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The Evaluation of Hoarseness And Its Treatment

Program Pendidikan Profesi Dokter

Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Telinga Hidung dan Tenggorok
Rumah Sakit Tentara Dr. Soedjono

Disusun oleh :
Nurul Hidayati

Pembimbing :
Kolonel CKM (Purn) dr. Budi Wiranto, Sp.THT-KL
The Evaluation of Hoarseness And Its

Deba Jyoti Roy , Nirupama Moran

IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences

publish : Agustus 2017
• Hoarseness is defined as roughness of voice resulting
from variations of periodicity or intencity of consecutive
sound waves.

• Study was conducted in the department of
otholaryngology. IQ City Medica College, Narayana
Multispeciality Hospital, Durgapur, India.
• From August 2015 until February 2017
• Hoarseness is defined as roughness of voice resulting
from variations of periodicity or intencity of consecutive
sound waves.
• For the epidemiology: Hoarseness is reason of about 1%
all consultation in primary care.
• The vocal apparatus consists of the respiratory system,
larynx, supraglotical tract to produce high quality voice
with a bernoulli effect.
• Larynx consists of fold shaped muscles and is covered by
mucous membrane,
• Vocal fold consists of membranous and catilagines

• Study as conducted in the department of otholaryngology.
IQ City Medica College, Narayana Multispeciality
Hospital, Durgapur, India.
• August 2015 until February 2017
• Inclusion : patient with detailed clinical history and
physical examination who has a hoarseness

Matherial and method

• Figure 1
• Tabel 2
• Figure atas tabel 2
• Most voice disorder are multifactorial in etiology
• The only hoarseness that can be treated
pharmacologically is because of LPR or GERD.
• Antibiotic is used if there’s rhinosinusitis or any chronic
infection in laryng or trachea
• Microlaryngoscopy is used to make a staging of tumor
and determining a sebsequent therapy.
• Surgery is indicated to treat tumor and inadequate vocal
fold closure

• Proper diagnosis for hoarseness through a detailed history
and examination is very important.
• The etiology is quite variative.
• Voice therapy, vocal cord surgery, and drug therapy is an
effective thrapy once the case is available and clear.


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