a daily, weekly, monthly or “pakyaw” basis.
a. Seasonal farm worker c. regular farm worker
b. Other farm worker d. farm worker
48. Which Republic Act amended the Philippine Cooperative Code of
a. RA 6939 c. RA 6657
b. RA 9520 d. RA 1425
49. Which is not a declared principle of cooperativism?
a. Open and involuntary membership c. limited interest in capital
b. Democratic control d. division of net surplus
50. Which cooperative engages in medical, and dental care,
hospitalization, transportation, insurance, housing, labor, electric light
and power, communication and other services?
a. Credit cooperative c. producers cooperative
b. Consumers cooperative d. service cooperative
51. This refers to a cultural preference that is highly commercialized
and mainstreamed.
a. High culture c. pop culture
b. Low culture d. mid culture
52. These are groups or clusters that directly oppose the existing
dominant culture.
a. Subculture c. cultural universals
b. Counter culture d. cultural lag
53. When culture is taken on its own context before casting judgement,
it is an attitude towards cultural variation called:
a. Ethnocentrism c. cultural relativism
b. Culture shock d. cultural lag
54. These are cultural practices found in one culture and virtually to the
rest of the cultures in the world.
a. Artifacts c. cultural transmission
b. Cultural universals d. ecofacts
55. A process in which meeting of different cultures leads to adopting
new cultural patterns by one or both groups whereas one culture.
a. Amalgamation c. acculturation
b. Assimilation d. enculturation
56. SARS and H1N1 are an example of a disease that became:
a. Epidemic c. endemic
b. Pandemic d. emic
57. In the stages of the evolution of man, they were known to be
bipedal and had a small skull with small brains than Homo erectus but
larger than their predecessors. Also, they had large teeth compared to
current day humans and were herbivorous. They also had large jaws.
a. Austrolophitecus afarensis c. Australopithecus robustus
b. Australopithecus ramidus d. Australopithecus africanus
58. They were omnivores, had skilful hands, developed the power of
thinking, producing art, more sophisticated tools and sentiments. They
were also known as ‘modern-day man’.
a. Homo sapiens c. homo habilis
b. Homo sapiens sapiens d. Homo sapiens neanderthelensis
59. When an artist becomes so interested and engrossed in one phase
of a scene that he does not show the subject at all as an object reality,
but only his idea of it, or his feeling about it, this referred to as:
a. Abstraction c. surrealism
b. Impressionism d. realism
60. His pen names include Plaridel, Siling Labuyo, Piping Dilat and
Dolores Manapat. He was also the second editor of the ‘La Solidaridad’.
a. Mariano Ponce b. Jose Rizal
c. Graciano Lopez-Jaena d. Marcelo H. Del Pilar

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