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What does a professional

code of ethics prescribe for

1. all?
A. Moral standards and ethical behavior
B. Rules and regulation in practicing one’s
C. Strict law implementation
D. Civility and social-consciousness A
The number of days after
which an enrolled bill
2. becomes a law.
A. 45 days
B. 60 days
C. 75 days
D. 90 days D
It is perceived as the most
important need and most
pressing problem of the
3. Filipino family.
A. unemployment or financial
B. prone to vice
C. broken family A
D. double standard on roles
There are 3 fundamental
Human rights according
4. to UDHR. These are:
A. life, security and self-development
B. life, economy and self-
C. life, dignity and security D
D. life, liberty and security
Which of the following is
the right to human
5. dignity?
A. property ownership
B. honor and reputation
C. fair trial
D. political independence B
If the school is considered
as agent of social and
cultural change, it should
6. function as?
A. transmitter of culture
B. perpetuator of tradition
C. pioneer of programs
D. innovator of instructions B
The “ASEAN+3” was recently expanded
with 3 new partner-countries during the
2006 APEC in Vietnam to foster broader
regional free trade in the region. These
countries are?
A. U.S., Canada and Japan
B. Australia, New Zealand and India
C. Russia, China and Japan
D. Australia, US and New Zealand
What is the main goal of
drug abuse education?
A. arrest
B. prevention
C. control
D. rehabilitation B
The Philippine is a democratic
and ______ state. Sovereignty
resides in the people and all the
9. government authority emanates
from them.
A. Presidential
B. Bicameral
C. Republican
D. Constitutional C
Policy of the states to promote
social justice in all phases of
national development and give
preferential to the welfare of the
10. less fortunate members of the
A. Human Rights
B. Democracy
C. Freedom
D. Social Justice
The power of the states to enact
laws or regulations in relation to
persons and properties as may
promote public health, safety,
11. general welfare and
A. Power of Eminent Domain
B. Police Power
C. Power of Taxation
D. Emergency Powers
The measurement of the
total value of a country’s
12. economic production.

A. Gross National Product (GNP)

B. National Income
C. Net National Income
D. Per Capita Income
The major purpose of
A. provides States income
B. redistribute the monetary resources
lessen the disposable income
control financial deficit
Under the 1987 Constitution,
which among it’s basic principle
embodied the socio-logical
14. aspects of life?

A. Separation of State and Church

B. Recognition of Family as a basic
social institution
C. Empowerment of People Power B
D. Empowerment of Suffrage
It is the environmental
milestone that requires
industries to install anti-
15. pollution devices and ban the
use of incinerators.

A. The Greenpeace Act

B. The Environmental Care Act
C. The Clean Air Act
D. The Anti-Pollution Law
A broader regional free trade
zone established composed of
ASEAN engaging Japan, China
16. and South Korea in expanding
economic relations.

A. ASEAN Free Trade Zone

B. “ASEAN Plus Three”
C. APEC Economic Zone
D. APEC Free Trade Zone
Program designed to solve the
social ills of the Filipino society
through social renewal and
transformation and to
17. strengthen the moral fiber of the
Filipino people.
A. People Empowerment
B. “Galing Mo Pinoy”
C. People’s Initiative
D. Moral Recovery Program
The integration of national
markets into a single world
market place where goods,
services, and financial capital
18. and technology flow
unhampered between countries.
A. Market Liberation
B. Free Trade Zone
C. Globalization
D. Market Integration
This law allows college students
to choose among the 3
component programs of
national service namely ROTC,
19. literacy training service or civic
welfare training.
A. NSTP (National Service Training
Program Act)
B. Civil Service Act
C. National Defense Service Act A
D. National Integrated Service Act
It is the corporate mind of the
pupils and teachers organized
around principles of knowledge
20. in which all minds are thinking
as one.

A. social mind
B. educative mind
C. philosophical mind
D. intelligence
Refers to the passing of
culture to the next
21. generation.

A. religion
B. education
C. arts
D. language
These are values which are
basic, urgent and obligatory
in character in man’s life and
22. activities.

A. religious values
B. ethical values
C. cultural values
D. social values
The secret society Jose Rizal
established design to
promote civic and patriotic
23. education among the
A. La Liga Filipina
B. Companerism
C. Propaganda
D. La Juventud
Rizal’s winning poem which
is considered a classic n
24. Philippine Literature.

A. To The Filipino Youth

B. El Amor Patrio
C. Los Viajes
D. The Tales
The process of two cultures
borrowing form each other.
A. mixed culture
B. culture area
C. diffusion
D. assimilation
The cognitive process of the
valuing process wherein the
individual has a full
understanding of the
26. consequences of each option
being considered.
A. choosing from the alternatives
B. choosing reflectively
C. choosing freely
D. imaging and cherishing
The teacher becomes a director
of values learning and enriches
the learning through cognitive,
27. and affective inputs.

A. activity
B. abstraction
C. analysis
D. application
To develop the value of self-
reflection and analysis,
28. educational methods should?

A. focus on note learning and analysis

B. inculcate the value and habit of self-
reflection starting from childhood.

reflection B
C. conduct a series of activities of self-

D. encourage conversion as a proof of personal

Is an on going process of using
one’s innate capacities and
potentials in full, creative ways
29. which is the core of valuing

A. self-actualization
B. introspection
C. value processing
D. self-direction
World body with 143 member-
countries that set governing
rules in economic relations and
30. trade.

A. World Trade Organization

B. General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade
C. United Nations
D. U.N. Conference on Trade and

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