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Blood Sugar Examination (GDS)

Anggota Kelompok :
1. Anisa Nur Rahma
2. Dita Prasetyawati
3. Junia Tri Astuti
4. Ockta Karunia Putri
5. Siti Warohmah
Blood Sugar Examination (GDS)
The blood sugar examination is a laboratory examination
to detect blood sugar levels in the fasting condition, one
time and 2 hour post prandial.

Blood sugar examination can be done by laboratorium

analysis, nurses and midwives who has trained in the level
of duty and professional authority
To guide our steps of blood sugar examination to
know the blood sugar level
Tools and materials
1. Tools
a. Glucometer
b. Blood sugar stick
2. Materials
a. Alcohol swab
b. Handscoon
c. Lancet
d. Neir beiken
1. First, Nurse are doing their hands wash
2. Second, Nurse set the tools and materials
3. Third, Nurse explain their procedure of examination that will do to
patient or family
4. Then, Nurse use handscoon
5. Next, The nurse ask where is finger that will used to stab for a blood sugar
6. The nurse put a blood sugar stick on a glukometer
7. Ther nurse clear the stabbing area with alcohol swab
8. The nurse stab a lancet on the patient’s finger and say take a deep breath
to patient
9. The nurse put a blood sugar stick/ glukometer on the patient’s finger
10. The nurse close the puncture marks with alcohol swab
11. The nurse wait a second for the examination results and then read the
result to patient
12. The nurse tell the patient that the action has finished
13. The nurse tidy the tools and materials
14. The nurse wash her hands
15. Finally, the nurse note the result into medical record.

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