Earth Quake and Fire Drill Report

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Do You Know?
Invented on
1958 because of
a massive fire
incident in a
school on USA

Fire Drill
resulting deaths
of hundreds

a practice of the emergency

procedures to be used in case
of fire


The importance of fire

Fire drills help prepare employees to respond quickly, calmly,
and safely. Fire drills play a very important role in
workplace fire safety. ... Include outside resources such
as fire and police departments when possible.
Why do schools need it?
The purpose of the fire drill. Fire drills are intended to ensure, by means
of training and rehearsal, that: people who may be in danger act in a
calm and orderly manner. those with responsibilities carry out their
tasks to ensure the safety of all concerned.

How often school’s need

to practice fire drills?
All organisations should carry out fire
drills at least annually. However, due to the
level of risk, the National Union of
Teachers (NUT) recommends
that schools carry them out at least once a
term. They also recommend
that schools run drills at the start of
each school year for the benefit of new
staff and pupils

What to do?
Did you know?
Invented in India

Earth Quake Drills

in 1905 because
of the kangra

An earthquake drill is a drill

used to practice in preparation
for an earthquake. Schools in
some areas conduct
earthquake drills. Stop, drop
and hold on is used during the

What to do? How often should

a school repeat
earthquake drils

At least 1 in
a month

Lock down drill

are means of practicing preparedness in a business in the
event of an intruder or criminal act. Generally an
announcement is given that the building is going on an
immediate lockdown. At that point, all occupants present
at the time of the drill go to a room and lock all doors and
windows tight. They must remain still until an "all-clear
signal" has been issued. If the emergency is really life-
threatening, then occupants present at the time of the
emergency will evacuate to a meeting zone well away
from the premises (scene of the emergency).

Tornado Drill t

Tornado drills are an important element in

tornado preparedness. Like any other safety
drills, they increase chances of correct
response to a real tornado threat.
Most states in the midwestern and southern
United States conduct a statewide tornado drill
in late winter or early spring in preparation for
the severe weather season.

Mock drill
The main purpose of this
mandatory drill is to check the reaction
of occupants/employees of the building
and to know the workability of fire
fighting/detection system installed in
the building so that deficiencies may be
removed and further improvement plan
may be executed to avoid life

Any questions?

CREDITS to sources

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