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Multimedia is any combination of text, graphic,
sound, animation and video that is delivered by
When you allow the user to control what and
when these elements are delivered, it is interactive
Basic Tools
Text Editing
Word Processing
Word Processor
 A word processor is usually the first software tool computer
users learn
 An office suite that might include spreadsheet, database, e-
mail, web browser and presentation applications
 Word processors such as Microsoft Word ,WordPerfect &
Open Office are powerful applications
 Include spell checkers, table formatters, thesauruses,
prebuilt templates for letters, résumés, purchase orders, and
other common documents
 We can embed sound, images and video
OCR Software
 OCR software turns bitmapped characters into
electronically recognizable ASCII text.
 A scanner is typically used to create the bitmap Then the
software breaks the bitmap into chunks according to
whether contains text or graphics.
 Probability and expert system algorithms is used for
 Most OCR applications claim about 99 percent accuracy
 Recognize 8- to 36-point printed characters at 300 dpi &
process 150 characters per second
Drawing Tools
 Painting, drawing tools, as well as 3-D modelers are the most
important items for mm development.

 Painting software
 Photoshop, Fireworks, and Painter

 Drawing software
 CorelDraw, FreeHand, Illustrator, Designer, and Canvas

 Macromedia’s Flash
 Both capability
Features of Drawing or Painting Tool
Pull-down menus, status bars, palette control, and dialog
boxes for quick selection
Multiple undo capabilities, to let you try again
A history function for redoing effects, drawings, and text
A screen capture facility
The ability to pour a color, pattern, or gradient into any
The ability to paint with patterns and clip art
Customizable pen , brush shapes and sizes
 Support for scalable text fonts and drop shadows
 Painting features like smoothing, anti-aliasing etc
 Support for third-party special-effect plug-ins
 Zooming, for magnified pixel editing
 Good file importing and exporting capability for image
formats such as PIC, GIF, TGA, TIF, PNG, WMF, JPG,
 Scalable dimensions, so that you can resize, stretch, and
distort both large and small bitmaps
 We can create geometric shapes, from squares to circles &
from curves to complex polygons
3-D Modeling
Animation Tools
 3-D is an abbreviation for “three dimensions”
 2-D has X-Y axes. 3-D has X-Y & Z axes
 3-D is more realistic than 2-D
 S/w available are AutoDesk’s Maya, Strata 3D, and
Avid’s SoftImage etc
 Blender – A strong cross platform software
 Google SketchUp – Limited capability (free tool)
 Import feature to Quick time and MPEG
Features of a good 3-D editing Tools
 Multiple windows that allow you to view your model in each
dimension, from the camera’s perspective, and in a rendered
 The ability to drag and drop primitive shapes into a scene
 Color and texture mapping
 The ability to add realistic effects such as transparency,
shadowing & fog
 The ability to add spot, local, and global lights, to place them
anywhere & manipulate them for special lighting effects
 Unlimited cameras with focal length control
 The ability to draw spline-based paths for animation
Image - Editing
Image-editing applications are powerful tools used for
 creating
 Enhancing
 Retouching existing bitmapped images.
Photoshop, Corel Draw, MS Paint, GIMP.. – Image
editing Tools

Support powerful plug-in modules available

from third-party developers that allow us to wrap,
twist, shadow, cut, diffuse and filter our image for
special visual effects.
Features of a Image Editing Tools
 Multiple windows that provide views of more than one image
at a time
 Conversion of major image-data types and industry-standard
file formats
 Direct inputs of images from scanner and video sources
 Employment of a virtual memory scheme that uses hard disk
space as RAM for images that require large amounts of
 Capable selection tools, such as rectangles, lassos, and magic
wands, for selecting portions of a bitmap
 Image and balance controls for brightness, contrast, and
color balance
 Good masking features
 Multiple undo and restore features
 Anti-aliasing capability, and sharpening and smoothing
 Color-mapping controls for precise adjustment of color
 Tools for retouching, blurring, sharpening, lightening,
darkening, smudging, and tinting
 Geometric transformations such as flip, skew, rotate, and
distort, and perspective changes
 The ability to resample and resize an image
 The ability to create images from scratch, using line,
rectangle, square, circle, ellipse, polygon, airbrush,
paintbrush, pencil, and eraser tools
Sound - Editing
 Enables the user to see music as well as hear sound.

 This is done by drawing a representation of sound

in fine increments.

 Enable the user to create custom system beeps.

 System beeps are pre-packaged sounds that indicate

an error, warning or special user activity.
Animation, Video
Digital Movie
 Animation is a sequence of bitmapped graphic scenes
or frames, rapidly played back.
 Animations can be made within some authoring
systems by moving objects or sprites to simulate
 Moviemaking tools take advantage of QuickTime and
AVI formats to create, edit, and present digitized
motion video segments.
 Digital video editing and playback require a large
amount of free disk space.
 It is necessary to compress movie files before delivery.
 When working with digital video, it is necessary to
defragment and optimize the disk before recording
and playing back movie files.
 Compression ratio is the size of the original image
divided by the size of the compressed image.
 Compression can by lossy or lossless.
 Lossy schemes ignore picture information the
viewer may not miss.
 Lossless schemes preserve the original data
Quick Time
 Is a software-based architecture for integrating sound,

text, animation, and video on Macintosh and Windows


 Is an extensible system for multimedia delivery.

 Can deliver 3-D animations, virtual reality, and streaming

audio-video on the Web.

 The three QuickTime elements are Movie file format, Media
Abstraction Layer, and Media services.

 Includes built-in support for ten different media types.

 Offers a comprehensive set of services.

 Allows embedded commands in HTML documents.

Audio Video Interleaved (AVI)
 Is a Microsoft-developed format for playing full-motion

interleaved video and audio sequences in Windows.

 Does not require specialized hardware.

 Is an inextensible, open environment.

 Lacks serious video editing features.

 The OpenDML format was developed to make AVI more

 QuickTime and Audio Video Interleaved (AVI)
formats support special algorithms, provide a
methodology for interleaving, and allow organized
streaming of data from disk into memory.

 Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) is a hardware format

that uses laser light to store and read digital
Helpful Accessories
Screen-capture software enables the user
to move bitmapped images by placing
them on the clipboard.

Format converters are useful for projects

where the source material originates on
different platforms.
 Word processors and OCR software are used to
handle text in multimedia.

 Painting and drawing tools, 3-D modeling tools, and

image editing tools manipulate the graphical
content of the project.

 QuickTime for Macintosh and AVI for Windows are

the two most widely used video formats.

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