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Jens Martensson
Jens Martensson
Who is Alfred Wegener?
Alfred Lothar Wegener
• Alfred Lothar Wegener was a German polar
researcher, geophysicist and meteorologist.
• During his lifetime he was primarily known for his
achievements in meteorology and as a pioneer of
polar research
• Today he is most remembered as the originator of
the theory of continental drift by hypothesizing in
1912 that the continents are slowly drifting
around the Earth
• His hypothesis was controversial and not widely
accepted until the 1950s, when numerous
discoveries such as palaeomagnetism provided
strong support for continental drift, and thereby a
substantial basis for today's model of plate tectonics

Jens Martensson
Finding answers
Alfred Wegener died at 1930, Due to Congestive Heart Failure.

• Some other scientists in his days were

troubled too, just to find answers to his
theory that shocked the world. They keep
finding answers cause of his lack of
driving force.
• Until a British geologist who made two
major contributions to the understanding
of geology. Believe that the driving force
for tectonic plates to move were
Convection Currents

Jens Martensson
Jens Martensson
Who is Arthur Holmes?
Aurthur Holmes
• (14 January 1890 – 20 September
1965) was a British geologist who
made two major contributions to the
understanding of geology.
• He pioneered the use of
radiometric dating of minerals
and was the first earth scientist to
grasp the mechanical and thermal
implications of mantle convection,
which led eventually to the
acceptance of Plate Tectonics.

Jens Martensson
Who is Arthur Holmes?
Aurthur Holmes • Holmes championed the theory of
continental drift promoted by Alfred
Wegener at a time when it was
deeply unfashionable with his more
conservative peers.
• One problem with the theory lay in
the mechanism of movement, and
Holmes proposed that Earth's
mantle contained convection cells
that dissipated radioactive heat and
moved the crust at the surface.

Jens Martensson
Jens Martensson
Jens Martensson
What is SONAR Sounding?
SOund NAvigation and Ranging
• Sonar is a technique that uses sound propagation to navigate,
communicate with or detect objects on or under the surface of the
water, such as other vessels.
• The maximum distance would be around 30 miles, under near-
perfect conditions, or if sound conditions refracted the sound into a
“convergence zone”
• We know that sound travels. How fast does it travel? Sound travels
about 1500 meters per second in seawater.
• That’s approximately 15 football fields end-to-end in one second.
Sound travels much more slowly in air, at about 340 meters per
second, only 3 football fields a second.

Jens Martensson
How does SONAR work?
How they map the oceans.

The main ship gives their own After seconds the submarine
SONAR waves to the AI will give information on depth,
submarine or a Regular pressure, temperature and
Submarine Ect.

Jens Martensson
How does SONAR work?
How they map the oceans.
• Scientists use two kinds of sonar to map the sea floor: multibeam and side scan.
• Multibeam Sonar Multibeam measures the depth of the sea floor. It measures the length of
time it takes for the sound to travel from the boat to the sea floor and back as an echo.
Scientists use the time measurements to figure out how deep the water is.
• What is Side Scan Sonar? Another type of sonar scientists use to map the sea floor is side
scan sonar.
• Side scan sonar creates a picture or an image of the sea floor. It measures the strength of
how "loud" the return echo is,and paints a picture.
• Hard areas of the sea floor like rocks reflect more sound and have a stonger or louder return
signal than softer areas like sand. Areas with loud echoes are darker than areas with quiet
echoes. Objects or features that rise above the sea floor also cast shadows in the sonar
image where no sound hit. The size of the shadow can be used to guess the size of the
• Roll over the image above with your mouse to see a diagram of how side scan sonar works.

Jens Martensson
Is SONAR dangerous?
Yes, they are.
• Yes, it can kill you if you are close enough.
The U.S. Navy's sonar emits 235-decibel
pressure waves of unbearable pinging and
metallic shrieking. At 200 Db, the
vibrations can rupture your lungs, and above
210 Db, the lethal noise can bore straight
through your brain until it hemorrhages that
delicate tissue.

Jens Martensson
Do some animals use SONAR?
• Some animals have their own natural sonar system.
• Whales and dolphins use active sonar to identify underwater
objects and to help find food.
• These marine mammals produce very sophisticated sounds such
as frequency sweeps and chains of clicks that tell them much about
the target when they are reflected back.
• Some of them use Sonar because they are either blind or their eyes
are too small for them to see through.
• Some use to communicate to their pack that are too far away. So
they send “Clicks” to each other.

Jens Martensson
Animals that uses SONAR

Jens Martensson 16
1. Who is Alfred Wegener?
2. Why did he die?, and when?
3. Can SONAR kill you?
4. What is the Acronym of SONAR?
5. Give 1 animal (land or sea) That uses their own SONAR
6. What is Radiometric Dating?
7. Why was Alfred Wegener’s Theory Rejected?
8. In what decibel will SONAR rapture your lungs?

Jens Martensson
Jens Martensson
What is Mid-Ocean Ridges?
mid-ocean ridge or mid-oceanic ridge
• A mid-ocean ridge or mid-oceanic
ridge is an underwater mountain
range, formed by plate tectonics.
This uplifting of the ocean floor
occurs when convection currents
rise in the mantle beneath
the oceaniccrust and create
magma where two tectonic plates
meet at a divergent boundary.

