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Expense Report Process

Role Process

Employee Enter Exp ense report Print Ex pen se Report

Reject or Request More information

Manger Review and
Employee Direct Reject or Request More information


Print Pending Exepnse Fin ancial Review and Review and Valid ate
Approved Run Exp ense Report
Repo rt List Approve Expen se Report Invoice

Division Financial Review P ayment Review select Invoice Sub mit Payment
Team and Approve & Update Requ est


Payment Created Print Bank File Generate Bank File End

Assignee Employee Expense Account
Create Expense Report Template
Enter Expense report by the Employee
Role Process

Employee Enter Exp ense report Print Ex pen se Report

Reject or Request More information

Manger Review and
Employee Direct Reject or Request More information


Print Pending Exepnse Fin ancial Review and Review and Valid ate
Approved Run Exp ense Report
Repo rt List Approve Expen se Report Invoice

Division Financial Review P ayment Review select Invoice Sub mit Payment
Team and Approve & Update Requ est


Payment Created Print Bank File Generate Bank File End

Enter Expense report by the Employee ( With Status Pending Manager Approval )
Attached All required document
Print Expense Report by the Employee
Role Process

Employee Enter Exp ense report Print Ex pen se Report

Reject or Request More information

Manger Review and
Employee Direct Reject or Request More information
Approv e


Print Pending Exepnse Fin ancial Review and Review and Valid ate
Approved Run Exp ense Report
Repo rt List Approve Expen se Report Invoice

Division Financial Review P ayment Review select Inv oice Sub mit Payment
Team and Approve & Update Requ est


Payment Created Print Bank File Generate Bank File End

Print Expense Report by the Employee
Print Expense Report by the Employee
Manager Review and Approved The expense report
Role Process

Employee Enter Exp ense report Print Ex pen se Report

Reject or Request More information

Manger Review and
Employee Direct Reject or Request More information


Print Pending Exepnse Fin ancial Review and Review and Valid ate
Approved Run Exp ense Report
Repo rt List Approve Expen se Report Invoice

Division Financial Review P ayment Review select Inv oice Sub mit Payment
Team and Approve & Update Requ est


Payment Created Print Bank File Generate Bank File End

Manger Review and Approve Expense Report Enter By His Team
Manger Review and , Approve Expense Report Enter By His Team
Manger Review and Approve , Check attached file . Status Change to “Pending Finance Approval”
Print Pending Expense Report List
Role Process

Employee Enter Exp ense report Print Ex pen se Report

Reject or Request More information

Manger Review and
Employee Direct Reject or Request More information
Approv e


Print Pending Exp ense Fin ancial Review and Review and Valid ate
Approved Run Exp ense Report
Repo rt List Approve Expen se Report Invoice

Division Financial Review P ayment Review select Inv oice Sub mit Payment
Team and Approve & Update Requ est


Payment Created Print Bank File Generate Bank File End

Run Pending Approval Expense Report List Request by Financial Team
Pending Approval Expense Report List Request by Financial Team
Financial Review and Approve
Role Process

Employee Enter Exp ense report Print Ex pen se Report

Reject or Request More information

Manger Review and
Employee Direct Reject or Request More information


Print Pending Exp ense Fin ancial Review and Review and Valid ate
Approved Run Exp ense Report
Repo rt List Approve Expen se Report Invoice

Division Financial Review P ayment Review select Invoice Sub mit Payment
Team and Approve & Update Requ est


Payment Created Print Bank File Generate Bank File End

Financial Review and Approve
Run Expense Report
Role Process

Employee Enter Exp ense report Print Ex pen se Report

Reject or Request More information

Manger Review and
Employee Direct Reject or Request More information


Print Pending Exp ense Fin ancial Review and Review and Valid ate
Approved Run Exp ense Report
Repo rt List Approve Expen se Report Invoice

Division Financial Review P ayment Review select Invoice Sub mit Payment
Team and Approve & Update Requ est


Payment Created Print Bank File Generate Bank File End

Run Expense Report
Review and Validate Expense Report Invoice
Role Process

Employee Enter Exp ense report Print Ex pen se Report

Reject or Request More information

Manger Review and
Employee Direct Reject or Request More information


Print Pending Exp ense Fin ancial Review and Review and Valid ate
Approved Run Exp ense Report
Repo rt List Approve Expen se Report Invoice

Division Financial Review P ayment Review select Inv oice Sub mit Payment
Team and Approve & Update Requ est


Payment Created Print Bank File Generate Bank File End

Review and Validate Expense Report Invoice
You Can Validate Each Invoice From Action or Run Invoice Validation For All Together
Submit Payment Request
Role Process

Employee Enter Exp ens e report Print Ex pen se Report

Reject or Request More information

Mang er Rev iew and
Employee Direct Reject or Request More information
Approv e


Print Pending Exp ens e Fin ancial Rev iew and Rev iew and Valid ate
Approved Run Exp ens e Report
Repo rt List Approv e Expen se Report Inv oice

Division Financial Rev iew P ayment Rev iew s el ect Inv oice Sub mi t Payment
Team and Approv e & Update Requ es t


Payment Created Print Bank File Generate Bank Fi le End

Create Payment Process Request Templates
Select Disbursement Bank Account
Submit Payment Request
Submit Payment Request
Payments Dashboard
Payment Process Requests
Select Scheduled Payments:
Submit Final payment details after edit select invoices
Pending Proposed Payment Review
Pending Proposed Payment Review- Start Action
Payment Formatting
Formatted - Ready for Printing
Submitted for Printing – Confirm printing Done
Submit Positive Pay Program Immediately
Generate Bank File
Role Process

Employee Enter Exp ense report Print Ex pen se Report

Reject or Request More information

Manger Review and
Employee Direct Reject or Request More information


Print Pending Exepnse Fin ancial Review and Review and Valid ate
Approved Run Exp ense Report
Repo rt List Approve Expen se Report Invoice

Division Financial Review P ayment Review select Invoice Sub mit Payment
Team and Approve & Update Requ est


Payment Created Print Bank File Generate Bank File End

Tamer Expense Reports Payment Details

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