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An Overview on the Book of Genesis
Genre: Narrative History

The Date of Writing: 1450 B.C – 1410


Book of General Theme: God’s Authority,

Genesis Man’s Rebellion, God’s Judgement,

God’s Preservation of Life

Main Characters: Adam, Eve, Noah,

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
Significant Events
Part 1: The Origin of All Things Part 2: The History of God’s People
A. Creation (1:1-2:3) A. Abraham (11:27-25:11)
B. Adam (5:1-5:32) B. Isaac (25:19-28:9)
1. Adam and Eve C. Jacob (28:10-36:43)
2. Cain and Abel D. Joseph (37:1-50:26)
3. Adam’s Descendants
C. Noah (6:9-9:28)
A. Flood
B. Repopulation
C. Tower of Babel
Part 2: The History of God’s People
A. Abraham (11:27-25:11)
B. Isaac (25:19-28:9)
C. Jacob (28:10-36:43)
D. Joseph (37:1-50:26)
Part 2: The History of God’s People
A. Abraham (11:27-25:11)
1. God’s Promise to Abram
2. Sodom and Gomorrah
3. Birth and near sacrifice of Isaac
B. Isaac (25:19-28:9)
C. Jacob (28:10-36:43)
D. Joseph (37:1-50:26)
Part 2: The History of God’s People
A. Abraham (11:27-25:11)
B. Isaac (25:19-28:9)
1. Jacob and Esau
2. Isaac and Abimelech
3. Jacob gets Isaac’s blessing
C. Jacob (28:10-36:43)
D. Joseph (37:1-50:26)
Part 2: The History of God’s People
A. Abraham (11:27-25:11)
B. Isaac (25:19-28:9)
C. Jacob (28:10-36:43)
1. Jacob starts a family
2. Jacob returns home
A. Joseph (37:1-50:26)
Part 2: The History of God’s People
D. Joseph (37:1-50:26)
1. Sold into slavery
2. Thrown into Jail
3. Placed in charge of Egypt
4. Meeting of brothers in Egypt
5. Family moves to Egypt
6. Jacob and Joseph dies in Egypt
Covenant of Covenant of
Redemption Works

Covenants Covenant of Noahic

in Genesis Grace Covenant

Why Study the Covenants?
“The covenants are crucial… because they are
the backbone of the storyline of the Bible. The
Bible isn’t a random collection of laws, moral
principles, and stories. It is a story that goes
somewhere; it is the story of redemption, the
story of God’s kingdom. And the story unfolds
and advances through the covenants God made
with his people.
Why Study the Covenants?
If we don’t understand the covenants, we will
not and cannot understand the Bible because
we won’t understand how the story fits
together. The best way to see this is by quickly
surveying the covenants in the Scriptures.”
This covenant is unique:
The Covenant of 1. It was made between the
Redemption persons of the Trinity
(Pactum Salutis) 2. It was established before time
Biblical References:
The covenant established in eternity
• John 4:34
between the FATHER, who gives the
• John 6:37-40 Son to be the Redeemer of the elect
• John 17:1-2, 4-5 and requires of him the conditions
for their redemption; and the SON,
who voluntarily agrees to fulfill these
conditions; and the SPIRIT, who
voluntarily applies the work of the
The Covenant Definition:
God’s commitment to give Adam, and
of Works his posterity in him, eternal life fir
obedience or eternal death for
■ God is the one who made the
covenant, and he did so at creation.
Biblical References: He determined the terms of the
• Genesis 2-3 covenant.
• Hosea 6:7 ■ The promise of eternal life is based
• Romans 5:12-19 on Adam’s obedience.
■ The blessing/reward and
curse/punishment of the covenant
were ultimately eternal and spiritual
in nature.
■ God made the covenant with Adam
and all his posterity
The Covenant Definition:

of Grace The covenant between God and

believers with their children, in
which he promises their salvation
through faith in Christ, who
Biblical References: merited their salvation by his
• Genesis 3:15-24 obedience in the covenant of
• Hosea 6:7 redemption.
• Romans 5:12-19
Noahic Covenant Definition:

(Common Grace God’s undeserved kindness to all

people, no matter what their
Covenant) religious status.
- God will not judge the whole
Biblical References: earth with water again
• Genesis 8:20-9:17 - God makes his promise despite
human depravity
Abrahamic Covenant of grace established
Covenant with Abraham and his offspring,
wherein God promised the entire
future of his covenantal kingdom,
in both its old covenant and new
Biblical References: covenant stages
• Genesis 12 First stage of fulfillment: Israel
was the offspring and Canaan
was the Promised Land
Second stage of fulfillment:
Christ is the offspring and the
new heavens and new earth is
the promised land
Christocentric Theme
■Christ the Redeemer
■Christ the one through whom God
would bless all the nations
■Christ the Covenant Keeper

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