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Organization and

Presentation of Data
Presentation of Data
This refers to the organization of data into tables,
graphs or charts, so that logical and statistical conclusions
can be derived from the collected measurements.

Data may be presented in 3 methods:

1. Textual
2. Tabular
3. Graphical
 All the data is presented in the form of texts, phrases, or
 It involves enumerating important characteristics,
emphasizing significant figures and identifying important
features of data.
 Textual presentation data refers to data presented in
written, paragraph form. 
Brands as valuable assets
Today, brands are recognized as one of the company's most valuable
assets. It is the engine behind the organization's present and future growth,
success, and continuous profitability. Therefore, it is critical that firms learn to
understand the quality of this important asset and manage them accordingly
to sustain distinctiveness and growth.
Interbrand, a leading international branding consultancy underscores the
financial profitability behind carefully managed brands with its list of the
world's top 20 most valuable brands for the year 2000. Each brand in the list
of 20 valued at no less than S15M count among others: (1) Coca Cola,
$72,537M; (2) Microsoft Windows, $197M; (3) IBM, $53,184M; (4) Intel,
$39,049M; (5) Nokia, $38,528M; (6) General Electric, S38,128M; (7) Ford,
$36,368M; (8) Disney, $33,553M; (9) McDonalds, S27,859M; (10) AT&T,
$25,548M; (11) Marlboro, $22,111M; (12) Mercedes, $21,105M; (13) Hewlett
Packard, $20,572M; (14) Cisco Systems, $20,068M; (15) Toyota, 518,824M;
(16) Citibank, $18,810M; (17) Gillette, S17,359M; (18) Sony, $16,410M; (19)
Amex, $16,122M; and (20) Honda, $15,245M.
A researcher is asked to present the performance of a section in the
statistic test. The following are the test scores:
34 42 20 50 17 09 34
50 18 35 43 50 23 23
37 38 38 39 39 38 38
24 29 25 26 28 27 44
In the statistic class of 40 students, 3 obtained the
perfect score of 50. Sixteen students got a score of
40 and above, while 49 only 3 45
48 46 got 1945and below.
45 46
Generally, the students46performed well in the test
with 23 or 70% getting a passing score of 38 and
 This form of presentation is better than textual form
because it provides numerical facts in a more concise
and systematic manner.
 Statistical tables are constructed to facilitate the
analysis of relationships.
 Each class/subclass is assigned to a particular row or
column and figures for various classifications are
noted in appropriate calls.
Advantages of Tabular Presentation
 It is brief; it reduces the matter to the minimum.
 It provides the reader a good grasp of the meaning of the
quantitative relationship indicated in the report.
 It tells the whole story without the necessity of mixing textual
matter with figures.
 The systematic arrangement of columns and rows makes them
easily read and readily understood.
 The column and rows make comparison easier.
Region Total Population
Region I 4.17
Region II 2.76
Region III 7.80
Region IV 11.32
Region V 4.63
Region VI 6.15
Region VII 5.40
Region VIII 3.59
Region IX 3.05
Region X 2.73
Region XI 5.12
Region XII 2.49
CAR 1.35
NCR 10.49
ARMM 2.19
Caraga 2.08
This form the most effective means of organizing and
presenting statistical data because the important
relationships are brought out more clearly and creatively
in virtually solid and colorful figures.
Kinds of Graphs/Charts
Line Graph
 It shows relationships between two sets of quantities.
 This is done by plotting point of X set of quantities along the
horizontal axis against the Y set of quantities along the vertical
axis in a Cartesian coordinate plane. Those plotted points will
be connected by a line segment which finally forms the line
 It is often used to predict growth trends for a longer period of
Temperatures In NY City
Day Temperature
1 43° F
2 53° F
3 50° F
4 57° F
5 59° F
6 67° F
Bar Graph
 It consists of bars or rectangles of equal widths, either drawn
vertically or horizontally, segmented or non-segmented. This is
done by drawing rectangles with length proportional to the
frequencies of observed items or magnitude of classes under
 Two or more kinds of information can be compared by showing
them in multiple bar graphs, each of which is shaded with
different colors to give distinctions of each.
 In some cases, bars can be shown in opposite direction above and
below a zero line to illustrate profits/earnings (positive) and loss/
deficit relationships.
Circle Graph or Pie Chart
 It represents relationships of the different components of a single
total as revealed in the sectors of a circle.
 The angles or size of the sectors should be proportional to the
percentage components of the data Which give a total of 100%.
 Colors, legends, and Cross hatching will be useful in identifying
each component.
Picture Graph or Pictogram
 It is a visual presentation of statistical quantities by means of
drawing pictures or symbols related to the subject under study.
 Sizes and magnitudes of drawn pictures should be clear enough
to depict differences.
 Legends are sometimes used to represent magnitude of a single
unit of the picture then repetitions of this picture are drawn to
indicate differences in quantity.
Map Graph or Cartogram
 It is one of the best ways to present geographical data.
 This kind of graph is always accompanied by a legend which tells
us the meaning of the lines, colors, or other symbols used and
positioned in a map.
Scatter Point Diagram
 It is a graphical device to show the relationship between two
quantitative variables.
 Unlike the line graph, the plotted points for every pair of X and Y
set of quantities are not connected by line segments but are
simply scattered on the Cartesian coordinate plane.
Height Weight
(cm) (kg)
152 42
160 45
183 69
158 57
145 34
183 73
163 50
142 33
160 55
184 78
173 71
153 38
165 55
148 39

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