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A Retrievable Data Perturbation Method

used in Privacy-preserving in Cloud


Radha Krishna
Guided By- Anjan Kumar
• What is Cloud Computing?
• Advantages of Cloud computing.

• Methods used to secure the information:

 Encryption
 K-Anonymity

• Disadvantages of the cryptographic methods.

• How can it be overcome by Privacy preserving data perturbation method in cloud

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Introduction Cont..d
• A method is proposed to solve the below two problems:
 The data owners data should be protected from the cloud service provider.
 The authorized users should be able to access the data based on their level of access.

• Advantages of Privacy preservation using data perturbation method over other cryptographic

• Applications of Privacy preservation in cloud computing:

 Govt. agencies share very sensitive information which should not be accessible by the public
or the employees at the lowest level.
 The online software licensing uses privacy preservation method to protect their products.

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Process Flow:
• The data flow from Data Owners -> Cloud servers-> third party auditors.
• The data flow from Data Owners -> Third Part Auditors like Research Institutes for conducting

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Retrievable General Additive Perturbation
This method comes in four steps:

• Noise is generated using a Random Generator.

• Perturbation Algorithm
• Retrieval method
• Using the key, original data is retrieved back successfully.

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System Model

• This method involves adding noise to the original data.

• The mean and covariance of the original data should be equal to the perturbed data.

µx = µy and ∑x = ∑y

Example of a hospital patients list

Name Gender Age Medical History Consulting Treatment Cost

Leela Female 34 Diabetes Dr. Rita $230,000
Shweta Female 21 Heart Disease Dr.Falsy $30,000
Anushri Female 23 Kidney Transplantation Dr.Radha $34,000
Kiran Male 45 Liver Failure Dr. Rita $23,000
Pragya Female 43 Constipation Dr.Falsy $89,000
Paul Male 22 Asthama Attack Dr.Radha $78,000

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Perturbation Algorithm
• Noise is generated using a random generator.
• Then this noise is added to the original data and is outsourced to cloud.
• Using a suitable key, authorized user is able to retrieve the data back from the perturbed

Perturbation Algorithm:
INPUT : X,S(Confidential and non-confidential data)
Output :Y( Perturbed data)
Generate noise € by using the random generator
µx = µy and ∑x = ∑y
Add the noise € to the input matrix X such that,
Y <- X + €
Outsource the data Y to the cloud.

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Privacy Preserving Scheme based on RGADP

• How privacy of the data owner’s data is preserved using RGADP method.
• Comparision of RGADP with other methods like GADP and EGADP.

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Performance and Security

• Time complexity of perturbation is independent of number of groups.

• Graph shows the running time of perturbation and retrieval process for different number of
• Security is preserved since without the key, unauthorized users will not be able to access the

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• Experiments conducted taking into account all the three methods.
• Table shows the Min, Max and the Average errors between the retrieval data and original

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• Proposed a method to affectively preserve data of the data owner from cloud service
• Main advantage is that the data can be retrieved back faster as compared to other methods.

• Few shortcomings:
 The datasets should be order sensitive.
 Large number of keys are used, hence key management should be affective.

• Research will be continued to overcome the above drawbacks.

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