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• Compare one’s PECs with those of a

practitioner/an entrepreneur

• Align one’s PECs with those of a

practitioner/an entrepreneur

• Assess one’s PECs and PECs of a

practitioner/an entrepreneur
Let’s Analyze!
• What is entrepreneurship?
• Who is an entrepreneur?
• How important are entrepreneurial
activities to social development and
economic progress?
• Why is there a need to assess one’s PECs
in terms of characteristics, attributes,
lifestyles, skills, and traits before starting
a particular business?
 a strategic process of innovation and new
product creation
 an art and science of converting business
ideas into marketable products or services
to improve the quality of living
 are those with the skills and capabilities to
see and evaluate business opportunities
 can strategically identify products or
services needed by the community, and
have the capacity to deliver them at the
right time and at the right place
 agents of economic change; they organize,
manage, and assume risks of a business
Assessment of Personal Entrepreneurial
Competencies (PECs) and Skills
Entrepreneural Competencies
 important characteristics that should be
possessed by an individual in order to
perform entrepreneurial functions
Characteristics of a Good Entrepreneur
 working diligently and being consistent about it
 Improves performance to produce good products
and/or provide good services
 have self-reliance in one’s ability and judgment
 exhibit self-confidence to cope with the risks of
operating their own business
 always sticks to the plan and fight the temptation
to do what is unimportant
 assumes full responsibility over their business
 gives full commitment and solid dedication to
make the business successful
Ability to accept change
 copes with and thrive on changes
 capitalize on positive changes to make your
business grow
 thinks and creates new ways of improving products
and business operations to stay in the industry & in
order to have an edge over competitors
Has initiative
 conducts research and day-to-day observation
 puts themselves in positions where they are
personally responsible for success or failure
 sees to it that the business can generate income
Important Skills of a Good Entrepreneur
Excellent planner
 involves strategic thinking and goal setting to
achieve objectives by carefully maximizing all the
available resources
 knows that planning is an effective skill only
when combined with action
Possesses people skills
 People skills refer to effective and efficient
communication and establishing good
relationship to the people working in and out of
your business
Sound decision maker
 have the ability to think quickly and to make wise
decisions towards a pre-determined set of
 sound decisions should be based on given facts
and information and lead towards the pre-
determined objectives
1. They are people with the skills and
capabilities to see and evaluate business
a. Innovators
b. Inventors
c. Traditional Businessmen
d. Entrepreneurs
2. Which is NOT a good characteristic of a
good entrepreneur?

a. Profit-oriented
b. Confident
c. Excellent planner
d. Has initiative
3. Planning can only be effective when
combined with__________.

a. Action
b. Investment
c. Capital
d. Hardwork
4. What should an individual must possess in
order to perform entrepreneurial functions
a. Capital
b. Entrepreneural Competencies
c. People Skills
d. Communication Skills
5. An entrepreneur who diligently follows
steps in realizing goals is said to be
a. excellent planner
b. sound decision maker
c. innovative businessman
d. good communicator
6-10. Give at least five (5)
characteristics/attributes of a good

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