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By: Indra Yana Musdalifa

01 Definition of Study Approprieteness Business

02 General Description of Mie Ayam Mbot

03 Aspects study approprieteness of Mie Ayam Mbot

Definition of Study
Approprieteness Business

Study appropriateness business is a activity to evaluate, analyzze

and evaluate appropriate or not a effort business that run.
General Description of Business
Mie Ayam Mbot is a business culinary that sell chicken noodle product. This busine
ss was pioneered by Rizky in 2010 and in 2012 was taken over by Eco. Mie Ayam M
bot has 2 locations, namely the sales location in Surantaka and the production area is
in Dayakarta . This business has 4 workers. In addition to selling directrlu at the kios
location , Mie Ayam Mbot provide also delivery service.
Study appropriateness business Mie Ayam Mbot

Aspect Non Finansial Aspect Finansial

• Market and Marketing Aspect • Payback Period

• Legal Aspect • Internal Rate Of Return
• Technical or operational Aspect • Net Present Value
• Management and Operation Aspect • Benefit Cost Ration
• Economic and Social Aspect • Break Event Point
• Environmental Aspect • Analisis Sensitivitas

Worthy Not Feasible

Continue the Business Re-evaluation

Aspek Non Finansial
1 • Market and Marketing Aspect
Market Form
The form of market in Mie Ayam Mbot is Perfect Competition, while from the consumer m
arket side, Mie Ayam Mbot is doing direct sales to consumers so that this business is includ
ed direct sales market category

Analisys Competitor
Mie Ayam Mbot focus on chicken noodle products with various complementary variations a
dditionally, Mie Ayam Mbot is a new thing and have difference with the other
Analisys STP

Targeting Positioning
Mix Strategy Marketing
1. Original chicken noodles
2. Chicken meatball noodles
3. Tofu meatball chicken noodles pricing is done with
4. Chicken noodles, egg meatballs consider the price of the product
5. Chick chicken noodles
same on the market.
6. Complete meatball chicken noodles know
7. Chicken eggs complete noodles
8. I know meatballs
9. Egg sauce meatballs
Mix Strategy

The location is owned by chicken
1. Direct Promotion
2. Spread of pamphlets or brochures
Mbot is in Surantaka District
3. Social Media
Kalijati Subang Regency.
4. Website
2 Legal Aspects
Mbot chicken noodle business does not have legality, because it does not have a permit
businesses needed by micro, small and medium enterprises.
3 Technical and Operational Aspects
Business Location

F E Ket:
A: Storefront
B: Refrigerator
C C C: Desk
D: Chair
F: Sink

Layour kios Mie Ayam Mbot

Production process
The production process carried out by Mbot chicken noodles focuses on
production of materials - materials or constituent materials for products end.

Sales Process
The raw materials produced from the production process will be below the worke
rs sales at kiosk locations.

4 Management and Organization Aspects

Organizational structure

Sales Sales Production Production

Force Force Force Force
Job description

Owner (leader)

Production worker

Sales worker

Compensation System
The system of providing compensation to workers in Mbot chicken noodles is carried out at the end
of each month. The salary given is Rp. 750,000; - every month.
5 Economic and Social Aspects

Economic Aspects: Increase the amount of income both for business owners
and workers.
Social Aspects: Open opportunities for employment opportunities and can abs
orb a number of workers from the surrounding community
6 Environmental Aspects
In the business of chicken noodles Mbot the waste produced is residual waste
from the production process and waste from the sales process.
Aspek Finansial
7 Financial aspect
Funding Needs

Funding Needs

Investment Capital Needs Working Capital Needs

• Building rental fee (5 years) • Raw material costs
• Equipment and equipment costs • Cost of packaging needs
• Labor costs
Acceptance Plan
Evaluation of Profit and Loss Calculation
Analysis of Investmen Criteria

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