Explanation Text: Name: Aridha Maulida Aulia Melani

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Explanation Text

Name :
Aridha Maulida
Aulia Melani
Definition Explanation Teks

The explanation text type tells how or why

something occurs. It looks at the steps rather
than the things. The purpose of an
explanation is to tell each step of the process
(the how) and to give reasons (the why)
Why Ramadhan is a blessed month?
Because Ramadhan prescribed fasting during the day and wherein
the gates of heavens are open, the gates of Hell are shut, and the
rebellious devils are chained.

Allah placed a night, which is better than one thousand months, in

this month. The Muslim who misses the goodness of this night is the real
How is Ramadhan in Indonesia? In Indonesia muslims are fasting
approximately 14 hours. When fasting we not only can’t eat and drink, but
also hold our anger. Mosques will host iftar dinners after sunset which food
are provided by members of the community.

Some mosques also hold suhoor meals before dawn. The iftar dinner
and suhoor not only for the members of the community but also for the
poor people and travelers who are pass by. This routine will be held until
the end of Ramadhan.

Heaven Paradise Hell

Shut Close Open

Rebellious Wicked Good

Devils Demon Angle

Miss Lose Find

placed Put Take


• General Statment :
Ramadhan as a blessed month.

• Squanced of explanation
In Indonesia muslims are fasting approximately 14 hours. During
Ramadhan mosques will host iftar dinners and suhoor, not
only for the members of the community but also for the poor
people and travelers who are pass by.

• Closing
The routine of providing iftar and suhoor will be held until the
end of Ramadhan.

• Simple present tense

The Muslim who misses the goodness of
this night is the real loser.

wherein Not only-but also


and which

after sunset

before dawn


1. How long muslim in Indonesia are fasting during Ramadhan?
A. Approximately 20 hours

B. 18 hours

C. All day long

D. Approximately 14 hours

E. 10 hours

2. What shouldn’t we do during Ramadhan?

A. We can eat and drink

B. We can eat and drink, and also hold the anger

C. We can’t eat and drink, and also hold the anger

D. Hold the anger

E. We can’t eat and drink

3.How long the routine will be held?

A. The routine will be held until the end of ramadhan

B. A week

C. 15 days

D. A year

E. 15 days

4. Who provide the food for iftar and suhoor?

A. The travelers

B. The poor people

C. The member of community

D. The leader of the mosque

E. The travelers and poor people

5. For whom are the food be prepared?
A. Only for the member of the community

B. For rich people

C. For poor people

D. For the neighbor

E. For the member, poor people, and travelers who pass by

6. When the iftar and suhoor meals be prepared?

A. During the day

B. At sunset time

C. Before the dawn

D. When the sunset and before the dawn

E. In the morning
Complete Sentence
1. Ramadhan …………….. fasting prescribed
during the day
2. The Muslim who misses Approximately
……………….. of this night is the
real loser
3. In Indonesia muslims are fasting not only
…………………. 14 hours
4. Some mosques also hold suhoor the goodness
meals ………….. dawn
5. When fasting we …………….. will be
can’t eat and drink, but also
hold our anger
6. This routine ………………. held before
until the end of Ramadhan

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