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Chapter I
Problem and its Background

 This study provides a common starting point for understanding and
discussing disaster, disaster management, and disaster awareness and
and discusses the potential scope of disaster awareness preparedness
 This study is appropriate for anyone who has general responsibilities for
disaster management and program implementation. Non-technical
personnel interested in acquiring a better understanding preparedness and
the strategies and measures that may be implemented as part of
preparedness plan and also benefit from reading this study.
Theoretical framework
 This chapter discusses the theoretical framework and the concepts used in the
research. The concepts are drawn from the some of the contemporary theories on
disaster management.
Theoretical framework: Disaster Risk Assessment
 The main framework of this research is derived from the Disaster Risk Management.
One of the main aspects in this approach is that disasters are not seen as events of
nature by itself but the product of internal relationships linking the natural and
organizational structure of a society.
 Natural disaster are inevitable, no matter the amount of the study carried out the
precautions taken in this direction, the natural disasters cannot be prevented, but the
efforts can always be put and be successful in reducing the impact of them on
people and communities.
 The strategy for risk management feels that there is no single approach that can be
considered as highly effective in disaster management. Identification of the hazard is
not only to identify the threats and the extent of damage caused by disaster but also
to identify the causes those are responsible to create or increase the vulnerability of
a community.
 The research focuses on designing a methodology that will consider all the factors
for the disaster irrespective of the magnitude of the disaster. The coping capacity is
also dependent on the community’s awareness about the disaster. The unaware
community is highly vulnerable for the disaster.
 There were two reasons for this one is that the community will not be anticipating the
disaster and other is that there will not be any coping up mechanism developed to
counter the disaster.
Statement of the problem
 This study aimed to know the awareness and preparedness of every G12 students in
Angelo Loyola Senior High School when it comes to disaster.
 Specially, this study sought answers the following questions:
 What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of
 Age
 Gender
 What is the extent of disaster awareness of selected G12 GAS and STEM?
 What is the extent of disaster preparedness of selected G12 GAS and STEM?
 Is their significant difference between the extent of disaster awareness and
preparedness between the selected G12 GAS and STEM students?
 This study hypothesizes that there is no significant
difference between GAS and STEM strand in terms of
level of awareness and preparedness.
Purpose of the study
 This study aims to know the level of awareness and
preparedness of G12 students when it comes to
disaster as well as to determine possible solution to let
the students make an action about the encountered
problems. This study can help the students to be
aware for disaster.
Significance of the study
 Disaster can define as a tragic event, we don’t know when it will come, as a
student we can help each other through the awareness, preparedness and
knowledge we have in different types of disaster we can help other by telling to
other people what they can do during disaster and also we can trade ideas on
other ways to avoid incident and maintain orders.
 Student - This study is use to be aware and prepared in disaster and to know what to
do when a major disaster occurs.
 Parents – The parents will be able to know that they should have the sense of being
prepared to disaster and their duty as parents
 Future researcher – The findings of this study will serve as good source of accurate
and useful information. This study will provide the awareness and preparedness for
Scope and Delimitation
 The researchers focused only to determine the personal attribution and impact of
Roles, awareness, preparedness and competencies in DRRM in ALLHS of selected of
Grade 12 GAS and STEM students of Angelo L. Loyola Senior High School and
implication to behavior.
 The researchers also determine the causes of readiness and the role of the parents
and teachers to guide their children as pertinent details to support their claims.
 Definition of terms
 Capacity - the combination of all the strength attributes and resources available
within an organization, community or society to manage and reduce disaster risk and
strength resilience.
 Disaster Risk Reduction - can be seen as the systematic development and
application of policies, strategies and practices to minimize vulnerabilities and disaster
risks throughout a society to prevent and limit negative impacts of hazards, within the
broad context of sustainable development.
 Preparedness - contributes to disaster risk reduction through measures taken in
advance to ensure effective response to the impact of hazards, including timely and
effective early warnings and the temporary evacuation of people and property from
threatened locations.
 Disaster - is the serious disruption of the functioning of a society, causing or
threatening to cause, widespread human, material or environmental losses which
render the affected community unable to cope using its own resources. Disasters are
only disasters because they impact and affect the way in which we live.
 Risk - is usually associated with the human inability to cope with a particular situation.
In terms of disaster management it can be defined as the probability of harmful
consequences, or expected losses death, injury, damage to property and the
environment, jobs, disruption of economic activity or social systems. Hazards will
affect communities differently in terms of ability and resources with which to cope.
Poorer communities will be more at risk than others.
 Vulnerability - can be seen as, the ability a person or community has, to predict,
cope with, or avoid and recover from, the consequences of a hazard or disaster.
Poorer and over-populated communities are more vulnerable and less able to cope
with disasters
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature

