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■ Hierarchy is the word which is derived from Greek i.e.,hierarkhia,``rule of high priest”.is an
arrangement of items in which the items are represented as being “above,below(or) at the
same lead as one another
■ The principle of hierarchy implies that in most if not all architectural compositions,
real differences exist among their forms and spaces.
■ A hierarchy can link entities either directly or indirectly and either vertically or
■ The only direct links ina a hierarchy, insofar as they are hierarchial, are to one’s
immediate superior or to one of one’s sub ordinates.
Hierarchy by size

■ A form(or) space may dominate an

architectural composition by being
significantly different in size from all
other elements in the composition.
■ Naormally this dominance is made
visible by the sheer size of an
■ In some cases, an element in the
organisation, but placed in a well-
defined setting
Hierarchy by shape

■ A form or space can be made

visually dominant and they
important by clearly differentiating
its shape from that of the other
elements in composition
Hierarchy by placement

■ A form or space may be strategically

placed in attention to itself as being
the most important element in a
■ Hierarchially inmportant locations
for a form (or) space include.
Termination of axial organisation
Symmetrical organisation of
. Radial organisation
■ These differences reflect the degree of important of these forms and spaces as well as the
functional formal and symbolic roles they play in the organisation

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