Jens Martensson
The area of seabed
around a large
landmass where the
sea is relatively
shallow compared
with the open ocean.
The continental shelf
is geologically part of
the continental crust.

Jens Martensson

the slope
between the
outer edge of the
continental shelf
and the deep
ocean floor.

Jens Martensson
Volcanic Arc

A volcanic arc is a chain

of volcanoes formed above
a subducting plate,
positioned in an arc shape
as seen from above.
Offshore volcanoes form
islands, resulting in
a volcanic island arc.

Jens Martensson 24
a deep or
bottomless chasm

Jens Martensson 25
a long, seismically active
submarine ridge system
situated in the middle of
an ocean basin and
marking the site of the
upwelling of magma
associated with seafloor
spreading. An example
is the Mid-Atlantic

Jens Martensson 26
An abyssal plain is an
underwater plain on
the deep ocean floor,
usually found at
depths between
3,000 metres (9,800
ft) and 6,000 metres
(20,000 ft).

Jens Martensson 27
Sea Mount
A seamount is a mountain
rising from the ocean floor
that does not reach to the
water's surface, and thus is
not an island, islet or cliff-
rock. Seamounts are
typically formed from extinct
volcanoes that rise abruptly
and are usually found rising
from the seafloor to 1,000–
4,000 m in height.

Jens Martensson 28
Sea Mount
In marine geology, a
guyot, also known as a
tablemount, is an
isolated underwater
volcanic mountain with a
flat top more than 200 m
below the surface of the
sea. The diameters of
these flat summits can
exceed 10 km.

Jens Martensson 29
Oceanic trenches are
depressions of the
sea floor, relatively
narrow in width, but
very long. These
features are the
deepest parts of the
ocean floor.
Jens Martensson 30
Jens Martensson
Magnetic Anomaly Detection
• In geophysics, a magnetic anomaly
is a local variation in the Earth's
magnetic field resulting from
variations in the chemistry or
magnetism of the rocks. Mapping of
variation over an area is valuable in
detecting structures obscured by
overlying material. The magnetic
variation in successive bands of
ocean floor parallel with mid-ocean
ridges is important evidence
supporting the theory of seafloor
spreading, central to plate tectonics.
Jens Martensson
Discovery of Magma Stripes

• When lava gets erupted at the mid-

ocean ridge axis, it cools and turns
into hard rock. As it cools it
becomes permanently magnetised
in the direction of the Earths
Magnetic Field.
• Magnetometers were towed near
the sea surface to measure the
Magnetic anomalies or “wiggles”
that record the changes in
magnetisation of volcanic sea floor.

Jens Martensson 33
Discovery of Magma Stripes
• In the process of producing a magnetic map of
the Atlantic Ocean floor, Magnetic Stripes were
discovered by scientists
• The Magnetic Map revealed that the sea floor
was “stripped” on either side of the mid-ocean
• In the central ridge, the first stripe that form at the
left and right had the same orientation. However
the next stripes on either side has opposite
• These patterns of stripes provide the history of
sea floor spreading.

This were called as Magnetic Stripes and each
stripe has its own Magnetic orientation even
follow a pattern.

Jens Martensson 34
Jens Martensson
Age of Oceanic Crusts and Rocks
• In essence, oceanic plates are more
susceptible to subduction as they
get older.
• Because of this correlation between
age and subduction potential, very
little ocean floor is older than 125
million years and almost none of it
is older than 200 million years.

Jens Martensson
Age of Oceanic Crusts and Rocks
• In essence, oceanic plates are more
susceptible to subduction as they
get older.
• Because of this correlation between
age and subduction potential, very
little ocean floor is older than 125
million years and almost none of it
is older than 200 million years.

Jens Martensson
Geomagnetic Reversal

• Geomagnetic Reversal is a
change in a planet's magnetic
field such that the positions of
magnetic north and magnetic
south are interchanged

Jens Martensson
• As polarity changes, the convection cell or current starts to spin
the more it spins the more the seafloor spreads or even the
continental crusts, every 72 million years the magnetic field of the
earth changes polarity again, at that time it changes 5 times.
• When the reversed patches grow to the point that they dominate
the rest of the core, Earth's overall magnetic field flips. The last
reversal happened 780,000 years ago during the Stone Age, and
indeed there's evidence to suggest the planet may be in the early
stages of a pole reversal right now.
• This makes the indicated stripe pattern on the seafloor that
sometimes becomes trenches.

Jens Martensson 39
Jens Martensson
Seafloor Spreading

• - process in which New ocean floor was created as

older material sinks
• as new oceanic is formed, all oceanic form was
push down into a trench and melts into magma.
• Seafloor spreading helps explain continental drift in
the theory of plate tectonics. When oceanic plates
diverge, tensional stress causes fractures to occur
in the lithosphere.
• The motivating force for seafloor spreading ridges
is tectonic plate pull rather than magma pressure,
although there is typically significant magma
activity at spreading ridges. At a spreading center,
basaltic magma rises up the fractures and cools on
the ocean floor to form new seabed

Jens Martensson

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