Rishabh Soni Report

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(Building Construction)
June-July 2019

By-Rishabh Soni
Delhi Technological University
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my mentor Mr. Suvratt Tiwari for
providing his invaluable guidance, comments and suggestions throughout the
course of the Internship. I would specially thank Mr. Suvratt & his team for
constantly motivating me to work harder and giving me immense exposure of
the industry.

Also I would like to thank HILTI India for providing me this opportunity to work
with you. I learnt a lot about the corporate world & various sales related skills
during the period.

Further on, I want to thank the whole Gurgaon Sales Team who made this time
a wonderful but quite efficient as well.
1. Acknowledgement
2. Preface
3. About HILTI
4. Products
INDEX • Cordless Tools
• Power Tools
• Dust Management & Vacuum Cleaners
• Tool Inserts
• Measuring Tools and Scanners
• Fasteners
• Fire stop & Fire Protection
• Modular Support System
5. HILTI Business Model
6. Application Mapping
7. Sales Pitch
8. Demo (Rebar)- Pull Out Test
9. Complaints
10. Collection
11. Conclusion
This report is based on my personal experience throughout the internship
period. All the learnings and tasks performed are mentioned in this whole

Firstly I have laid down the basic info of the products & HILTI culture which I
learnt during the initial days and then I have compiled all the major tasks I
carried out during this 8 week period.

My mentor tried to give me enough exposure in all the domains of sale i.e.
Application Mapping, product pitch, demo(s), tests, taking orders, payment
collection, repairs, complaints etc. I have categorized my learnings into two:
Theoretical Learnings & Practical Learnings.
• Hilti supplies the construction industry worldwide with leading edge
products, systems and services. They offer the construction professional
innovative solutions with superior added value.

• Hilti stands out through superior innovation, top quality, direct customer
relationships and effective marketing. Founded in 1941 as a family
company, Hilti has developed since then into a world-class company.

• Hilti woks on the basis of clear values and orients itself towards a
stakeholder value approach. The company takes into consideration the
interests of all the partners involved with the company – the customers,
suppliers and employees – and actively examines its responsibility for
society and the environment. This leads to a sound foundation of trust
that makes possible the long-term success of the company.
Hilti Deals in variety of segments to provide solution to all construction
related issues. The various Segments include-

 Cordless Tools
 Power Tools
 Dust Management & Vacuum Cleaners
 Tool Inserts
 Measuring Tools and Scanners
 Fasteners
 Firestop & Fire Protection
 Modular Support System
 Construction Chemicals
HILTI is a global business, based in more than 120 countries worldwide offering a complete
solution for the professional construction industry – supplying technology, software and
services worldwide.

We believe strongly in close and trusted relationships with our customers. We run a direct
sales model, with around 15,000 of our Hilti team members working directly with our
customers, worldwide. We work closely with our customers online, on the phone and onsite.
We also run our own string of Hilti Stores where the construction industry can buy Hilti
products directly from our own stores. Our sales reps and field engineers go out onsite,
helping to find solutions – whether it’s choosing the right kind of nail or designing a rebar
system for a major metro system.


At Hilti we know construction is dangerous and full of challenges. So we’re constantly
working to find solutions to make working on site faster, easier and safer. We run our own
research and design labs, with specialist scientists and engineers. We also work with top
technical universities worldwide to share research and push our boundaries even further.
Every project requires proper planning and mapping before the actual processes
begin. Such is the case in building construction. Proper plans are laid out and all the
components planned and studied thoroughly to prevent any failure in future.

Application Mapping is a primary process which basically lays out all the application
solutions HILTI can provide at a certain construction site. The quantum of work is
estimated and on that basis quantity is decided and we try to provide the client with
most efficient & safe solutions.

Here are the various aspects of Application Mapping

Contacting Various Stakeholders

Stakeholders like contractors, project managers, supervisors etc carry lots of
important information like the quantum of work, the planned design etc so that we
can estimate our business that we can take at a particular site.
Site Visits
Having a practical look at the site and the work going on helps in estimating the
various applications HILTI can provide. We can then suggest and recommend the
client as per those. HILTI engineers are professionals with immense technical
knowledge so these recommendations are made while keeping the safety as
primary concern.

Many a times client understands the proper application via Demo i.e. practically
using the machine at site. HILTI provides that service as well, our engineers visit the
site and perform the demo.

