Shushma Manandhar PSTD, Nasc

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Shushma Manandhar

Content Outlines

• Importance of teamwork
• Team Building Process
• Ingredients for effective teamwork
Broken Square
• There are 15 pieces in each envelop.
• Each person has to make a square and 5
squares can be made from all that pieces.
• 5 minutes will be given.
• Communication is not allowed.
• One can provide pieces but no one can ask
or pick from others.
Are we able to prepare squares ?

• If yes,
• what were the factors ?
• If no,
• what were the reasons ?
• (from the team players)
the affecting factors
• understanding
• perception
• knowledge /skill
• time
• facilitation/leading role
Are you happy working alone or in a
group ?

• What are the advantages of teamwork ?

• What are the benefits in working alone ?

Why do we join groups ?
• - to satisfy interest and goals
• - to share and learn
• - to build relationship
• - to get protection
• - to enhance knowledge and skills
• - to get better output
• - to interact different personalities
• - to make effective decision
Importance of teamwork

• Together people can accomplish

more than individuals can do on
their own.
• Can learn from each other.
• Improves relations among the
• Healthy competition among the team
• Output at a faster pace.
• Creates synergy .(high motivation,
performance level)
• Higher quality of decision making
Downsides of a team

• In a team, only a few people may contribute

• (others are silent, indifferent, afraid to
• Shy and introvert members can’t learn
• Few members may dominate the group
• Arguments and disagreements may arise
• Time and resources consuming
Group of two or more
interdependent individuals who
interact with one another to achieve
a common goal
• Leadership and members
• Common goals
• Clear roles and responsibilities
• Participation/Creativity
• Interdependency
• Sharing and listening
• Room for openness and trust
• Respect and Loyalty
• Support and trust

Creating a team is
one thing, but
creating team work is
quite another .
• teams don’t work without teamwork.
• It’s the glue which keeps a team together, the
oil that makes the team work.
Team Work

• “It is the ability to work together toward a

common vision. It is the fuel that allows
common people to attain uncommon results.”
-Andrew Carnegie
Team work skills
• Listening (listen first, speak second)
• Questioning (communicating)
• Supervising
• Respecting
• Helping (guidance)
• Sharing
• Participating/Leading by example
"various activities undertaken to
motivate and increase the overall
performance of the team"
Stages in Team Building (American
organizational psychologist Bruce Tuckman in 1965)

• Forming
• Storming

• Norming

• Performing

• Adjourning
• Stage of initial orientation and
interpersonal testing, curiosity
• The members of the team get to know
one another,
• Seeking and exchange some personal
information, and make new friends
• Desire to be accepted by others
• Gathering impressions about each other
• Stage of conflict over the task and the
way of operating
• Conflict arises for power, leadership and
decision making
• competition and strained relationships
among team members. (emotional and
• This is the most critical stage for the
• At this stage, come to a mutual plan for
the team
• Set norms, rules
• Agree with others to make the team
• Roles are defined
• Rules, values, behaviour, method and
procedures are established
• By this time, members are motivated and
• Competent, autonomous and able to
handle the decision-making process
without supervision.
• Participative
• Strong commitment
• Achievement oriented
Adjourning (Deforming or
• Task complete
• Revision, analysis and evaluation of
• Acknowledgment/ Self realization
• Strategies
• Disassembled
What are the ingredients for
effective teamwork?

• Adding flavor
Effective Teamwork
• Although teams are not the cure for all
organizational ills but still,

• Teams are used to increase quality, cost

efficiency, productivity, service level and
innovation level .
A boat does not go forward if
each one is rowing their own way.
So the target
must be in
purpose must
be the same
For better Team Work
There is no “I” in


It’s less me

So there should be
collective effort
Strong Leadership - always at the

• The more able

leader, more
effective the team.
• must have good vision, more knowledge,
skill and tactics
• takes little more share of blame and less of
• is a facilitator, not only an order giver
• a good listener/ motivator
• does ordinary thing extra ordinarily
Understanding, Trust and Mutual
Feeling free
to share
opinions and

and affection
Clear roles and responsibilities

Proper knowledge and skill

Building Trust and Empathy

• Trust Brings respect and good

interpersonal relation.
• Creates an easy and learning environment
Effective communication is a vital
part of any team .

Prompt communication can clear things in

Communicate without hurting anyone's
emotions (.....the fence)
It is a medium to tie the members in a
Plan your project, your idea

Well preparation is
half done.
Failing to plan =
planning to fail
Plan your work, work
to plan
Have empathy
Always put
yourself in
other's shoes,
look the things
from their side
Never say, NO, that's not my job !

• The strength of the team is each individual

• The strength of each member is the team.
Don't think that the problem is non of my
business ( mouse trap)

Face the problems and find out the

No one is perfect, know the limitations

When we have problem, don't blame it others,

lets share it whatever if it is credit or blame.
Common faith

Celebrate and reward team achievements

Do respect others, others respect
you back

If you can’t pass,
you can’t play.
Coach Dean Smith to
Michael Jordan.
The greatest enemy in a TEAM is
..............Ego, so
Never let ego come into your
Unity is the strength
Summing up
• Basic elements of effective teamwork
– Strong leadership
– Clear Roles and responsibilities
– Effective communication
– Collaboration
– Participative decision-making
– Commitment and accountability
– Learning and sharing
– Supervision and monitoring
– Flexibility
Any query ?

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