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Chapter 1:Lesson 3- F

unctions, Roles, and S

kills of a Manager

Mr. Christopher Rosalio MBA

*An individual engaged in manage
ment activities.

*Supervise, sustain, uphold, and as

Manager sume responsibility for the work of
others in his or her work group, tea
m department, or the organization
in general.

Managerial Levels
Middle-level Managers
(Tactical Managers)

Frontline Managers
(Operational Managers)
• The various roles played by mana
Managerial Roles gers, such as interpersonal, infor
mational, and decision making rol
The various skill that managers mu
Managerial Skills st posses, such as conceptual hum
an and technical skills
• Lead frontline or lower-level man
Middle-level agers and are accountable to top
of manageme level of management.
Frontline or
lower level o Responsible for dealing with operating
personnel. It requires high level of inte
f managemen rpersonal and technical skills.
One who possesses good leader
ship qualities for a combination
of a good moral character, stron
Leader g professional will, humility that
builds, enduring greatness, and
commands loyalty and respect a
mong subordinates
One who is capable of maintaining
Liaison unity of action in the organization
One who has nominal leadership but w
ithout real power, as this power is poss
Figurehead essed only by the company’s President
O ne who speaks in the na
me and behalf of another;
as in behalf of the compa
ny President/Owner.
Categories of Managerial Roles according to Mintzberg

Interpersonal • Leader
• Liaison
• Figurehead

Informational • Spokesperson
• Monitor
• Disseminator

Decisional or Decision Making • Disturbance handler

• Resource allocator
• Negotiator
• entrepreneur
Managerial Skills Conceptual Skills
• Enable managers to think of
possible solutions to complex
• Develop holistic view of their
organization and its relation to the
wider external environment
surrounding it

Human Skills
• Enable managers in all levels to
relate well with people

Technical Skills
• Important for managers for them
to perform their tasks with
proficiency with the use of their

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