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Question: When and how did Macbeth realise that the

prophecies made by the spirits were only equivocations?

Answer: The first spirit had warned Macbeth against
Macduff. Macbeth was already jealous of him. In the end
Macbeth was killed by Macduff,. The second spirit had
assured Macbeth that none born of woman should ever
be able to hurt him. During his fight with Macduff,
Macbeth learnt that Macduff was never born of a woman,
not as the ordinary manner men are born, but was
untimely taken out from his mother. The third spirit had
told Macbeth that he needed not to fear till Birnam
Woods came up to Dunsiane Hill. Macbeth was sure that
no such thing could ever happen, but all that had twice
meaning. Then Macbeth had begun to doubt the
equivocal speeches of the spirits.
Question: What causes the change in Jimmy Valentine’s
Answer: When jimmy Valentine reached Elmore to
accomplish one more bank-robbery, he fell in love at first
sight with Annabel Adams, the daughter of the banker of
the Elmore Bank. The advent of love in his heart for
Annabel made Jimmy completely changed a person. He
decided to live a decent life honestly with Annabel for
ever after. So he rejected his previous business and
started shoe business to gain recognition. Annabel’s
innocent and genuine love for Jimmy forced to change his
life-style. So, only love made a radical change in Jimmy’s
profession as well as in nature.
Recently one of the worst floods have hit Kerala in decades.
Owing to copious rainfall that started on August 8, 2018, all
the dams of the state were filled to capacity. The gates had
to be opened to keep the dams safe. The incessant rains
further deteriorated the flood situation. Approximately 370
people have died in the floods so far. Thousands of homes
have been affected and damaged. More than a million
people had to take shelter in relief camps. Normal life has
come to a standstill. It will take many months of hard-work
to bring life to normalcy in Kerala. The entire nation has
come forward to lend a helping hand to the Kerala flood
victims. Central Government, State Governments, Union
Territories, Multi National Corporations, Big Business
Houses, Celebrities, Sportsmen and women, schools,
colleges, and common people have contributed to Kerala’s
Chief Minister’s Relief Fund generously. Even the help from
foreign countries is pouring in, it will take many months of
hard-work to bring life to normalcy in Kerala.
A portion of the arterial Majerhat bridge in South Kolkata
collapsed Tuesday evening, snuffing out one life, trapping
several people and crushing many vehicles. The 40-year-old
bridge in the crowded Alipore area caved in around 4.45 pm
during rush hour over rail tracks. It runs over the Majerhat
Railway Station and connects the city centre to Behala and
other southern suburbs. At least 20-25 injured people have
been rescued by fire officials while many more are feared
trapped under the rubble. Army Jawans, CRPF, NDRF and
State Police stretched their helping hands to expedite the
rescue operations. A panic of terror has reigned in the
hearts of local inhabitants. The State Ministers expressed
their deep mourn over the tragedy and assured all possible
helps. Transport services connecting the vast areas in the
south-western part of the city and South 24 Parganas were
severely affected. A compensation has been announced by
the Government to the victims of the ill-fated bridge.
A 17-year-old teenage girl from Russia has been arrested by the
Russian police authorities on the last day of August 2017 to end what
has been a turbulent month for parents from around the world. She is
allegedly the brainchild behind the most dangerous online game ever
made - the Blue Whale. The game has prompted 'teen suicides' at an
alarming rate the world over. The union government directed online
platforms including Google, Facebook and WhatsApp to remove
links to the deadly game following a series of media reports about
teenagers in India committing suicide to complete the challenge.
Worried over the increase in suicide cases among children that were
linked to the challenge and the availability of dangerous games like
Blue Whale on the Internet, the Ministry of Electronics and
Information Technology has decided to ban the game after the news
reports of a 14-year-old boy committing suicide in Mumbai revealed.
Teenage depression and self-harm are a worrying trend. The growing
sense of low self-worth among adolescents will have devastating
consequences on society. Mental health experts say that teenagers
should be reassured by parents that it is all right not to fall prey to
the pressures of their peers and take part in challenge like Blue
What Parents Can Do
• Monitor their online behaviour without being negative or pushy.
• Listen to your child. Look out for messages in their words that may
have a hidden or deeper meaning.
• Have a normal conversation about online behaviour and usage just
like you would talk to them about school.
• Build a positive connection and try to understand their point of
• Treat them with affection and respect. Instill confidence instead of
putting benchmarks.
How to Identify A Troubled Child
• They may be overly critical of themselves or sensitive to criticism
• Lack courage to speak up for themselves
• A willingness to please
• Have feelings of helplessness and guilt
• Show lack of interest in daily activities
Question: When and how did Macbeth realise that the
prophecies made by the spirits were only equivocations?
Answer: the first spirit had warned Macbeth against
Macduff. Macbeth was already jealous of him. In the end
Macbeth was killed by Macduff,. The second spirit had
assured Macbeth that none born of woman should ever be
able to hurt him. During his fight with Macduff, Macbeth
learnt that Macduff was never born of a woman, not as the
ordinary manner men are born, but was untimely taken out
from his mother. The third spirit had told Macbeth that he
needed not to fear till Birnam Woods came up to Dunsiane
Hill. Macbeth was sure that no such thing could ever
happen, but all that had twice meaning. Then Macbeth had
begun to doubt the equivocal speeches of the spirits.
Question: Why did Macbeth hesitate to murder king
Answer: Macbeth considered that there were strong
reasons against murdering King Duncan. In the first place
Macbeth was not only a subject, but a near relative, both of
which were against the crime that he was contemplating.
Next, as Duncan’s host it was his duty to protect him from
murder, and not commit the murder himself. In addition to
this, Duncan was a just and merciful king, free from offence
to his subjects. Besides, it was due to the king’s favour that
Macbeth was held in high esteem. Macbeth feared that all
his honours and his fame would be stained if he murdered
Duncan . With these thoughts Macbeth decided to proceed
no further with the plans of murdering King Duncan.
Question: How did Lady Macbeth instigate Macbeth to
ramain firm in his purpose?
Answer: The reasons put forward by Macbeth against the
murder of Duncan did not shake Lady Macbeth from her
evil purpose. She began to pour in Macbeth’s ears words
which infused her own strong spirit into his mind. Lady
Macbeth explained to Macbeth giving reason after reason
why he ashould not shrink from his purpose of murdering
the king. She told him how easy the deed was, how soon it
would be over, and how the action of one short night would
give to all their nights and days the power and joy of royalty.
Then she scolded him for his change of purpose and
accused him of fickleness and cowardness. Finally,
Macbeth gathered courage to murder Duncan.
Question: How was the ambition of Macbeth and Banquo
spurred by the three witches?
Answer:. The supernatural prophecies reveal the nature of
the hero’s capricious mindset. Its partial fulfilment is mere
co-incidence. Macbeth is encountered by it. In contrast,
Banquo remains unimpressed. For him, there is no easy
way to success. The two, in fact, symbolise the two opposite
in human existence. Macbeth is the personification of
undeserved ambition, believing that fate would bring to
him by chance what is not his. Banquo is the
personification of fair play and success through hard work.
Banquo warns Macbeth against the viciousness of the
witches. To achieve his ambition, Macbeth becomes so
brutal that he cannot but call his own ruin.

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