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Modern and

Contemporary Arts
‘ ’Skrik’’
Did y o u k n o w t h a t….

Skrik (Norwegian term for “Scream”) is

the title of the expressionist painting and
prints in a series by Norwegian artist
Edvard Munch.
Expressionism is an artistic style in which an artist attempts to
portray not the objective reality but more on the subjective
emotions and responses that objects events, or situations arouses
on him/her. Expressionist art shows distortion, primitivism, and
fantasy through the vivid jarring violent or dynamic application of
formal elements.
Expressionism is different from Impressionism because its goals
were not to duplicate the impression suggested by the
surrounding world, rather to strongly impose the artist’s own
sensibility to his/her world’s representation.
This is the new movement or genre in art that trend in
Russian painting in the early twentieth century.
Influences from the Western avant-garde were combined
in deliberately crude way with features derivative from
the peasant art, lubki and other aspects of Russia’s
artistic heritage
Fauvism was the first of the avant-garde movements
that flourished in France in the early years of the
twentieth century. It is the style of les Fauves (French
for ‘the wild beasts’), a loose group of early
twentieth century modern artist whose works
emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over
the representational or realistic values retained by
One of the highly regarded Fauvist personalities is
the French collagist, draftsman, sculptor and painter
Henri Matisse. He was known as the one of the
greatest colorist in the twentieth century and the
rival to the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso in the
importance of the innovations.
Woman with the Hat
by Henri Matisse
Dada was a literary and artistic
movement that originated in Europe
during the time of the horror of World
War I
• It only had one rule; Never follow
any known rules.
• Its art was intended to provoke an
emotional reaction from the viewer
• It was nonsensical to the point of
being whimsical.
• There was no predominant
mediums and styles in Dadaist art.
The Surrealist is a cultural movement that began in the
1920’s. It was noted for its Visual artworks and writings.
Surrealism exhibits principles, ideals or practices of producing
fantastic or incongruous imagery or effects in art.
The following are some of the key figures who
influenced the concepts of Surrealism:
Max Ernst
Max Ernst was a German painter,
sculptor, graphic artist, and poet. He
was a prolific artist and primary
pioneer of the Dada and Surrealist
movements. A fanatical Surrealist with
birds, he had a birdlike alter ego.
L’Ange du Foyer ou le Triomphe
du Surrealisme (1937)
Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali is a skilled Spanish
draftsman best known for the striking
and bizarre images in his surrealist
work. His painterly skills are often
attributed to the influence of
Renaissance masters.
Joan Miro
Joan Miro is a Spanish painter,
sculptor, and ceramicist. He relied
strongly on vague biomorphic
Social Realism
The Social Realism is an artistic and political movement
that flourished primarily during the 1920s and 1930s. It
was the time of global economic depression.
The Social Realists produced the figurative and
realistic images of the ‘masses’, a term that covered the
lower and working classes, the laborers who were into the
unions and the politically marginalized

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