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The inflation decreased over the last 12 months, but very

slowly. People are complaining about inflation and its Factors leading to such high inflation rate:
effect on their living since President Muhammadu Buhari
came to power in 2015. • Oligopolistic or monopolistic markets may
push the prices up by practicing mark-up
The Consumer Price Index increased 0.70% in October, pricing.
2018 as compared to September. However, annual inflation • Shocks such as exchange rate depreciation
rate in Nigeria fell to 11.26% in October 2018. or an unexpected increase in price of
crude oil can push the inflation upwards.
But, the overall inflation rate is around 12.4% which is well • Labour unions using the market power
above the global average inflation rate i.e 3.78%. demand for increase in wage which are
more than the productivity profits.

Prices decreased for food & non alcoholic beverages (13.24%), namely food, clothing & footwear, transport,
furnishings & household equipment, education and other goods & services.
On the other hand, cost increased faster for housing & utilities, health, restaurants, recreation &
Factors leading to high unemployment rate:
• High instability and corrupt political environment: This
resulted in the mismanagement of the funds/resources
supposed to be used for the creation of job opportunities.
Nigeria scored 27 points out of 100 on the 2017 Corruption
Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International.
[0 : most corrupt to 100 : least corrupt]
• Lack of quality education
• Higher tax rate
• Lack of infrastructure
• High Population Growth: There has been an increase in
the growth of the labor forces along with the inadequate
supply of jobs.

• Unemployment Rate in Nigeria increased to 18.80 percent in the third quarter of 2017 from 16.20 percent
in the second quarter of 2017.

• Estimated overall youth unemployment rate in Nigeria was at 13.41 percent in 2017.

• Global rate of unemployment was 5.52 percent in 2017.

• Nigeria’s employment rate is well above the global unemployment rate as of 2017.
Lowering the Tax rate Improvement in Educational System
• Reduces cost of production which in return reduces the cost of goods and • Improving the quality of education by including technical and vocational
services. courses in it’s curriculum.
• Increase in demand for goods and service will increase money supply. • Government should focus on producing more skilled labours.
• Increase in disposable income will increase purchasing power of • Integration of entrepreneurship into secondary and higher education.
individuals. • Entrepreneur skills should be taught to individuals by including them in
• By increase in purchasing power, consumers will buy more due to increase technical courses.
in demand will encourage job growth. • Employment programmes conducted by government to produce more
• Industries will have more money to spend on new innovations, increase in skilled worker who can employed by corporates.
productions and invest into new ventures which will result in growth in • Periodic review of technical education system and improvements that can
employment opportunities. be made to better the skills of labours.
• In long run due to increase revenue growth of companies government will
earn tax revenues which can be used in improving public infrastructure and
creation of jobs.
• Attracts foreign investors and in bringing new industries into the country.

Other solutions
Importance to Agriculture • Encourage investing in industrial sectors this will help in capital formation and
• It plays a major role in economy of any country. growth of small and medium scale industries which will in turn increase
• People should be educated about modern techniques and how they can employment.
implement them in increasing the productivity of their agricultural lands. • Interest rate on loans should be reduced to increase availability of funds for
• Youngsters should be motivated to take up agriculture as a profession. This will entrepreneurs .
reduce the rate of unemployment and will motivate people towards self • Corruption being one of the major problem government should make financial
employment. system more transparent.
• Subsidies and lower interest rate loans should be given to farmers. • Improving infrastructure facilities such as electricity, transportation,
• Price monitoring and market stability will encourage people to take up communication system will ease in doing business and attract foreign companies
farming. to do business in Nigeria.
Monetary Policy Fiscal policy
• Increase in interest rate on borrowing will discourage businessman to avail • Government should increase taxes. This will reduce the disposable income
credit which in turn reduces the money supply in economy. with people which will reduce their expenditure and in return money
• Due to increase in interest rate people will start saving money instead of supply can be controlled.
investing which will help controlling money supply. • Increasing taxes on private business will reduce their spending capacity.
• Central government should start selling bonds to banks this will help in • Government should reduce it’s public expenditure.
reducing credit creation capacity of commercial banks. • Increase in tax revenues and decrease in transfer payments will help in
• Control of money supply will help curbing inflation. budget surplus which can be used to pay off the trade deficits.
• Higher rate of interest by banks will lead to increase in exchange rate which • Increasing imports and reducing exports can control in overvaluation of
will help in reducing the cost of imports, demand for the exports. money.
• Having Inflation target will help in controlling the inflation as their will less
expectation of rise in inflation.

Other solutions
• As the demand for goods and services increase this leads to inflation to control inflation we should increase the production capacity. It will help in increasing
employment opportunities.
• Control on wages paid to employees.
• Encouraging individuals to save money by encouraging them to save money on provident and pension funds.
• Both Monetary and fiscal policy should be implemented to control the inflation.
• Importing only essential goods to meet the necessities.
• Government control on production and distribution of goods.

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