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Tiglao, Elton D.
Table Checklist
- Helps ensure that data in your
table are effectively presented and
conform to the style rules.
■ Is the table necessary?
■ Does it belong in the print version of the article, or can it o in an online supplemental file?
■ Are all comparable tables in the manuscript consistent in presentation?
■ Is the title brief but explanatory?
■ Does every column have a column head?
■ Are all abbreviations explained, as well as use of italics, parentheses, italics, dashes, boldface, and
special symbols?
■ Are the notes in the following order: general note, specific note, probability note?
■ Are all vertical rules eliminated?
■ Are confidence intervals reported for all major estimates? Is the confidence level stated, and is the
same level of confidence used for all tables and throughout the paper?
■ If statistical significance testing is used. Are all probability level values correctly identified? Are asterisks
attached to the appropriate table entries only when needed? When used, is a probability level assigned
the same number of asterisks in all tables in the same paper?
■ If all or part of a copyrighted table is reproduced or adapted, do the table notes give full credit to the
copyright owner? Have you received written permission for reuse from copyright holder and sent a copy
of that written permission to the journal editor with the final version of your paper?
■ Is the table referred to in text?
Is the table necessary?
We have found out in our research that
Siberian Huskies are smarter than
Daschunds, and Terriers.
 Must be integral to the text, but can
stand alone.
 In canonical form Is supported by
 Do not repeat text from the research
Does it belong in the print version
or online supplemental file?
 Print version – tables of primary importance that support your
 Supplemental file – extra information, additional references, raw
data, other computational details, etc.
Is the title brief, but explanatory?

 Must be italicized
 Enough detail for a clear and explanatory title

Are all comparable tables

 Formats, Abbreviations, terminology, and probability level values
must be consistent across tables.
 Do not repeat the same data in different tables
Does every column have a column
 Column head
entries in the
 Use column
spanners if
Are all abbreviations explained, as well
as special use of italics, parentheses,
and special symbols?
 Important abbreviations must be explained in the body, or by
using a general note.
 Standard abbreviations such as %, or no., can be used without

Hit and False Alarm (FA) Proportions in Experiment 2 (TITLE)
Note. EWCB = extreme weight control behaviors.
Are the notes in the following order:
general note, specific note, probability
General Note Adapted from “Book ABC”, by John Appleseed.
Specific Note 3Control variables included age, race, and education.
Probability Note *p < .10
Are vertical rules eliminated?

 Use lines only that are

necessary for clarity.
 Use of white spaces
makes it more
readable than lines
Are confidence intervals reported for all major
point estimates?

 Use same level of confidence intervals, for example 95%

throughout the paper

If statistical significance is used, are all

probability level values correctly identified?
 Use asterisks to assign probability levels (Probability Note)
Do table notes give full credit to the copyright
owner? Have you received written permission for
reuse from the copyright holder?
 Require permission to reproduce data displays from
another author.
Is the table referred to in text?

 Tables are integral to the text.

 Explain what the reader should look for when using the table.
 Tables help what information is to be delivered to the reader.

e.g. As shown in Table 2, the ..... OR (see Table 2). Tell the
reader what to look for, but only mention the major points
of the table.
■ A figure is any type of illustration other than a table.
■ Use figures to complement information in text or to simplify
■ Used when it provides more information than using Tables.
Considerations when using tables
■ It must substantively add to the understanding of the paper
■ Is the figure the best way to communicate the information?
■ Degree to which the figure can be produced in a way that
captures essential information
Example of effectively using figures

Figure 1. Transmission of two bits at the same time

using QPSK Digital Modulation.
Online Supplemental Archives
■ It is recommended to add figures in online archives that
would support the research paper.
■ Materials not displayed in print format, such as video
■ These materials must be understood on their own
Types of Figures
■ Graphs
■ Charts
■ Maps
■ Drawings
■ Photographs

Graph - % of Adult Patients

*There may be variations and distinctions are not clear

*Manipulated information must be disclosed to the reader
Types of Figures
■ Graphs
■ Charts
■ Maps
■ Drawings
■ Photographs

*There may be variations and distinctions are not clear
*Manipulated information must be disclosed to the reader
Types of Figures
■ Graphs
■ Charts
■ Maps
■ Drawings
■ Photographs

*There may be variations and distinctions are not clear
*Manipulated information must be disclosed to the reader
Types of Figures
■ Graphs
■ Charts
■ Maps
■ Drawings
■ Photographs

*There may be variations and distinctions are not clear
*Manipulated information must be disclosed to the reader
Effecively using Figures

■ Illustrate
Effecively using Figures

■ Represent a theory
graphically through a
set path of models
Effecively using Figures

■ Show the flow of

participants in a
survey study
Effecively using Figures

■ Define an

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