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Advertising & Sales Promotion

Types of Advertising
Scholars have proposed various approaches to classifying the vast variety of
advertising. An understanding of these would help managers in choosing the
most appropriate type of advertising to achieve their objectives.

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Consumer Advertising
Most non-classified advertising is display advertising and is found throughout
the newspaper and on many magazine pages.

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Two types of display advertising in newspapers are national and local.

 National Advertising
 Retail (Local) Advertising
 Co-operative Advertising
 End-Product Advertising
 Direct-Response Advertising
 Classified Ads

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Advertising to Business and Profession

This type of advertising is aimed at re-sellers, and professionals such as,
architects, lawyers and doctors, etc. The media used is direct mail or professional

 Trade Advertising

 Industrial Advertising

 Professional Advertising

 Corporate or Institutional Advertising

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Non-product Advertising
 Idea Advertising
 Service Advertising

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Surrogate Advertising
In advertising context when the laws of a country do not permit advertising of a
certain product category, the advertisers take the shelter of brand extension.

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Important Players in Advertising

 Advertiser
 Advertising Agency

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A typical full-service agency has five functional departments: accounts

management, creative services, media services, marketing services, and
administration department.

Media-buying services specialise in buying media for clients.

Industry-focussed agencies concentrate on certain fields such as agriculture,

healthcare, drugs and pharmaceuticals, and computers etc.

Media Organisations

Collateral Service Providers

Target Audiences

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Planning and Managing Advertising

Advertising planning and managing steps include situation analysis, identifying
target audience, determining objectives, setting budget, advertising strategy
implementation, and evaluation. In most cases the ad agency’s accounts
executive develops the advertising plan or campaign.

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Behavioural Steps Toward Advertising

Dimensions Purchase for Various Stages
Conative Purchase POP advertising.
Effect of The realm of motives. Price/quality appeals
Advertising Ads stimulate or
on direct desires. Conviction
Preference Comparative ads.
Affective Argumentative copy.
The realm of emotions,
attitudes, and feelings. Liking “Image” copy. Status,
glamour appeals.
Cognitive Descriptive copy.
The realm of thoughts. Slogans, jingles, etc.
Beliefs. Awareness
Ad repetition, teaser ads.
(Figure based on Lavidge and Steiner Model) © SHH Kazmi, 2007

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Advertising & Sales Promotion

Marketers should consider some specific factors when setting the advertising
 Product life cycle stage
 Market share
 Intensity of competition and clutter
 Advertising frequency
 Product differentiation

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Advertising Strategy Implementation

Advertising strategy has four important elements of creative mix:
 identifying the target market and defining the audience,
 deciding the product’s positioning,
 developing advertising message, and
 selecting the communication media.

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Advertising Message
Great advertising results by creating a combination of “ad liking” and its
“strategic relevance.” While the text and the visuals carry the ad message,
behind the creative team’s choice of tone, words, and ideas, lies an
advertising strategy.

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Account executive from the advertising agency prepares a creative brief to

communicate the strategy to the creative team. It is a simple written statement
of the most significant issues to consider and guide the team in the
development of an advertisement or campaign. The statement addresses the
following issues:
 Who?
 Why?
 What?
 Where, when, and how?
 What style, approach, or tone?

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Ogilvy used prestigious individuals to convey the desired image for the product
in some of his most well-known campaigns and when possible, he would use
testimonials from celebrities.
He prescribed the following eleven commandments for creating advertising
1. What you say is more important than how you say it.
2. Unless your campaign is built around a great idea, it will flop.
3. Give the facts. The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife. You insult her
intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives
will persuade her to buy anything. She wants all the information you can
give her.
4. You cannot bore people into buying. We make advertisements that people
want to read. You can’t save souls in an empty church.
5. Be well mannered, but don’t clown.
6. Make your advertising contemporary. Cont…
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7. Committees can criticize advertisements, but they cannot write them.

