PS To Apss

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1. Intent and reference to APSS

a) Character of the material to be used

b) Method of execution of works

c) Contractor’s responsibilities and liabilities

2. Applicability of APSS

It shall be unnecessary to include in any contract document or

estimate a specification for any item of work which is defined by a
standard specification number

The fact that the item is defined as standard specification shall

mean that the contractor has to execute the work according to such
standard specification.

This preliminary specifications shall apply to all agreements and

shall form an inseparable part of the contract. It shall not be
necessary to append a copy of the same to the agreement.
3. Contractor to sign Divisional copy of APSS

• The contractor shall sign the divisional copy of

APSS as evidence that he understands the
conditions of contract governing his agreement
and accepts the same.
4. Specification apart from standard specification

• Whenever the term specification is used in the

contract document apart from standard
specification it shall mean the specification for
the particular item in the document.
5. Sub-specifications

• Works of similar nature having many common

clauses in their specifications are grouped
under one specification number with a general
preface there to and sub-specifications are
given and alphabetic affix.
6. Additions and alterations to the Standard
Specifications in the APSS

• Alterations that do not involve legal

implications shall be approved by the BOCE

• Additions and alterations to Preliminary

Specifications and standard forms shall be
approved by the Government.
7. Powers of Superintending Engineers and
Executive Engineers to supplement or alter the

• Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers

may alter the Standard Specifications for any
particular contract if such alteration is found
necessary, by attachment of a correction sheet to the
contract form.
8. Definition of terms

• Executive Engineer : Executive Engineer in-charge of the

work or such departmental assistant or subordinate to whom
Executive Engineer might have delegated certain duties.

• No delegation which effects agreement. The duties of such

assistants and subordinates will be solely duties of supervision
to ensure compliance with agreement conditions.

• Contractor: person, firm or corporation with whom agreement

has been made for executing the work defined in the
9. Evidence of experience

• Tenderers shall present satisfactory evidence

that they are regularly engaged in constructing
similar works and are fully prepared with
necessary capital, machinery and material to
begin the work propmptly.
10. Legal address
• Tenderers shall give in their tender, their place of
residence and postal address.

• Registered letter with acknowledgement to the

address is a sufficient service thereof up on the

• Service of notice up on the contractor personally.

B – Statement of approximate
quantities in Schedule-A
11. Quantities approximate and contractor
to verify nature and amount of work
• Quantities mentioned in tender notice and schedule-A
are worked out from drawings
• Quantities may or may not be actuals required for
• Executive Engineer reserves the right to increase or
decrease the quantity of any item of work
• Tenderer must satisfy himself by personal
examination of the site of work regarding adequacy
and accuracy of the quantities.
12. Approximate not to mean deviation
from the drawings and specifications

• This however, does not mean that quantities will be

decreased or increased for departure by the contractor
from strict compliance with the drawings and
13. To compare tenders

• The quantities in schedule-A are given for uniform

comparison of lump-sum tenders
14. Purpose

• The contract drawings read with contract

specifications are intended to show and explain the
manner of executing the work and to indicate the type
and class of material to be used.
15. Conformance

• Works shall be carried out as directed by and to the reasonable

satisfaction of the Executive Engineer in accordance with
drawings and specifications including supplements.
• If the contractor opines that the item of work as described in
the supplementary drawings is not commensurate with
schedule rate, he shall give a notice to the Executive Engineer
in writing.
• In case of any discrepancy in drawings and specifications it is
the responsibility of the contractor to bring it to the notice of
the Executive Engineer. In any discrepancy between drawings
and specifications the later shall prevail.
16. Variations by way of modifications,
omissions and additions

• No modification, omission or addition shall be made

unless so authorized and directed by the Executive
Engineer in writing.

• Executive Engineer shall have the privilege of

ordering modifications, omissions or additions any
time before completion of the work.
17. Copies of drawings and specifications

• One set of drawings and specifications shall be

furnished free of cost to the contractor.

• Such copies shall be kept on work site till completion

of work.

• Executive Engineer shall have access to such

drawings at all times
18. Signed drawings are no authority to the

• No signed drawing in itself shall be taken as an order

for variation, unless it is entered in the agreement or it
has been sent to the contractor with a covering letter
conforming that the drawing is an authority for
19. Finished sizes

• Figured dimensions and drawings are to be finished

20. To be the best quality

• The word ‘best’ shall mean that in the opinion of the

Executive Engineer no superior quality of material or
workmanship available in the market.
21. Conventions for proportions

• Wherever proportions are written by figures without

further description and there the meaning is otherwise
clear as to which figure is intended to apply to each
material, then the usual conventions will be
understood to apply.
22. Measurement and mixing