Application Mapping also gives us a brief idea about the possible business HILTI can
receive at a particular site and help in increasing it’s market share.
During the internship I got an opportunity to perform Application Mapping of a
Major Project in Gurugram. Here are the important Insights-



1. Important Information Collected Regarding Project-

Project Architect Project Application Project End BC Façade PMC Project
Name Stage s Date Contractor Contractor Value

Nayati RSMS Initial Stage Rebars, December Ahluwalia Ahluwalia Global C INR 175
Healthcare Architects Fasteners, 2022 Contractors Contractors Project Crores
Demolition, Mangagement
Fire Stops
2. Applications Mapped

 Masonry: It includes various tasks related to setting up of walls for example,

expanding walls using wall ties, Floor roughening for tiling, mesh fixing with
anchors etc.

Wall Ties Floor Chipping before Tiling Mesh Fixing via Anchors
 Rebar: The project includes a major task of extending the current structure
and increasing the number of floors. For this task, rebars need to be installed
and for that HILTI Chemical Anchors need to be used.
 Demolition: Many times we need to remove extra concrete which might have
set while preparing various castings or to demolish the current structure. The
main process under demolition is Breaking. Breaking is best done by HILTI
Breakers i.e. TE 800 & TE 1000 for heavy duty breaking & TE 500 for light
chipping & drilling purposes.
 Fire Stops: Safety must always be the first priority in building construction &
Fire safety is an important part of it. HILTI provides top quality fireproofing
solutions like foam sprays, paints, sealants etc.
Actual Site Pictures
(Application Mapping)
In selling technique, a sales presentation or sales pitch is a line of talk that
attempts to persuade someone or something, with a planned sales presentation
strategy of a product or service designed to initiate and close a sale of the
product or service.


PRODUCT: HRD CR2 & HFV Plastic Anchors
DEMO (Rebar)
Building Construction requires material to be purchased in bulk quantities especially
consumables like anchors, bits, fasteners etc. Before placing a bulk order, customer
always wishes to get a demo done of these. Hilti Provides demo for various
products. During the period I got the opportunity to provide a demo for Rebar with
chemical anchors HIT-HY 200-R & HIT-HY 170.

Concrete is a construction material that is sufficiently strong in compression, but

weak in tension. Hence, concrete is reinforced with steel, because it has good tensile
strength and bond between steel and concrete is also good.
The steel bars that are incorporated/reinforced in concrete to impart tensile
strength into concrete are known as steel rebars. Rebar is reinforcing bar. Steel bars
are used as rebars because elongation of steel due to high temperatures (thermal
expansion coefficient) nearly equals to that of concrete.

Demo Procedure:
1. Wear safety helmet and shoes before entering the site where the demo needs
to be done.
2. Drill a hole of recommended diameter and depth depending upon the size of
the steel bar.
3. Clean the hole with HILTI Manual Blowout Pump to remove all the dirt and
debris for proper application of the chemical anchor.
4. Use Chemical Dispenser Gun (Manual/Automatic) to dispense the
recommended quantity of chemical in the hole.
5. Insert the steel bar in the hole with rotating action and then wait for at least 5
hours for the chemical to dry.
6. The rebar is ready for test.
Pull Out Test
After the chemical anchor has been applied and dried, its time to test the rebar for its strength
as this bar will be under heavy load so it must be ensured that rebar is firm and passes all the
safety standards so as to avoid a future accident.

1. Clean the area around the rebar and remove the excess chemical.
2. Set up the hydraulic tester and fit the attachments around the rebar.
3. Set the gauge to the recommended level (for standard testing)
4. Start increasing the load on the rebar with the tester and keep on increasing till the
recommended level is achieved.
5. Hold at the position for 10 seconds and note the reading.
6. Now keep on increasing the pressure till failure occurs( Max Load Test). Don’t stand near
the rebar during this test.
7. Note the reading when failure occurs. This is the maximum load holding capacity of Rebar.
8. Generally, concrete failure occurs before Anchor failure, this shows the quality of bond
provided by the anchor is top notch.

