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New species of

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 Culiseta is a genus of mosquitoes.

 Most Culiseta species are cold-adapted,
and only occur in warmer climates during
the colder parts of the year or at higher
elevations where temperatures are lower.
 These species are found throughout the year
in Southern California and feed on several
vertebrate species encompassing birds,
livestock, rodents, reptiles and humans.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.


 Laboratory experiments on predation

by Lutzia (Metalutzia) fuscana under arid conditions
showed that it preyed primarily on Aedes aegyptilarvae,
and to lesser extents on Anopheles stephensi and Culex
quinquefasciatus larvae, with an average daily
consumption of 18-19 larvae/day, suggesting that under
the proper conditions they could be useful in reducing
domestic mosquito breeding in mosquito populations in
desert environments where due to limited water sources,
mosquito vectors must share the available breeding This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.


 Haemagogus is a genus of mosquito in

the dipteran family Culicidae.
 They mainly occur in Central America and northern South
 They tend to live in the canopy of forests where the female
lays eggs in between layers of tree bark or in cut bamboo.
 The eggs adhere to the surface and when submerged by
rain water develop into larvae.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.


 Mansonia mosquitoes are big, black or brown mosquitoes

with sparkling on their wings and legs.
 They breed in ponds and lakes containing certain aquatic
plants, especially the floating type like pistia stratiotes
and water hyacinth.
 The larvae and pupae are found attached to the rootlets
of these plants by their siphon tubes. They obtain their air
supply from these rootlets. When about to become adult,
these pupae come to the surface of water and the fully
formed adults emerge and escape.
 The control of Mansonoia mosquitoes is easy by removal or
destruction of the aquatic host plants by herbicides.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.


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