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Job Analysis

Dr. Richa Das

Job analysis

Job analysis is a systematic exploration of the activities

within a job.
• it defines and documents the duties, responsibilities, and accountabilities of
a job and the conditions under which a job is performed
Job analysis

Job description
and specification

Recruiting Performance Job evaluation— Training

and selection appraisal wage and salary requirements
decisions decisions
The Basics of Job Analysis: Terms
• Job Analysis
 The procedure for determining the duties and skill
requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be
hired for it.
• Job Description
 A list of a job’s duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships,
working conditions, and supervisory responsibilities—one
product of a job analysis.
• Job Specifications
 A list of a job’s “human requirements,” that is, the requisite
education, skills, personality, and so on—another product of a
job analysis.
Job Description

Job descriptions list:

– job title
– job identification
– job duties/essential functions in order of importance
– job specifications - minimal qualifications for job

They are critical to:

 describing job to candidates
 guiding new-hires
 developing performance evaluation criteria
 evaluating job’s compensation worth
Steps in Job Analysis

Steps in doing a job analysis:

1 Decide how you’ll use the information.

2 Review relevant background information.

3 Select representative positions.

4 Actually analyze the job.

5 Verify the job analysis information.

6 Develop a job description and job specification.

Job analysis methods
1. Observation– job analyst watches employees directly or
reviews film of workers on the job
2. Individual interview– a team of job incumbents is selected and
extensively interviewed
3. Group interview– a number of job incumbents are interviewed
4. Structured questionnaire– workers complete a specifically
designed questionnaire
5. Technical conference– uses supervisors with an extensive
knowledge of the job
6. Diary– job incumbents record their daily activities
Job Analysis

Understand the purpose Review draft

of the job analysis with supervisor

Understand the roles of

Develop draft
jobs in the organization

Benchmark positions Seek clarification

Determine how to collect

job analysis information

Safety & HR
health planning
Job Analysis
Description &
Compensat Employee
ion Dev

Mgmt Career
Job Design
• Job design involves conscious efforts to organize tasks, duties and
responsibilities into a unit of work to achieve certain objectives.
Job design follows job analysis.

• Job design involves three main steps:

• Specification of individual tasks
• Specification of methods of performing each task
• Combination of tasks into specific jobs to be assigned to individuals.
Human Resource
Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning is a process by which an
organization ensures that
– it has the right number and kinds of people

– at the right place

– at the right time

– capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that

will help the organization achieve its overall strategic objectives
• Must be linked to the organization’s overall strategy to compete
domestically and globally.

• Must be translated into the number and types of workers needed.

Linking Organizational Strategy to HR Planning

mission determining organization’s


setting goals and objectives

objectives and goals

strategy determining how to attain goals

and objectives

determining what jobs need to be

done and by whom

matching skills, knowledge, and

people abilities to required jobs
Linking Organizational Strategy to HR Planning

Employment Planning and the Strategic Planning Process

demand for labor Outcomes

demand exceeds recruitment

assess current supply
define establish human resources compare demand
organization corporate goals -- - - - - - - - - - - - - for and supply of
mission and objectives HRMS: human resources
job analysis supply exceeds
demand decruitment

supply of
human resources
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