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Business Ethics Case Study

Case Study: Discrimination in the Workplace

by Elaine E. Englehardt

 Marian, a top graduate from Loyola in Humanities, was hired by a major

corporation into a management position. Marian finished the corporation's
management training program top in her group, and is performing above the
norm in her position. She is really enjoying her work.
 As a black woman she feels isolated, as there are no other black women
managers and few women in her area. One night at a company party she
heard a conversation between two of her male co-workers and their
supervisor. They were complaining to him about Marian's lack of qualifications
and her unpleasant personality. They cursed affirmative action regulations for
making the hiring of Marian necessary.
 Marian is very upset and wants to quit.

 Should Marian quit?

 Are her co-workers correct in their evaluation?
 Should Marian file a discrimination suit?
 Should Marian go to the supervisor?
 What else could Marian do?

Utah Valley State College 800 West University Parkway, Orem, UT 84058 (801) 863-
Copyright © 2003 UVSC All Rights Reserved
1. No, because in the first place Marian deserve her position as a Manager. She
wouldn’t make it if she didn’t do her best.
2. Precisely no, just because she’s a black woman doesn’t mean they have the
right to discriminate and degrade her capabilities, to do her job as a Manager.
3. No, because it would cost a lot of issues and money. For certain her problems
will become worst and her co workers will hate her more.
4. Yes, she must report to her supervisor about the discrimination about her on
her co workers.
5. First, she can just ignore the gossip she’s been hearing and just focus more on
her position as a productive manager. Second, she must prove to them that
she is deserving to that position and ‘lastly, being a black woman doesn’t
mean she cannot be a manager, or a supervisor, and a CEO of the company.

 A. Form of Business Ownership

 G & G Plastic Teepee will be registered as a partnership in the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the names of Queenie Pagdilao, Sofhia
A. Bagalayos, Ruffa Vallejos, and Trixie G. Ugay, Mariella Castro, Kaithe
Ramos, Saludez Queenie Ashley the partners will then divide the profit among
themselves according to their capital contributions and will be liable for any
loss and liabilities of the business up to their personal extent because they
are all General Partners. They will provide their agreement with regards to
administering the business to prevent confusion. The funding requirement of
the business will arise from capital contribution of the partners stated in the
table below
 B. Nature of the Business
 G & G Plastic Teepee is a manufacturing business that offers a high quality teepee.

 Location
 G & G Plastic Teepee will be located along Mc Arthur Highway cor. Sto. Cristo St.
Tarlac City. The area is along the high way , this will serve as a promotional
material because of its accessibility and convenience to the public.

 C. Vision
 To become a pioneer of plastic teepee in Tarlac City.
 Mission
 It is our mission to provide high quality plastic teepee. Convenient in trading
excellent and affordable product is our greatest concern.
 D. Core Values
 Integrity – we commit to truth and honesty in what we say and do, and practice
high standards of fairness and ethics at work and in our relationships.
 Excellence – we aim high in everything we do and continuously seek to
improve our level of performance.
 Respect – we treat everyone with appreciation and concern. We engage in
healthy and positive relationship based on mutual trust.

 Strengths
 • Innovative product
 • Offers affordable price
 • Good location of the business
 • Skilled worker and marketing expertise
 • Extended operating hours
 • Good customer value
 • Quick response to the customer
 • Positive working environment
 Weaknesses
 • Offers same product with the competitors
 • Competitive disadvantage
 • Lack of reputation
 • Lack of warehouse(holding too much stock)
 • Single location-limited reach
 • Inadequate distribution channel
 Opportunities
 • Loyal customers
 • Developing market such as internet
 • Active on social media/Internet
 • Coordination with agricultural and livestock businesses
 • Favorable contract terms
 • Partnership and alliance
 Threats
 • Rising cost of materials
 • Competitors have a similar product
 • Competitor opening shop nearby
 • Dissatisfied customers
 • Policy restrictions

 Product
G & G Plastic Teepee offers good quality of products and guarantee the customer
will use the product in a long time
 Price
G & G Plastic Teepee offers affordable price with great quality of product.
 Place
Mc Arthur Highway cor. Sto. Cristo St. Tarlac City.
 Promotion
We use the most useful advertising; the facebook, instragram, and flyers.

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