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What is Ideology?

• A system of ideas and ideals, especially

onr that forms basis of economic or polit
ical theory and policy
• The collection or normative beliefs and v
What is Anarchism?
• It is an ideology that is defined by the central belief
that political authority in all its forms, especially i
n the form of the state, is both evil and unnecessary
• According to Kropotkin, Anarchism is a name given to a
principle or theory of life and conduct under which soc
iety is conceived without government
• Anarchism is an anti-authoritarian
• It rejects hierarchies deemed unjust and advocates thei
r replacements self-managed, self-governed societies ba
sed on voluntary, cooperative institutions
What is the significance o
f Anarchism?
• Anarchism is a political system that hold
s there should be no government
• Anarchism rests on the faulty notion of g
• It promotes that a government is a domina
nt force that decides for the actions of
• This talks about the individual rights
Who has the power in Anarc
• Anarchy is a society without a government
• Anarchist are people who believe in anarc
hism and desire to live in anarchy as all
our ancestors once did
• Anarchists have many positive ideas about
life for the sake of people
Is Anarchism illegal?

• Having this belief is perfectly legal

• This advocate change through non-violent,
nom-criminal means
• Being an Anarchist is also legal, it supp
orts the aim and purpose of Anarchism
What is the aim of Anarchi
• Anarchism aims the society where all the
institutions and collective decision maki
ng structures are based on self-managemen
Anarchism in the Philippi
• According to a Filipino Anarchism Researcher, Anar
chism in the Philippines has still a long way to g
• Anarchism was been a widespread political belief w
orldwide since the industrial revolution in Europe
• Iceland was the first anarchist country in the wor
• Anarchism is also legal in Switzerland, Luxembourg
What other thought about A
• When people hear the word “anarchy” or
“Anarchism”, they think of chaos
• It brings to mind images of gangs fightin
g in the streets, looting and rioting, wi
thout a police force to help end the madn

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