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Universe Solar System

What you know? What you want to What you know? What you want to
know? know?
◉ Follow the given format

◉Title of your Theory:

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Theories on the Origin
of the Universe
Origin of the Universe

◉ In effort to make sense of the universe,

humans used religion, tradition,
philosophy, and science to describe its
origin and structure.
Origin of the Universe

◉ Prior to the development of theories,

humans believed in religious cosmology
to explain the origin of the universe.
Cyclical or Oscillating
Cyclical or Oscillating universe

◉ Came from the Hindu ancient text “Rigveda”

in which a “cosmic egg” or Brahmanda, which
contains the whole universe, including the Sun,
Moon and planets expands out of a single
concentrated point called Bindu before
subsequently collapsing again.
Cyclical or Oscillating universe

◉ In this scenario the universe will begin to

contract once expansion ends. Although
contraction would be very slow at first the
contraction rate would accelerate and grow
hotter and brighter until it ends in the Big
Crunch, in which it implodes into a singularity
and gets crushed out of existence.
Cyclical or Oscillating universe

◉ However, some scientists speculate that the

Big Crunch would not signal the end. They
believe that perhaps another Big Bang would
follow the Big Crunch, giving rise to a new
universe of possibilities. This idea that Big
Bangs follow Big Crunches in a never-ending
Cyclical or Oscillating universe

◉The oscillating universe theory

suggests that once the universe
reverses and attains the point of
singularity, another universe will be
born .
Proponent of Oscillating Universe Theory

◉Besides being a mathematical physicist and

physical chemist, Richard Tolman was
someone to look up to when it comes to
statistical mechanics.
◉He later became a physical chemistry and
mathematical physics professor at California
Institute of Technology (Caltech). One of his
students is Linus Pauling to whom he taught
the pre-Schr ö dinger quantum theory.
Steady State
Theory 2
Steady State Universe
◉ This theory states that the universe has no
beginning and no end.
◉The theory predicted a universe that
expanded but did not change its density
with matter being inserted into the universe as it
expanded in order to maintain a constant density.
Steady State Universe
◉It also suggests that the universe always looks the
same in anytime or space, but the universe
continuously expands while simultaneously creating
◉During expansion, the density of the universe
remains constant. It also explains that the rate of the
death of stars is equal to the rate of birth of stars.
Proponents of the Steady State Theory

◉The steady state idea of Bondi and Gold may have started when they
watched a movie together late 1940s. It was a horror movie entitled
“Dead of Night” which started and ended in the same way.
◉The circular plot of the movie inspired them to suggest that the
universe was dynamic but unchanging.
Big Bang Balloon
1. Partially inflate the balloon. Use the clothespin to clip the
end so that the air will not escape.
2. Using a permanent marker, draw six widely spaced dots on
the balloon.
3. Label one dot "H" which indicates home and the other dots A
to E. Since the balloon is curved, a string could be used first to
measure the distance from "H" to each dot. Then, use a ruler to
measure the length of the string. Record each distances on the
initial measurement column on the table provided.
4. Remove the clothespin. Then, inflate the balloon
again to make it bigger.
5. Observe what happens to the dots. Repeat step 3
but record the distances on the Trial 1 column on the
table provided.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 two more times. Record your
measurements under Trial 2 and 3 column.
Guide Questions:
1. As the balloon gets bigger, what happens to
the distances from the "H" dot to the other dots?
2. What dot(s) move(s) the farthest? Is it the dot
near the "H" or the dot farther from "H"?
3. If the dots correspond to groups of stars and
the balloons represent the universe, how will
you explain the concept of expanding universe?
Big Bang model of
the universe 3
Proponents of the Big Bang Theory

◉Edwin Powell Hubble was

an American astronomer
who established the
Hubble’s law which
provided an evidence that
the universe was not static
but expanding.
Proponents of the Big Bang Theory

◉Georges Henri Joseph Edouard

Lemaître , a Belgian priest,
suggested the idea of the
expanding universe. He is
considered as the first proponent
of the bigbang theory.
Big Bang

◉ The big bang theory is a cosmological model

explaining how the universe began. It suggests
that the universe started its expansion about 13.8
billion years ago.
◉ All the matter and energy in the universe are
crammed into a tiny compact point called
Big Bang

1. Inflationary epoch
2. Formation of the universe
3. Formation of basic elements
4. Radiation era
5. Matter domination
6. Birth of stars and galaxies
Big Bang

Evidences for big bang theory

1. Galaxies moving away
◉ Edwin Hubble followed that stars are not
uniformly distributed in space.
2. Presence of cosmic microwave background (CMB)
◉ Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered a
background radio emission coming from every
direction in the sky.
Big Bang

Evidences for big bang theory

3. Abundance of light elements
◉ elements such as helium, hydrogen, deuterium,
and lithium found in the observable universe agrees
with the hypothese of the big bang theory.
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Theories on the Origin
of the Solar System
universe 1
Aristotelian Universe

