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Proposal of the

Seating Plan and the

Prices of the Seats per

Made by: Alas Architectural

The Bin Bang Company asked
Alas Architectural Firm to
design a seating plan for their
newly built arena
‘The NHL Arena’

The seats in the arena must be

between 18,000 – 22,500
Therefore Alas Architectural Firm
must determine:

 The number of seats in the first row

 The number of rows required

 The number of seats in the last row

 Total number of seats in the arena

In this Equation, Alas Architectural
Firm must solve The Seat plan
using the ‘Arithmetic Sequence’

Using the Formulas:

An = A1+ ( n-1) D

Sn = n / 2 (A1 + An )

And the Alas Architectural Firm

Chose the shape of the arena oblong.
Proposed number of
seats in the 1st row:

110 Seats
Proposed number of
rows in the arena :

 40 rows
To find the Common
difference (D)
Formula: n / 2 = D

40 / 2 = 20
We are looking for the Number of
seats in the last row (Which is the
40th row)
Therefore the equation will be:
An = A1+(n-1)d
A40 = 110 + (40-1)20
A40 = 110 + (39) 20
A40 = 110 + 780
A40 = 890
The last row will consist of
890 seats
Now, We are for the total number of
seats in the arena.
Sn = n/2 (A1 + An)
Sn = 40/2 (110 + 890)
Sn = 40/2 (1000)
Sn = 20 (1000)
Sn = 20000
All in all the total number of seats in
the whole arena is:
20000 seats
If the total amount of seats must be
exactly 19000:
Sn = n / 2 (A1 + An)
S40 = 40 / 2 (124 + (40-1)18)
= 40 / 2 (124+ 39*18)
= 40 / 2 (124 +826)
= 40 / 2 (950)
S40 = 19000
Prices of Seats
per Row in the
In this part, we are going to solve the
prices using the answers from the
Seat plan to find out the prices of the
seats (Row by row)

Using Geometric Sequence’s Formula:

An = A1 ( rn-1)
For this one, Alas Architectural Firm
must find the:
Determine a reasonable price of
seats for each game
Determine the factor by which the
cost of each seat per game will
decrease in each subsequent row
from row 1
Determine the price per game in
each seat in the last row
On the first question:
First we need to solve for the price of rows 1
to 8. Using the Proposed variables :
A1 = 6; R = 3 ; N = 8
An = A1 ( rn-1)
A8 = 6(38-1)
A8 = 6 ( 37)
A8 = 6*2187
A8 = ₱ 13,122

The Price for each seat in the first 1-8 rows

will be ₱ 13,122
In the Second Question:

2 factors that could affect the decrease of

the cost of prices:
 Attractiveness of the opponents

 Quality of the seats


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