• Measurements not to be done in loose heaps but in

properly constructed boxes
23. Data

• The material and labour utilized in the execution of

work by the contractor shall not be less than that
given in the AP PWD standard data for the relevant
24. Lay out of material stacks

• The contractor shall deposit materials for the purpose

of work on such parts of ground as approved by the
Executive Engineer.
25. Source of purchase of materials and

• The Executive Engineer can demand the contractor to

purchase such materials and stores from sources as
may be specified in the contract for the purpose
therein specified.
26. Contractor liable for material supplied
by the Government

• The contractor shall be responsible for all material

and articles that are supplied by the Government.
27. Inspection and rejection of defective
material and work

• The contractor shall provide proper facilities at all

times for testing of material and inspection of work.
• Furnish test certificates supplied by the vendors
• The Executive Engineer shall have power to reject at
any stage any work which he considers defective in
quality of material or workmanship.
• Works opened for inspection
28. Defects shrinkage after completion

• Any defects shrinkage or other faults which may

appear within 2 years have to be made good by the
contractor at his own cost.
• If the Government takes over a portion of the work as
and when it is completed then the liability of the
contractor is limited to 2 years from the date of such
take over.
29. Executive Engineer’s decision

• It is an inseparable part of the contract that in matters

regarding quality of materials and workmanship as
well as interpretation of drawings and specifications
the Executive Engineer’s decision is final and
30. Dismissal of workmen

• The Executive Engineer may order dismissal from

work any person, who in his opinion is incompetent
or misconduct himself and such person shall not be
again employed on the works without written
31. Contractor’s agent and staff

• The contractor shall, in his own absence keep a

competent agent constantly on the works.

• Any direction or explanation given to the agent shall

be held to have been given to the contractor.
32. Government agent

• The Government may be represented on the works by

an agent, clerk of works or maistri who is not borne
on the official list of officers and subordinates of
33. Defining contract schedule rates

• The rate entered in a contract schedule shall be for

finished work in situ. It includes direct construction
expenses and taxes/levies imposed by an outside
• Such contingent expenses shall not entitle the
contractor to claim an extra.
34. Carriage

• The rate for finished item includes conveyance charge

of all materials.
• Whenever the term conveyance is used it includes all
leads, lifts, loading, unloading and stacking unless it
is otherwise specified.
• No payment for empty return trips.
35. Construction plant

• The contractor shall include in his tendered price and

shall provide and install all necessary construction
plant for satisfactory completion of the work
36. Scaffolding instructions

• All requisite scaffolding shall be provided at

contractor’s expense
• Contractor is responsible for any damages to the
property or injuries to persons arising out of ill-
erected scaffolding
37. Temporary structures

• Temporary weather-proof sheds for storage of

• Sheds for housing workmen
38. Water and lighting

• Contractor shall provide for water and lighting for

works as well as workmen
39. Washrooms for workpeople

• Contractor shall provide for sufficient washrooms for

men and women before commencement of the work
40. Protection from sun and rain

• The contractor shall provide for protection of work

and materials against sun and rain
41. Tools and seigniorage

• Contractor is responsible for all import duties, tolls,

octroi duties, seigniorages, quarry fees, sales tax etc.,
42. Setting out works

• Contractor shall be responsible for correct setting out

of works at his own cost.
43. Cleaning up during progress and for

• All rubbish and debris shall be removed from site as

it accumulates
• When the work is completed and ready for hand over
the contractor shall give notice to the Executive
• Executive Engineer should take over within a month.
44. Observance of laws – local regulations
- attachments

• Contractor shall conform to regulations and bye-laws of the

local authority as well as providers of water and lighting.

• Indemnify Government against any claim or liability arising

from violation of any such law, regulation, ordinance, order,
decree or attachment, whether by himself or his employee
45. Accidents, hoarding, lighting and
• Where excavations made or obstacles placed on
public thoroughfares suitable hoarding, lighting and
watchmen necessary

• Protect public and employees from accidents. Insure

against provisions of the workmen compensation act.

• Indemnify the Government against all claims arising

out of workmen compensation act VIII of 1923.
46. Blasting

• Prior permission
• Fixed hours
• Barriers and red flags
• Transport and handling of explosives
• Qualified and licensed workmen
47. Protection of adjoining and existing premises

• Make good any damage done

48. Permit other workmen – cooperation –
afford facilities

• The contractor shall at all times permit, cooperate,

assist and extend facilities to the other workmen
attending to work not covered under his contract
49. Holes for water service, gas, electrical
and sanitary fittings

• Contractor shall leave all holes in masonry and floors

for pipes and sanitary fittings
50. contractor’s risk and insurance

• Shall arrange his own insurance against fire and other

usual risks

• Contractor shall not be liable for loss or damage

arising out of acts of God.
51. Holidays

• No work shall be done on Sundays without the

written permission of the Executive Engineer.
• Shall comply with the provisions of all relevant laws
and acts.
52. Sand and gravel

• Shall not make any excavation up on the site for

obtaining sand, gravel or soil other than that shown in
the drawing
53. Old curiosities

• All old curiosities, relics, coins, minerals etc found in

excavating shall be the property of the Government
and shall be handed over to the Executive Engineer.
54. Assignment or sub-letting

• No portion should be sub-let without the written

consent of the Executive Engineer.

