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Online Collaboration Tools

in Training
By Sarah Mukhaimer
Title/Captions: How times have changed with training

Narration: Technology has changed drastically in the

recent years.

Images/Video Clips:
Virtual Training image by Mikelle Despain. Downloaded from
on 18th July 2019.

Music: ”Sick Smile” by Freeplay Music from Bossa Nove

Volume 1. Free to Use. Downloaded from on 18th July 2019.

Notes: Start music first, and enter voice after 3

seconds, use fade-in effect.

Have online collaboration tools changed training for better or for worse?
Title/Captions: Pros

Narration: Online collaboration tools are: accessible,

allows trainees to work at their own pace, interactive, and
central to providing equal learning. → differential learning
made easier.

“Is your organization ready for the future of virtual training?”
Free to Use and Share.. Downloaded from
on 18 July 2019.

Music: Same as above.

Notes: Use animation effect here

Have online collaboration tools changed training for better or for worse?
Title/Captions: Cons

Narration: However, benefits can be out of reach to

some, and because of this, it may result in a reduced chance
in the job market.

Images: ”How Negative Job Experiences can Make you a

Better Virtual Assistant,” by Kathy Goughenour. Free to Use,
Share, or Modify. Downloaded from
experiences-can-make-better-virtual-assistant/ on 18 July

Music: Same as above.

Notes: Transition into BYOD, a better alternative for these

Have online collaboration tools changed training for better or for worse?
Title/Captions: Why I think it’s changing training for
the better.

Narration: Online Collaboration tools have our better

interest in mind. Even though there are some cons, there is
one practice that I think could solve most of these issues.

Train-the-Trainer tips for creating fun and purposeful online
training by Bob Pike Group. Free to Use, Share, or Modify.
Downloaded from
training. Taken on 18 July 2019

Music: Same as above.


Business Executives
Title/Captions: What is BYOD?

Narration: BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device. This practice takes place
when an employer/teacher requires for students to bring their own device to a
training, rather than using devices from the institution.

BYOD by Guest Contributor. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from on 18th July

Music: Same as above.

Notes: BYOD is an up and coming practice that is gaining popularity for
obvious reasons.

Title/Captions: BYOD, Cont.

Narration: Byod creates an easier path for trainees, due to the high
accessibility of apps and shareable links. Trainees have more control over
their work, and more control over the pace at which they learn.

BYOD, why don’t you? by Pieter Arntz. Free to Use, Share, or Modify.
Downloaded from
you/. Uploaded on February 9, 2012

Music: Same as above.

Notes: Apps, links, and your own device are highly familiar to you.

Reverse Mentoring
Title/Captions: Pros of BYOD

Narration: As explained in the previous slide, there are many

advantages such as accessibility, and is highly effective for ALL different
types of learners.

Social Networking Services by wilgengebroed. Free to Use, Share, or
Modify. Downloaded from Uploaded on 13
May 2014.

Music: Same as above.

Notes: With BYOD, trainees are able to take as much time they
need to learn a given topic. Furthermore, they are able to interpret
the same information in different ways.

Title/Captions: Cons

Narration: The cons for BYOD are mainly for the company rather than
the user. With BYOD, technically anyone outside the company can get
access, causing a security breach. However, there are security measures that
can be put in place to ensure confidentiality.

Images: blackdovfx by iStock / Getty Images Plus
Music: Same as above.
Notes: Compensation for using your device.

Emotional Content
Title/Captions: Conclusion

Narration: Any type of device will qualify for use of BYOD,

such as phones, laptops, and tablets. There’s also an economic
advantage, especially for small businesses, because it reduces
the company cost. One of the cons for online collab. Tools
included lack of accessibility, and I feel that BYOD solves this.

Presentation by geralt. Free to Use, Share, or Modify.
Downloaded from
coach-tutor-business-407291 on 30 July 2015.

Music: Same as above.


Title/Captions: References

Image 1: Virtual Training image by Mikelle Despain. Downloaded from on 18th July 2019.
Image 2: “Is your organization ready for the future of virtual training?” Free to Use and Share.. Downloaded from on 18 July 2019.
Image 3: ”How Negative Job Experiences can Make you a Better Virtual Assistant,” by Kathy Goughenour. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded
from on 18 July 2019
Image 4: Train-the-Trainer tips for creating fun and purposeful online training by Bob Pike Group. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from Taken on 18 July 2019
Image 5: BYOD by Guest Contributor. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from
work/ on 18th July 2019
Image 6: BYOD, why don’t you? by Pieter Arntz. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from Uploaded on February 9, 2012
Image 7: Social Networking Services by wilgengebroed. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from Uploaded on 13 May 2014.
Image 8: blackdovfx by iStock / Getty Images Plus
Image 9: Presentation by geralt. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from on
30 July 2015.
Music 1: ”Sick Smile” by Freeplay Music from Bossa Nove Volume 1. Free to Use. Downloaded from on 18th
July 2019

Credits Slide/Scene

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