A Baby Seat Having Sensor, SMS and GPS Technology: Shaik Imam

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A Baby seat having Sensor,

SMS and GPS technology


 My proposed topic was selected for children in connecting with parents

 In a simple way, A baby seat having sensor, SMS and GPS technology
attached to it and making sure it triggers a signal to parents if there is an
distance between both of them.
 There has been several such equipments in the market, but this is one of
the innovative technology and can be huge success if launched in the
 The problem is that several cases have been reported that parents have
lost their children due to negligence or by theft.
 To avoid this, such equipment is necessary to be adopted in the market.

 Any thing in this world cannot be achieved without a team work.

 Building a baby chair can be difficult task as many things should be taken
 A small team of engineers, doctors, carpenters and other small team is
 Doctors for understanding the positioning of child while sitting and the
comfort level.
 Engineers help in designing the product. Others helps in fixing it.
Basic examples of Baby chair
Market value

 The demand for such a product increases very predominantly and at a

huge rate.
 There is no time when the value reduces as children are born everyday
and some or the other day every parent need such a device.
 The average price of an advance baby seater is 150AUD(ebay,2018).
 Advance baby seater means having additional features like adjusting own
comfort level and monitoring directly the child behaviour.
 Based on the analysis(en.Wikipedia,2018), Europe has the highest
percentage of manufacturing of such product followed by United states of
America and Asia.
 Europe comprises of 30% of manufacturing units and has great market
 In terms of starting the business, Anywhere in Europe can be a reliable
SWOT Analysis

 Strengths
 It will create a brand to the customer.
 Innovative leads to marketing growth and if marketed rightly, it can be
huge success.
 Every country has its own demand and such product can bring good
amount of prospectives in the economy.
 Increases the comfort level.
 GPS tracking can lead to parents keeping an eye on children altogether
 If goes 150 mts far from each other, sends a message on the parents
mobile making them alert.
SWOT Analysis

 Weakness –
 Market competition.
 Initial investment.
 Marketing can be challenging as areas needs to be analysed and
 Fulfilling the customer needs.
 Manufacturing costs
SWOT Analysis

 Opportunities –
 To Establish a name in the market.
 Growth will lead to profit, profit leads to more investment.
 To outdone already existing products.
 Threats –
 Some other source can launch this product before us.
 Improper marketing may lead to failure and huge losses.
Competitors and competitive
Competitors and competitive

 Based on the statistics by Hong Kong census and statistics, United states
has good command over manufacturing units having over 11% of growth
in 2017.
 Other countries apart from china has been under losses.
Financial Data

 This source was extracted from one of the source from online which shows the margin of each
month of one of the baby seating manufacturing.
 Months from September – December has the highest purchasing activity.
Financial Data

 Another data from UK source shows different variances like sales, operating expenses
and others in the below graph.
 There is a growth every year and had been ever increasing every year.
Break Even Analysis

 The Breakup Analysis of monthly revenue is showed in the break-even

analysis graph which mean there is profit altogether everywhere there is a
need of baby sitting manufacturing.
 The estimated has reached $12000 overall and is made sure in surveying
and analysing the sources and making the profit out of it.
Growth potential and sustainability

 Research predicts the growth by 2020 by raising the overall sustainability

by 20%.
 Since 2005, every year there has been rise in the manufacturing products
and consumers.
 Every country has the potential and are working on the overall rise effect
on the economy.
 Due to every increasing demand, There can be the no stoppage in
manufacturing and the profit can be huge in coming years.
 With such an innovative baby chair, and by selling it in the market price
this can become a wonder.

 A baby chair with Bluetooth, SMS and GPS technology is relatively new to
the market and an upcoming one.
 The market analysis suggests that growth can be everincreasing by 2020
and may lead to contribute to the economy of particular country.
 Till date, US is the leading manufacturer followed by China and EU regions.
 Starting a business and competing with the market is challenging, but
proper marketing can land us to a destination of success.
 With technology, comes making of work easier for the customers and
consumers too.
 To conclude, This product can benefit the world and has necessity of
establishing itself in the market.

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