Result: Both the Anchors HY 200 & HY 170 passed the test with HY 200 having higher Max Load
Actual Site Pictures (Demo & Pull Out Test)

Cleaning Holes with Dispensing Chemical Hydraulic Tester for Pull Out
Blow Out Pump Anchor with Dispensing Test
The application of Hilti products are at such a large scale in building construction
that complaints are bound to happen. Although the quality of Hilti Products is far
above par but still customer might face some problems and for that they reach
out to us. We believe in customer satisfaction so its our duty to fulfill all the
demands and provide satisfactory solution to the customer.

Generally the complaints occur due to wrong usage of the tool or overloading the
tool than the recommended load it can handle. These have an impact on the
tool’s life and hence breakdown might occur.

Every machine requires maintenance so if proper timely services are not done
then efficiency of the machine is bound to reduce and breakdown might occur.
During my internship, one such case popped up and we tried our best to provide satisfactory
solution. Here’s the case I got a chance to handle.



Complaint: The complaint was regarding the repair costs of the machine. As per the customer, he
had spend more on repairs than the initial cost of machine. The machine had to be sent to repair
almost every month.

TE 50-AVR is a well reputed machine with very rare cases of such issues, So Hilti’s head of repairs
(North India) decided to visit the site on his own.

While visiting the active site we found the following issues which led to such frequent repairs-
1. Overloading- TE 50-AVR is a light weight machine meant for surface chipping and not breaking.
It is mainly a rotary hammer drill with a feature of light chipping. We found workers using the
machine to break the concrete floor.
2. Worn Out Bits- The bits must be changed after recommended usage. Using blunt and worn out
bits leads to unnecessary load on the machine which causes breakdowns.
3. Large number of Joints in the Power Cord- The power cord attached to the machine had
numerous joints which again lead to high heat generation and the machine gets overheated.
Solution Provided:

1. The workers have little knowledge about the application & load capacity of machines so
many times they tend to use the machine in a wrong way. We decided to conduct a free
of cost training program for the workers so that they understand which machine to use
for which application.
2. We suggested the customer to purchase breakers with high load capacity for floor
breaking i.e. TE 800-AVR & TE 1000-AVR so that the work can be done efficiently and
breakdown of low capacity machine is prevented.
3. We suggested immediate change of the worn our drill bits and use brand new &
genuine Hilti Drill bits. We suggested flat drill bits for chipping purposes.
4. We also suggested to change the power cord as soon as possible with minimal number
of joints so as to save power and avoid overheating of the machine.

The customer was satisfied with the solution provided and decided a date for the training to
take place. He also assured immediate change of bits and power cord to avoid future
Actual Site Pictures

Main Entrance Gate Construction Site

Wrong Application: Using TE 50-AVR for Using Worn out drill bits
breaking purposes
Wrong Application: Using TE 50-AVR for High frequency of joints in
breaking purposes Power cord
An important part of Sales is the Payment Collection. Hardy any customer pays us
in advance, mostly tend to work on credit with payment terms of around 90 Days.
It is our responsibility to make sure to regularly follow up for the payment.

Sales without collection makes no point, the actual profits of the company are
generated when the collection takes place. The clients are mostly reluctant
towards payment and need to be reminded quite often to get the payment done.
For this a different approach needs to be taken as we must take care about
maintaining healthy client relationships for future orders.

During my internship I got one such chance to go on payment collection. Here are
the insights-
OFFICE LOCATION: Phase 1, Gurgaon

The customer was reluctant in paying so we had to apply some pressure for the
payment. I visited the corporate office and waited to get the payment. On the first
day the client kept on procrastinating in hope that I’ll leave and he’ll pay later. So
the first day I wasn’t able to receive the payment.

The second day, I visited the office again and this time the customer was ready to
give the payment and asked me to wait while he processed the payment. He then
made a RTGS transaction to Hilti’s Account. After confirmation from my senior’s
side, I left the office.

The payment was successful and amount credited to Hilti India’s account.
On the whole, the internship was a very useful experience. I have gained new
knowledge, skills and learnt how to handle various sales situations. I got insight
into professional practice & learned the different facets of working in a big

I experienced that sales, like other departments, is an important factor for the
progress of the company. Sales has various aspects and is not just about selling
products but is more about building a healthy relationship with clients and
thinking about future prospects for the company.

The internship was good to find out what my strengths and weaknesses are. This
helped me to define what skills and knowledge I have to improve in the coming
time. At last, this internship has given me new insights and motivation to pursue
a career in Sales in future.

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