8. If you are lucky enough to write a good advertisement, repeat it until it
stops pulling.
9. Never write an advertisement, which you wouldn’t want your family to
read. Good products can be sold by honest advertising. If you don’t think
the product is good, you have no business to be advertising it. If you tell lies,
or weasel, you do your client a disservice, you increase your load of guilt,
and you fan the flames of public resentment against the whole business of
10. The image and the brand: it is the total personality of a brand rather than
any trivial product difference, which decides its ultimate position in the
11. Don’t be a copycat. Nobody has ever built a brand by imitating somebody
else in advertising.
David Ogilvy, Confessions of an Advertising Man (Portions of some points excluded).
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Advertising & Sales Promotion

Rosser Reeves: Rosser Reeves of Ted Bates agency (now part of Saatchi
group) developed the concept of Unique Selling Proposition (USP).

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Advertising & Sales Promotion

Leo Burnett: His approach to determining the major selling idea is termed as
“Inherent drama.” This approach focuses on finding out the product attribute
that made the manufacturer to produce it, and the product benefit that
motivates the consumer to purchase it.

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Advertising Appeals: The advertising appeal is the central message to be

used in the ad.

Rational Appeals: These appeals address the consumer’s self interest and
focus on negatively originated motives (problem removal or problem avoidance)
as happens when we run out of something and experience a negative mental

Emotional Appeals: Emotional appeals relate to customers’ social and

psychological needs and stir up positive or negative emotions that can motivate
purchase of a product or service.

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Advertising & Sales Promotion

There are many ways in which an advertising message can be presented.

 Factual message or straight sell
 Scientific or technical evidence
 Testimonial
 Demonstration
 Comparison
 Slice of life (problem solution)
 Lifestyle
 Fantasy
 Animation
 Humour
 Combination
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Advertising & Sales Promotion

Media Plan
Media planning involves a series of decisions in delivering the ad message to
the largest number of the target audience in the most effective manner at the
lowest cost. Three important steps involved are media objectives, media
strategy, and media selection.
After closely analysing the media habits of target audience, geographic area,
and media timing, the planners formulate a particular combination that would
serve the reach, frequency, and impact objectives successfully and effectively.
 Media class
 Media vehicle
 Media reach
 Media frequency
 Media impact
 Media scheduling
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Selection among Major Media Types

Media planners consider certain factors in making their choices among major
media to achieve the desired reach, frequency, and impact. Media planners
consider the following factors:

 Target Audience Media Habits

 Product Characteristics

 Message Characteristics

 Media Costs

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Media Advantages Disadvantages

Television Offers mass coverage. Offers low selectivity.
High level of reach. Short span of message life.
Combined impact of sight, High cost.
sound, and motion. High production costs.
Prestige value. Creates advertising clutter.
Low cost per exposure. Waste coverage.
Characteristics Attracts attention.
of Major Media
Types Radio Local coverage. Only audio.
Lower cost. Noise.
High frequency. Low on attention getting.
Focused segment selection. Message short lived.
Low production costs.
Newspapers Mass coverage. Short life of advertisement.
Low cost, large space. Clutter.
Short lead time for ad placing. Low attention getting.
Ad position choice possible. Poor production quality.
Good for current ads. Selective exposure.
Reader controls exposure.
Coupons can be inserted. Cont…
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Magazines Potential for focused segmentation. Long lead time for ad placing.
Very good production quality. Only visual.
Longevity of message. Low frequency.
High information content. Lack of flexibility.
More readers per copy.
General Outdoor Good for specific location. Short exposure time.
Characteristics High repetition. Short message.
of Major Media High visibility. Poor image.
Direct mail High level of selectivity. High cost per contact Clutter.
Reader controls exposure. Often thrown as junk mail.
High information content.
Opportunity for repeat exposures
Internet User controlled. Limited creative capabilities.
Increased attention and involvement.

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Advertising & Sales Promotion

Evaluation of Advertising Effectiveness

Advertising agencies usually pretest ads or commercials and also conduct post-
testing. Some major pre-testing and post-testing methods are mentioned briefly.

