Management Information System

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Management Information

Managing Digital Firm

By Reinly Alfa Kere S.Kom

Ref. Management Information Systems

Eleventh Edition
Kenneth C. Laudon & Jane P. Laudon
Publish By Pearson
Pengantar / Preface
What’s New In MIS ????
Plenty. In Fact, there’s a whole new world of doing
business new technology for managing and organizing
bussiness operations. What makes the MIS field the
most exiciting area of study in schools of bussiness in
the continues change in technology, management and
bussiness process. *Akan dipelajari lebih lanjut di
Chapter 1*.
Pengantar / Preface
What’s New in MIS
 A continual stream of information technology inovations is
transforming the traditional bussiness world.
 Examples include the emergences of cloud computing, the

growth of a mobile digital business platform, and, not least,

the use of social networks by managers to achieve business
 Most of these changes have occured in the last few years.
 These innovations are enabling entrepreneurs and innovative

traditional firms to create new products and services.

Pengantar / Preface
What’s New In MIS ????
For instance, the emergences of online music stores have
changed the older bussiness model of distributing
Online video rental are similiarly transforming the old
model of distributing film through theaters and then
through DVD rental at physical stores.
New high speed broadband connections to the home
have supported these two bussiness changes.
Pengantar / Preface
What’s New in MIS ???
E – Commerce has back, generating over $250 Billion in
revenues in 2008, growing 15 percent a year.
It’s forever changing how firm design, produce and
deliver their product and services.
E – Commerce has reivented itself again, disrupting the
traditional marketing and advertising industry and
putting major media and content firms in jeopardy.
Exam. FB, MY Space, You Tube, Photo Bucket, Second
Pengantar / Preface
What’s New in MIS ????
The social networking like Facebook, Myspace,Second
life are the new face of e – commerce in the 21 st century.
They sell service, not goods.
Likewise, the management of bussiness firms has
changed. With new mobile phones, high speed wireless,
WI – FI networksm and wireless laptop computers,
remote salespople on the road are only second away
from their managers questions and oversight.
Pengantar / Preface
The growth of enterprise – wide information systems
with extraordinarily rich data means that managers no
longer operate in a fog of confusion, but insteadhave
online, nearly instant, acces to the really important
information they need for accurate and timely
In addition to their public uses on the web, wikis and
blogs are becoming important coorporate tools for
communications collaborations and information
Organizations, Management,
and The Networked Enterprise
Part One
Chapter 1
Information Systems In Global Bussiness Today
NBA Teams Make A Slam Dunk With
Information Technology
NBA Teams Make A Slam Dunk With
Information Technology
The challenges facing NBA teams show why
information systems are so essential today.
Like other bussiness, profesional basketball faces
pressure from high costs, especially for team member
salaries and travel to search for new talent.
Teams are trying to increase revenue by improving
employee performance, especially the performance of
basketball team members.
NBA Teams Make A Slam Dunk With
Information Technology
The chapter – opening diagram calls attention to
important points raised by this case and this chapter.
Management was unable to make good decisions
about how to improve the performance of teams and
of individual players because it lacked precise data
about plays.
It had to rely on “best guesses” based on video tapes of
NBA Teams Make A Slam Dunk With
Information Technology
Management found a new information system to
provide better information.
The information system is based on a service provided
by Synergy Sports Technology.
Synergy staff members break down each game into a
series of plays and then categorize each play by
players, type of play and the outcome.
These data are tagged to the videos they describe to
make the videos easy to search.
NBA Teams Make A Slam Dunk With
Information Technology
NBA coaches and management can analyze the data to
see which offensive and defensive moves are the most
effective for each team player.
Team members themselves can use iPods to download
the videos to help them prepare the game.
This Innovation solution makes it possible for
basketball management to use objective statistical data
about players, plays, and outcomes to improve their
decision making about what players should or shouldn’t
do to most effectively counter their opponets.
1.1 The Role of Information Systems In
Bussiness Today
American bussiness will spend about $840 billion on
information systems hardware, software, and telecomunications
Figure 1 – 1 shows that between 1980 and 2007, private bussiness
invesment in information technology consisting of hardware,
software and coomunications equipment grew from 32 percent
to 51 percent of all invested capital.
As managers, most of you will work for firms that intensively
using information systems and making large invesment in
information technology.
You will certainly want to know how to invest this money wisely.
If you make wise choices, your firm can outperform competitors.
If you make poor choices, you will be wasting valuabel capital.
How Information Systems Are Transforming
You can see the result of this massive spending around
you everday by observing how people conduct
More wireless phones accounts were opened in 2008
than telephoned land lines installed
58% of adult Americans have used a cell phone or
mobile handheld device for activities other than voice.
In 2007 FedEx moved over 100 milion packages in U.S.
Mostly overnight and UPS moved 3.7 billion packages
How Information Systems Are Transforming
More than 64 million people receive their news online
About 67 million American read blogs, and 2 1 million
write blogs, creating an explosion of new writers and
new forms of customer feedbak that did not exist five
years ago.
Social networking like MySpace and Facebook attrack
over 7o and 30 million visitors a month, respecitvely, and
businesses are starting to use social networking tools to
connect their employess, customers, and managers
Figure 1.1 Information Technology Capital
What’s New in Management Information
Old sytem are being creatively destroyed, and entirely
new systems are taking their place.
New industries appear, old ones decline, and a
succesful firms are those who learn how to use
Table 1 -1 summarizes the major new themes in
business uses of information systems.
What’s New in Management Information
In the technology area there are three interrrelated
changes :
1. the emergencing mobile digital platform ( think
iPhones, Blackberrys)
2. the growth of online software as a service, and the
growth in “cloud computing” where more and more
bussiness software runs over the internet. Of course
this changes depend on other building – block
technologies described in Table 1 – 1 , such as faster
processor chips that use much less power.
Globalization Challenges and Oppurtunities :
A Flattened World
In 1492 Colombus reaffirmed what astronomers were long
saying : the world was round and the seas could be safety sailed.
By 2005, journalist Thomas Friedman wrote an influential book
declaring the world was now “flat”, by which he meant that the
Internet and global communications had greatly reduced the
economic and cultural advantages of developed countries.
U.S and European countries were in a fight for their economic
lives, competing for jobs, markets, resources, and eve ideas with
highly educated, motivated populations in low – wage areas in
the less developed world (Friedman,2006).
This “globalization” presenets both challenges and

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