 Logically, this is how the researchers may begin this review: with a plan.
The in section 3-declaration of policy of the IRR of R.A. No. 10121: it is the
policy onational disaster risk reduction and management plan (NDRRMP) is
first mentioned f the state to develop, promote and implement a
comprehensive National Disaster risk Reduction and Management plan
(NDRRMP) that aims to strength the capacity of the national government
and local government unit (LGU) together with partner stakeholders, to
build the disaster resilience of communities, and to institutionalize the
arrangements and measures for reducing disaster risks, including projected
climate change risks, and enhancing disaster preparedness and response
capabilities at all levels.
 The hyogo framework for action (HFA) came out of the world conference for Disaster
Reduction held in kobe, hyogo, japan, 18 to 22 january 2005.
 It is the first plan to explain, describe and ratail the work that is required all different
sectors and actors to reduce disaster risk – government, informational agencies,
disaster experts and many other- bringing them into a common system of
coordination. The HFA outlines five priorities for action, and offers guiding principles
 practical means for achieving disaster resilience. Its goal is to substantially reduce
disaster losses by 2015by building the resilience of nation and communities to disaster.
This means reducing the loss of lives and social, economic, and environment assets
when hazards strikes. Disaster preparedness is considered as priority action 5:
strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response at all levels. The HFA rationale
states: at times of disaster, impacts and losses can be substantially reduced if
authorities, individual and communities in hazard prone areas are well prepared and
ready to act and are equipped with the knowledge and capacities for effective
disaster management.
 As comprehensive and as well-researched as literature and related studies of local
and foreign disaster risk reduction and management practices are today presently
there is also a growing threat in the increasing magnitude and frequency of disaster
and disaster risks that the nation and communities of this world are painfully beginning
to realize.
 As such, the level of preparedness of local communities must be evaluated in terms
of degree and direction with utmost urgency. Already many countries signatories are
hinting of new and update strategies for the post -2015hyogo framework for action
wherein the entire planets disaster risk reduction and management master plan would
be up for thorough assessment.
Chapter III
Research Methodology

Research design
 This study used a descriptive survey method used to asses’ socio-
demographic profile such as sex, age, parent’s educational attainment,
parent’s occupation, and total the awareness and preparedness in
disaster. To awareness to disaster that affects the preparedness of students
in ALLSHS school year 2018-2019.
 Descriptive research is a purposive process of data gathering, analyzing,
classifying and tabulating data about prevailing condition, practices,
beliefs, processes, trends, and cause-effect relationships and then
adequate and accurate interpretation about such data with or without aid
of statistical treatment.
Population and Sampling
 The respondents of this study came from ALLSHS. Random sampling used to select
randomly, samples from the different selected students of Grade 12 GAS and STEM
Respondents of the study
 The researchers considered the grade 12 GAS and STEM students of the ANGELO
LEVARDO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL comprising of 50 members, male and female. They
were the chosen respondents because they are the only strand that has a Disaster Risk
Reduction and Readiness subject.
Data Gathering Procedures
 The researchers will make a letter for the approval to conduct the study at ANGELO
LEVARDO LOYOLA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. The study was then conducted for two days
with 50 students as for their preference on awareness and preparedness for disaster.
After conducting this research we will come to a conclusion on how are they during a
Statistical Treatment of Data
 The researchers used the following statistical tools: frequency, weighted mean and
percentage to determine the level of preparedness and awareness in disaster. The
results were tabulated statistically by using the employed statistical tools. Figures and
tables were used to know the significant differences of the data’s according to their
grade 12 gas and stem students.
 Frequency – was used to get the number of respondents of Gas and Stem strand
Grade 12 according to their profile.
 x+x
 Percentage – was used for descriptive statistical and it was used to show the
distribution of the respondents.
 x ÷ n (100)
 Weighted mean – was used to get the measurement of the level of awareness and
preparedness in disaster to Gas and Stem strands grade 12.
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of
Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusion and
 This chapter presents the summary of the study undertaken, the conclusion and

 The salient findings of the study are the following:

 According to Demographic profile of Grade 12 students, male students have the highest
percentage than female students. It is more prepare the men compare to the women.
 According to the findings, the result of getting the weighted mean on aware and
prepared in Gas and Stem are 3.61.
 According to the findings, there are no significant differences between grade 12 Gas and
grade 12 Stem students. Where the students are both neither or not aware and prepared
in the disaster.
 Based on findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn.
 1. 50% of male students of Gas and Stem answered the survey questionnaire while the
female students are also 50% who answered the survey questionnaire.
 The grade 12 Gas and Stem in ALLSHS are more prepared than other strand.
 Both grade 12 Gas and Stem in ALLSHS are aware and prepared in the disaster
the/we encounter in everyday living.
 Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the following recommendations
are suggested.

 Evaluating the work area for hazards;
 Use portable generators, ladders, and other equipment properly; and Evacuation
procedures and assigned exit routes;
 Procedures to account for all employees following an evacuation;
 Have flashlights and batteries when there is a brownout or when there is a

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