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Languages Generation

What is a Programming Languages

• A programming language is a set of rules

that provides a way of telling a computer
what operations to perform.
• A programming language is a set of rules
for communicating an algorithm
What is a Programming Language
• English is a natural language. It has words,
symbols and grammatical rules.
• A programming language also has words,
symbols and rules of grammar.
• The grammatical rules are called syntax.
• Each programming language has a different
set of syntax rules.
Levels of Programming Languages
High-level program class Triangle {
float surface()
return b*h/2;

Low-level program LOAD r1,b

LOAD r2,h
MUL r1,r2
DIV r1,#2
Executable Machine code 0001001001000101
What Are the Types of
Programming Languages
• First Generation Languages
• Second Generation Languages
• Third Generation Languages
• Fourth Generation Languages
• Fifth Generation Languages
First Generation Languages
• Machine language
– Operation code – such as addition or subtraction.
– Operands – that identify the data to be processed.
– Machine language is machine dependent as it is
the only language the computer can understand.
– Very efficient code but very difficult to write.
Second Generation Languages
• Assembly languages
– Symbolic operation codes replaced binary
operation codes.
– Assembly language programs needed to be
“assembled” for execution by the computer. Each
assembly language instruction is translated into
one machine language instruction.
– Very efficient code and easier to write.
Third Generation Languages
• Closer to English but included simple
mathematical notation.
– Programs written in source code which must be
translated into machine language programs called
object code.
– The translation of source code to object code is
accomplished by a machine language system
program called a compiler.
Third Generation Languages
• Alternative to compilation is interpretation
which is accomplished by a system program
called an interpreter.
• Common third generation languages
– C and C++
– Visual Basic
Fourth Generation Languages
• A high level language (4GL) that requires
fewer instructions to accomplish a task than
a third generation language.
• Scripting languages such as SQL, Apple script,
• Used with databases
– Query languages
– Report generators
– Forms designers
– Application generators
Fifth Generation Languages
• Declarative languages
• Functional(?): Lisp, Scheme, SML
– Also called applicative
– Everything is a function
• Logic: Prolog
– Based on mathematical logic
– Rule- or Constraint-based
History of Programming
Visual Basic IDE
Integrated Development
• Source-code editor
• Source-code management
• Compiler
• Interactive debugger
Visual C++ IDE
Four types of programming
• Functional
– Lisp, Scheme
– Good for evaluating expressions.
• Declarative
– Prolog
– Good for making logical inferences.
• Imperative
– C, Pascal, Fortran, COBOL
– Good at performing calculations, implementing algorithms.
• Object-oriented
– C++, Java, C#, Visual Basic
– Much like imperative languages, but have support for “communication” among
Imperative programming
• Describes the details of HOW the results are to be obtained, in terms of the
underlying machine model.
• Describes computation in terms of
– Statements that change a program state
– Explicit control flow
• Synonyms
– Imperative programming
– Operational
• Fortran, C, …
– Abstractions of typical machines
– Control Flow Encapsulation
• Control Structures
• Procedures
– No return values
• Functions
– Return one or more values
• Recursion via stack
Declarative Programming
• Specifies WHAT is to be computed
• Expresses the logic of a computation
without describing its control flow
• Declarative languages include
– logic programming, and
– functional programming.
• often defined as any style of programming
that is not imperative.
Object-Oriented Concepts
• Data Abstraction (specifies behavior)
• Encapsulation (controls visibility of names)
• Polymorphism (accommodates various
• Inheritance (facilitates code reuse)
• Modularity (relates to unit of compilation)
Functional Programming
• The design of the imperative languages is based directly on
the von Neumann architecture
– Efficiency is the primary concern, rather than the
suitability of the language for software development
• The design of the functional languages is based on
mathematical functions
– A solid theoretical basis that is also closer to the user,
but relatively unconcerned with the architecture of the
machines on which programs will run
Mathematical Functions
• A mathematical function is a mapping of
members of one set, called the domain set,
to another set, called the range set
• A lambda expression specifies the
parameter(s) and the mapping of a function
in the following form
(x) x * x * x
for the function cube (x) = x * x *
Lambda Expressions
• Lambda expressions describe nameless
• Lambda expressions are applied to
parameter(s) by placing the parameter(s)
after the expression
e.g., ((x) x * x * x)(2)
which evaluates to 8

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