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What are the

standards of
Pair-Share Strategy
Fitness Survey

Find a partner to complete the

ready-made survey questionnaire to
learn more about your fitness
habits. Put a check to the column
that corresponds your answer.
  Always Sometimes Never
Do you participate in fun      
Do you participate in      
Do you do bike?      
Do you participate in      
hiking or mountain
Do you do brisk walking?      
Do you engage in      
Do you exercise just for      
Do you participate in      
Still with your partner, discuss
the following:
1. What influences the choice
of your physical activities?
2. How do these activities affect

you and your lifestyle?

3. How do you benefit from
With your group, respond to the puzzle question below:

“Y s - nut + sea
cal fit +
imported –fitness
Why is physical ed + important?
Why is physical
fitness important
and how can you
make your body
• I can define physical education
and physical fitness
• I can differentiate health-
related component and skill-
related component
2 Corners Strategy:

The teacher will mention specific activities or

exercises then the students will guess if
those activities are either Health-related or
Skill-related Fitness. The choices are posted
on the left and right side of the classroom.
The students will go to the choice that they
think is correct.
The components of physical fitness:

Skill-related fitness
Health-related fitness
1-minute quick write
In your notebook, write a
concept/idea just covered in the
lecture (e.g. your understanding,
two questions that you have
about the concept as presented,
what would you like to know
more about the topic etc.)
Turn and Talks
Talk with your classmates about
what you do and don’t
understand and/or share with
your classmates what you wrote
down in your notes about a
particular concept just covered in
What is Physical
It is an educational course related of
maintaining the human body through
physical exercises.
It is taken during primary and
secondary education and encourages
psychomotor learning in a play or
movement exploration setting to
What is Physical Fitness?
• Physical Fitness- is the ability of an
individual to perform daily activities
efficiently without undue fatigue.
• In Dick’s book Sports and P.E.: A Complete
Guide to Advanced Level Study, physical
fitness is a successful adaptation to
stressors of one’s lifestyle.
Health- related fitness and
Physiological fitness
-has a greater concern for the
individual’s health.
Skill-related or performance-related fitness
-are based upon the neuromuscular
system and determine how a person can
achieve and perform successfully in a
particular skill.
of Fitness
1.Muscular Strength- refers
to the greatest force and the
ability to apply it.
2. Muscular endurance- is the
ability of the muscle or muscle
group to endure contractions
against resistance over a long
period of time.
3. Flexibility- is mostly defined
as the ability of the muscles, joints,
and tendons to move in a full range
of motion.
4. Aerobic Fitness or
Cardiorespiratory Endurance- is
the ability of the heart and the lungs
to sustain energy over a long period
of time.
5. Body composition- is the
composition of body fats compare to
lean mass in the body.
of Fitness
1. Reaction time- is the time it
takes to start moving between a
stimulus and reaction.
2. Speed is the ability to put body parts
into motion rapidly or it is the maximum
rate in which a person moves over a specific
3. Agility refers to the ability to
change direction quickly.
4. Balance is the ability to
maintain an equilibrium or body
composition or in a stationary or
when moving.
5. Power refers to the ability to release
maximum energy in the shortest period of time.
6. Hand/Eye or Foot/Eye Coordination is
the ability of the body to produce smooth fluid
of motion or combination of the hand and eye
or foot and eye movements to perform a task.
What are the
ways on how to
make your body
Core Values
In considering stewardship, the faithful management
of all God has entrusted to us, we need to start with
ourselves and with our bodies. We must give ourselves
to the Lord before we can think of giving Him our time,
our talents, our money, and our homes. We need to be
wise managers of the body God has given us if we want
to be able to effectively use all the other gifts He has
given us. Giving our time or our money does not mean
much unless we have already given ourselves. More
than anything the Lord wants us. He wants our love, our
hearts, our very selves. Our service, our hard work, is
no substitute for the offering of ourselves
Identify the concept being described in
each item. Write your number on the
space provided.
Agility Reaction Time

Health-Related Fitness Physical Fitness

Muscular Strength Physical

Coordination Speed
1. It is the ability to put body parts into motion
2. It is the most defined as the ability of the
joints and tendons move in a full range of
3. It is the structure of body fats compare to lean
mass in the body.
4. It is an educational course related of
5. It is the ability of the heart and the lungs to
sustain energy over a long period of time.
6. It is the ability of an individual to perform
activities efficiently without undue fatigue.
7. It is the ability of the body to produce smooth
fluid of motion or combination of the hand
eye or foot and eye movements to perform a
8. It refers to the greatest force and the ability
apply it.
9. It refers to the ability to change direction
10. It is the moment it takes to start moving
between a stimulus and response.
By group, assign a member who will bring the following
materials for the Physical Fitness test.

ruler chalk
tape measure mat
ping-pong ball stop watch

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