Electrostatics: #Charges Are at Rest #Static Electricity #Frictional Electricity #Coulomb'S Law

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CHARGE : A Brief History
 In late 400 BC, Thales discovered the attraction property in Amber after
been rubbed with a piece of wool.
 In 1600 AD, Gilbert found that not only Amber but few other material too
acquire this property and called them as electrified and named this
phenomenon as Frictional Electricity.
 It was assumed to be two types of fluids responsible for the attraction and
repulsion which was later proved wrong as it was found only electrons(𝒆−𝟏 )
were responsible for charging and discharging any body.
 So we are introduced to the two types of charges around us as
+ Positive charge & - Negative charge
Also that (+ +) & (- -) Repel and (+ -) & (- +) Attract
 After the study of atomic model it is well known that electrons are loosely
bound and keep on revolving around the nucleus where protons live
together with another type of particle named neutron(no charge).

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