Pre-Testing Methods
Print Advertising

 Direct Questioning

 Focus Group

 Portfolio Test

 Order-of-Merit Test


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Pre-Testing Methods
Television and Radio Advertising
 Central Location Test
 Clutter Test
 Trailer Test

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Post-Testing Methods
 Recall
 Recognition
 Inquiry

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Advertising & Sales Promotion

Sales Promotion
Sales promotion utilises a variety of incentive tools for a predetermined, limited
period of time in order to stimulate trial, increase consumer or trade demand,
and motivate and reward sales force, such as samples, coupons, discounts,
premiums, refunds and rebates, contest and sweepstakes, trade deals, and
sales contests for sales people etc. In most cases, the objectives are generally
short-term sales related rather than long-term brand building.

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Reasons for Sales Promotion Growth

The role of sales promotion has increased dramatically within the last 15
 Intense Competition
 Brand Proliferation
 Declining Brand Loyalty
 Growing Power of Resellers
 Advertising has Become Less Effective

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Sales Promotion Tools

Manufacturer announced consumer promotions constitute “pull” strategy and
retailer promotions are based on “push” strategy. Sales promotions are more
effective when combined with advertising and “pull-push” strategies are used at
the same time.

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Consumer Promotions
Sales promotions directed at end-users are called consumer sales promotions.
 Price Discount (also called cents-off)
 Bonus-Pack
 Samples
 Premiums
 Refund or Rebate (the terms are used interchangeably)
 Frequent-User Reward
 Coupons
 Consumer Contests, Sweepstakes, and Games
 Exchange or Buy-Back Offers
 Point-of-Purchase Displays
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Advertising & Sales Promotion

Trade Promotions
Trade promotions are directed at resellers (distributors, dealers, wholesalers,
and retailers).
The main objectives of trade promotions include:
 Build strong relations with channel members.
 To stimulate in-store merchandising support, such as arranging
displays, shelf space, feature advertising etc.
 Gain distribution of new products.
 Gain support for existing brands.
 Manipulate levels of inventory held by wholesalers and retailers.
 Trade Allowances
 Buying Allowances
 Free Goods
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Trade Promotions
 Slotting Allowances (also called stocking, or introductory allowance)
 Buy-Back Allowance
 Advertising Allowances
 Display Allowance
 Contests and Incentives
 Cooperative Advertising
 Dealer Loader
 Training Programme

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Internet Promotions
The number of companies using Internet promotions is increasing. Contests and
sweepstakes are among the most commonly used to motivate people to visit
marketers’ Internet sites.

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Promotions that Blur the Line

Some promotions such as speciality advertising, event marketing and
sponsorship are activities that blur the line between advertising, sales
promotion, and public relations.

 Speciality Advertising

 Event Marketing and Sponsorship

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Sales Promotion Planning Guidelines

Planning process starts with situation analysis. To start with, the promotion
planners must first consider the corporate policy with regard to sales promotion.
Joseph S. Mair has recorded one such policy statement in Handbook of Sales
Promotion, ed. Stanley M. Ulanoff. The policy says:
1. “Sales promotion is an integral part of the marketing mix.”
2. “Sales promotion should be used as an offensive weapon in the brand’s
marketing arsenal, not merely as a defensive reaction when a problem
3. “Sales promotion should extend and reinforce the brand’s advertising and
positioning, whenever possible.”
4. “Sales promotion should be developed as campaigns, not as single,
unrelated events.”
5. “Good sales promotions are built upon sound strategic planning.”
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Sales Promotion Objectives

Some of the important objectives of sales promotion include:
 Increase sales volume
 Attract new customers
 Launch new product and increase trial
 Encourage repeat purchase
 Clearance of excessive inventories
 Motivate dealers to stock and sell more
 To gain advantageous shelf-space
 To increase store traffic
 To block competitors’ moves
 Motivate sales force
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Type of Promotion to Use

There are three types of promotions that can be used, singly, or in
(a) Consumer promotion
(b) Trade promotion, and
(c) Sales force promotion
There are two major approaches for consumer and trade promotions:
(1) Same for less, and
(2) More for the same

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Which Product to Promote

Resellers perceive inventory risk associated with stocking or not stocking the
product on promotion. The following conditions may be the cause of risk
 When the consumer demand for the product is unpredictable.
 When the inventory holding costs are high.
 When the product is seasonal.
 When the product is likely to go out of fashion quickly.

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