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Bore system II

Barboza Araujo Marco
Burga Flores Marlie
Fernández Ramírez Brayan
Marrufo Pérez Ana Paula
Monteza Chávez Jefferson
Samamé Laura Lucero

TEACHER: Osores Lenny

Pain, which can be severe,
and swelling, redness

Tenderness in the affected are

Is an infection and Signs and symptoms:
inflammation of the bone Fever, chills, and
or the bone marrow. It sweating
can happen if a bacterial
or fungal infection enters Irritability, lethargy, or fatigue
the bone tissue from the
bloodstream, due to
injury or surgery.
Bacteria travel through the bloodstream (bacteremia) and
spread to bone (hematogenous osteomyelitis).

Traumatism (post-traumatic wound).

Open fracture (composite fracture)

Causes A surgery or recent injection in or around a bone.

Clean and bandage an open wound

No Smoking

Healthy diet and proper exercise to

stimulate the immune system

Good hygiene, for example hand washing

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption
Definition Symptoms
 Back pain, caused by the fracture or collapse of
Is a systematic skeletal disorder a vertebra
 Loss of height over time
characterized by reduced bone  Curved posture
mass and deterioration of bone  Fracture of a bone that occurs much more easily
than expected
architecture, resulting in the
increased risks of fractures.

The bone becomes more porous,

with more air in Its interior.

Increasing the number and size of

the cavities or cells that exist in
your inside
Risk factor's

Unchangeable risks
• Your sex
• Age
• Race
• Family
Definition Symptons
Means softening of the bones Lower back
and refers to defective or Pelvis
delayed mineralization of the Bone pain Hips
organic matrix (osteoid) of Legs
cancellous and cortical bone. Ribs.


Muscle weakness. Decreased muscle tone

• Severe vitamin D
• Celiac disease Weakness in the legs
• kidney or liver dysfunction
• Antiepileptic use
What is?
Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints.
It can affect one joint or multiple joints.
There are more than 100 different types
of arthritis, with different causes and
treatment methods.

Two of the most common types are

osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid Symptoms
arthritis (RA).

 Joint pain
Arthritis is most commonly in adults over the  Stiffness.
age of 65, but it can also develop in  Swelling.
children, teens, and younger adults. Arthritis  Decrease motion.
is more common in women than men.  Redness.
 Tired.
Causes: • Reduction cartilage tissue
• Infection or injury.
• Autoimmune disorder.
• Family history of the disease.

 Lose Weight.
 Exercise regulary
 Reduce stress.
 Eat Healthy.
 Drink plenty of water.
Rheumatic diseases affect your joints tendons, ligaments, bones, and muscles.

Symptoms Causes
 Joint pain  Immune system goes awry
 Loss of motion in a joint or joints  Genetic.
 Inflammation  Cigarette smoke.
 Welling  Pollution
 Redness
 Warmth in a joint or affected

 Regular exercisea
 Healthy diet
Prevention  Stress management
 Rest.

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