◉ Aristotle established a geocentric universe in

which fixed, spherical Earth is at the center
surrounded by concentric celestial spheres of
planets and stars and the four classical
elements of fire, air, earth and water.
Aristotelian Universe

◉ They observed that objects in the sky were

moving. From this, they assumed that the Earth
was motionless and all other objects they could
see were moving around the Earth.
◉ This is understandable because they could
not feel the Earth itself moving but could see
the stars moving around.
Aristotelian Universe

◉ Ptolemaic universe, proposed by Claudius

Ptolemaeus described a geocentric model of the
universe based on the theory of Aristotle in
which the planets and the rest of the universe
orbit a stationary Earth in circular epicycles.
universe 2
Heliocentric Universe

◉ Greek astronomer and mathematician

Aristarchus of Samos was the first
person to present an explicit argument
for a heliocentric model of the solar
system, placing the Sun, not the Earth,
at the center of the known universe.
Heliocentric Universe

◉ Nicolaus Copernicus, the man credited with the

creation of the Heliocentric model of the Universe.
◉ His publication of a scientific theory of
heliocentrism demonstrating that the motions of
celestial objects can be explained without putting
the Earth at the center (Copernican Revolution)
Heliocentric Universe

Both models allow for the same very reasonable

observations, all visible with the naked eye. This
includes the following: (1) The explanation of days
and nights, moon phases, (2) seasons and (3) the
observation that planets appear to “wander,” or
shift their position across the night sky, relative to
the fixed, background
Heliocentric Universe

◉ Each planet moved

about the Earth on
epicycles or “circle
upon a circle.” When
the planet passes by
closest to Earth, it
appears to reverse its
Heliocentric Universe

◉ It wasn’t until the early 1600s, when Kepler finally

figured out that planets moved in ellipses (and not
circles) around the Sun
Nebular Hypothesis
Nebular Hypothesis

◉From the term itself, "nebula" means cloud.

This indicates that stars originate from
interstellar gas and dust. The shift from
undifferentiated cloud to whole solar system
formation complete with planets, moons and
stars takes approximately a hundred million
years .
Nebular Hypothesis

◉ The mutual gravitational attraction between

particles caused them to start moving and colliding,
and they were kept together by electrostatic forces.
◉ A rotating disk form with a large concentration at
the center , which starts as the protosun, while
planets began forming within the disk.
There are three major steps on how the
solar system was formed according to
nebular theory:
Cloud Collapse
◉The origin of the
planets and sun in the
solar system is a huge
cloud of molecular gas
and dust.
◉ Then, something
occurred that made
the cloud to collapse.
Formation of Protoplanetary Disk

◉The terrestrial planets could not grow in huge diameter

because of the limited reserve of metallic elements in the
solar nebula.
◉Jovian planets have
gaseous surface. These
planets were formed
farther from the sun
because the temperature is
cooler enough for the
gases to condense, forming
these massive, but low-
density planets.
◉Dust and grains
surrounding the sun
eventually formed clumps.
These clumps then accreted
forming planetesimals.
◉Planetesimal is a small
celestial body that once
collide together, it tend to
fused to form the planets of
the solar system.
Protoplanet Hypothesis
Protoplanet Hypothesis

◉ This hypothesis has the advantage of explaining

why the planets all revolve in the same direction
and also provides an explanation for why the inner
worlds are denser than the outer worlds.
◉ It is a modified version of the nebular hypothesis,
which incorporates modern knowledge of matter
formed independently by astronomers Gerald
Kuiper and Cal Von Weizsacker.
Encounter Hypothesis
◉The encounter theory proposes that the planets were formed
from the material ejected from the sun during an encounter with
another celestial object. This celestial object could have been
another star. The encounter theory has several forms, including
the planetesimal theory and the tidal theory.
The Planetesimal Theory

◉A passing star termed as intruding star nearly

collided with the protosun. The massive gravitational
pull of the intruding star causes the protosun to eject
filaments of material. These materials condensed into
planetesimals from which the planets were formed
through accretion.
Tidal Theory

◉The tidal theory explains that the solar system

formed as a result of a near collision between a
passing star and the sun. However, unlike the
planetesimal theory, the tidal theory proposes that the
hot gas from the passing star condensed into planets
instead of condensing into planetesimals.
Round robbin
Short QUIZ
1- 3. Give the three theories on the origin of
the universe.
4. It suggests that the universe is expanding
but its density remains constant.
5. Who considered to be the first proponent of
big bang theory?
6. This theory explains that the universe
undergoes the cycle of expansion and
7. Who is the proponent of cyclical or oscillating
8. -12. Give the five theories on the origin of the solar
13. Which theory explains that the earth is the center
of the solar system?
14. Which theory suggests that the sun is the center
of the solar system?
15. Name one proponent of the nebular theory.

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