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• from the origin of the word, vocation
means to be called.
• For every call, there must always be
a response.
• Vocation is not limited in the idea of
religion, vocation includes other big
• A Biblical Character
who was called while
in Egypt to lead God’s
chosen people out of
Egypt in order to free
them from slavery.
• Another Biblical
Character in the New
Testament, who was
called by God to
become the mother of
the Savior, Jesus
• In Islam, he is the last
of the Prophets to be
called by Allah, to
spread the teachings
of Allah.
it was God who
and teaching might be yo
called you.
Teaching as a

• Teaching is also a mission.
• Mission Accomplished is a phrase used
by mostly by soldiers when they
accomplish a certain task they are given.
• You were called for a
If this is your
assigned task,
then naturally, you’ve got to
prepare yourself in it.
exactly is
the mission
to teach?
1. Is it merely to teach the child the fundamental
skills or basic r’s?
2. Is it to help the child master the basic skills so
he/she can acquire knowledge in becoming a
productive member of the society?
3. Is it to deposit facts and other information into
the “empty minds” of students to be withdrawn
during quizzes or tests?
4. Is it to “midwife” the birth of ideas latent in the
minds of students?
5. Is it to facilitate the maximum development of
capacities not only for themselves but also for
To teach, is to do
this and a lot of
To teach is to influence every child entrusted in your care to become
better and happier because life becomes more meaningful. It is also
to help the child become more human.
Teaching is indeed your
mission if:
• If you’re doing it not only for the pay but also for service.
• If you keep teaching out of love, it’s a mission.
• If you are committed to teaching even if it means letting
go of other activities
• If you remain teaching even though nobody recognizes
your efforts
• It makes you get excited
• If your concern is success plus faithfulness
and a life
of meaning
Teaching may not be a lucrative position. It
cannot guarantee financial security. It even
means investing your personal, time, energy,
and resources. Sometimes it means
disappointments, heartaches, and pains. But
touching the hearts of people anf open the
minds of children can give you joy and
contentment which money could not buy.
These are the moments I teach for. These are
The “Pwede Na”
The Enemy of Excellent Mission Preparation
and Accomplishment
In the world of work,
whether here or abroad,
only the best and brightest
make it. If we remain true to
our calling and mission as a
professional teacher, we
have no choice but to take
Thank you very much for

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