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Selection and organization Of

Guiding Principles in the
Selection and organization of
 One guiding principle related to subject matter
content is to observe the following qualities in
the selection and organization of content.
a. Validity
b. significance
c. Balance
e. Interest
f. Utility
g. Feasibilty

2.At the base of the structure of cognitive

subject matter content is facts. We can’t do
away with facts but be sure to go beyond
facts by constructing an increasable richer
and more sophisticated knowledge base and
by working out a process of conceptual
Here are few ways cited by cognitive psychologist
(Ormrod,2000) by which you can help your
a.) Providing opportunities for
b.) presenting the ideas of others.
c.) emphasizing conceptual understanding.
Specific Strategies that can help you develop
conceptual understanding in yours students:
 Organize units around a few core ideas and
 Explain each topic in depths. For example, by
considering many examples, examining cause
effect relationship, and discovering how specific
details relate to more general principles.
 Explain how new ideas relate to students’ own
experiences and things they have previously
 Show students- through the things we say, the
assignments we give, and the criteria we use to
evaluate learning that conceptual
understanding of subject matter is far more
important than knowledge of isolated facts.
 Ask students to teach others what they have
learned. a task that encourage our students to
talk about what they learn, they are given to
opportunity to reflect, elaborate on, clarify
further and master what they have learned.
 Use authentic activities. Incorporate your
lessons into “ real world” activities. Instead of
simply asking students to work on some itema
on subtraction, simulate a “sari- sari” store and
3. Subject matter content is an integration of
cognitive, skill and affective elements.
While our subject matter content come in three
domains should not be treated as though there
was a clear dividing line among them.
When our point of emphasis is the cognitive
aspect, it does not mean that we exclude skills.
In the first place, our teaching of facts, concepts,
principles, theories and laws necessitate the
skill of seeing the relationships among these in
order to see meaning. Likewise, when our
subject matter is focused on the thinking and
manipulate skills, our lesson content also has
cognitive content.
More so with the teaching of values, for values
taught are imbibed By the students these are
expressed in their daily behaviour (skill). The
cognitive lesson may be used as a vehicle in the
teaching of skills and values.
a.) The structure of Subject Matter Content
Our subject matter content includes Cognitive,
skill and Affective components.
1. Cognitive(Ormrod)
a. Fact is an idea or action that can be verified.
b. Concept is categorization of events, places,
people, ideas.
c. Principle is the relationship between and among
facts studies yield similar results time after time .
d. hypotheses are educate guesses about
relationships (principles)
e. Theories refer to a set of facts, concepts and
principles that describe possible underlying
unobservable mechanisms hat regulate
learning, development, and behaviour they
explain why these principles are true.
f. Laws are firmly established througly tested
principle or theory.
2. Skills
a. Manipulate skills
b. Thinking skills
Divergent thinking-
flexible thinking-
original thinking-
elaborative thinking-

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