• Sub-letting when permitted shall not absolve the

contractor from his obligations under the contract.
55. Specialists

• Executive Engineer has power to select, nominate or

recommend tradesmen or specialists to supply
material or execute such portion of the work as he
may consider desirable in the interest of the
56. Ratification of the orders of the
Executive Engineer

• If the acceptance of tender is beyond the authority of

the Executive Engineer then all his orders concerning
extension, termibation and specialists etc are subject
to ratification by the higher authority who entered in
to the agreement.
57. Order book

• An order book shall be kept at PWD office at site of

work. All orders regarding work are to be entered in
this book. All entries shall be signed and dated by the
officer in-charge of the work and the contractor or his
agent. Order book shall not be removed from site
without the written permission of the Executive
58. Date of commencement and completion

• Date of handing over of site is the date of


• Contractor can withdraw from the contract and claim

refund of security deposit if such handing over
delayed by more than 2 months
59. Delays and extension of time

• Reasonable extension of time shall be granted for

unavoidable delays due to causes beyond the control
of the contractor
• 25% in excess of the actual period lost
• Executive Engineer failing to issue necessary
• Authorised alterations and additions made during the
60 (a). Delay in commencement or progress
of work
• Advise the contractor in writing and demand
• If the contractor fails to comply within 7 days
Executive Engineer may determine the contract with
forfeiture of deposits as well as value of work done
and not paid
• Superintending Engineer at his sole discretion may
waive or modify the penalty.
60 (b). Delay in commencement or
progress of work

• Not withstanding the failure of the contractor to

comply with the demand the Executive Engineer may
permit the contractor to continue with the work
• It shall not be deemed a waiver of right to forfeiture
• Forfeiture under this clause shall not exceed 5% of
the contract value
• Higher authority may waive or modify the penalty or
60 (c). Delay in commencement or progress
of work
• May give any part of the work to any other contractor
to maintain rate of progress
• Up on completion of such part the Executive
Engineer certifies the expenditure incurred
• If less than that of contract value it would not be
given to the contractor
• If more than that of contract value it would be
recovered from the contractor subjected to a ceiling
limit of 5% of total contract value
61. Suspension of work by contractor
• Notice to contractor to resume work
• If the contractor fails to comply in 14 days, the Government
may enter up on and take possession of site, all plant and
• Government takes steps to complete the work without undue
• Up on completion of work the Executive Engineer certifies the
expenditure incurred
• If less than that of contract value it would not be given to the
• If more than that of contract value it would be recovered from
the contractor
62. Payment on lump-sum basis or by final
measurement or unit prices

• Payment for work done on the basis of measurements

• Over payments regularized in subsequent or final bill

• Payment of final bill less withheld amounts and his

acceptance shall constitute a full and absolute release
of the Government from all further claims under the
63. Payment for additions and deduction
for omissions
• Contractor is bound to execute supplemental items
• Either tender rate or SSR +/- tender percentage
whichever is less
• Rate derived from adding or subtracting from the
agreement rate of similar item
• For new item SSR +/- tender percentage
• In the event of rate dispute other parties may be
engaged for additional works
• Otherwise observed data plus 10%
64. No payment for unsanctioned extras

• No payment if variations made without the written

sanction of the Executive Engineer.
65. Accounts receipts and vouchers

• All invoices receipts and vouchers in connection with

the contract shall be furnished on demand
66. Fraud, willful neglect or default

• No certificate of payment final or otherwise or

settlement of accounts shall absolve the contractor
from liability for any fraud or default.
67. Unfixed material

• No payment or advance for unfixed material when the

rate is for finished item of work
68. Payment and certificates

• Frequency of certificates 14 days

• For intermediate certificates 92.5% of the value of
work done
• After completion of work 97.5% of the value of work
69. Interest on money due to contractor

• Contractor not entitled to interest for any omission

payment of dues
• Contractor may deposit interest bearing securities in
place of securities
70. Acceptance of final measurements

• I do hereby release and discharge from any and all

claims and demands whatsoever arising out of or in
connection with this contract.
71. Recovery of amount from contractor

• Government entitled to retain or deduct amount from

this contract or any other contract or any other
72. Contractor dying, becoming insolvent,
insane or imprisoned

• Contract terminated and all work done value paid and

accounts closed
73. Arbitration

• Chief Engineer shall submit a report to the

Government on the award of the arbitrator

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