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Welcome to our
Spinal Care Workshop
Why is This Class Important for You??

What’s on the agenda?

1. Achieve an understanding about

Chiropractic & Health
2. What makes us different than other
3. Difference between a normal vs. abnormal
4. The different types of care at our office
5. How long will it take to correct your problem

Check us out on the web at
Are We A Healthy Nation?
• 1) 750 Thousand die of HEART DISEASE
- 31% of all deaths
• 2) 560 Thousand die of CANCER
- 23% of all deaths
• 3) 225 Thousand die of the HEALTH CARE SYSTEM!!
a) 12,000 unnecessary surgeries
b) 7,000 medication errors
c) 20,000 other random errors
d) 80,000 super bug infections
e) 106,000 adverse reactions
* average of 300 deaths per day, every day.
Deaths from all major airline crashes averages less
than 300 annually, but one airline crash gains far
more media attention and government scrutiny?
* 2,216,000 severe medication reactions occur in
hospitals annually.
• The poor performance of the U.S. was recently
confirmed by the World Health Organization, which
ranked the U.S. 15th among 25 industrialized countries.
1 Data obtained from the Centers for Disease Control
2 Journal American Medical Association Vol 284 July 26, 2000
What is Health?
• Is it when you feel good or
don’t have symptoms?
– NO!
– Would you want a heart attack to
be your first symptom of heart
• 80% of deaths resulting from heart
disease in people under age 65 occurs
during the first attack. (American
Heart Association)
• Our Definition:
– Health is having 100% function of all
the parts of your body, 100% of the
– Don’t gauge your health off
symptoms alone!
Lack of pain or other symptoms does NOT equal Health!

Conditions that may exist without overt signs or symptoms

throughout their course, or without overt signs or symptoms until their end-
Arrhythmia Glomerulonephritis
Atherosclerosis Hyperbilirubinemia
Atrial fibrillation Hypertension
Atriventricular block Osteoarthritis
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Osteoporosis
Breast Cancer Ovarian Cancer
Carcinoid syndrome Ovarian Cyst
Cardiomyopathy Paget;s Disease
Cervix Erosion Pilonidal Cyst
Cervical Spondylosis Polycystic Kidney
Cervix Cancer Polycythemia
Colorectal Cancer Polyps of large bowel
Cholelithiasis Prostate Cancer
Coccidioidomycosis Pulmonary valve stenosis
Cor Pulmonale Pyelonephritis (chronic)
Coronary Artery Disease Renal Calculi
Diabetes Mellitus Renal Failure (chronic)
Diverticular Disease Tetinoblastoma
Emphysema Scoliosis
Encephalitis (viral or aseptic) Tooth Decay
Fibroid Tumors Tuberculosis
Valvular Heart Disease
Why is the public symptom oriented?

• We as a society are programmed (BRAINWASHED)

via TV, newspaper, radio, etc.
• For Example: Excedrin “The Headache Medicine”
– Many others: Nuprin, Tylenol, Aspirin, Midol, BC
Powder, etc.
– How does this drug know to go to your
headache vs. leg pain vs. back pain vs.
menstrual cramps, etc?
– What would you do if your oil light came on?
• Would you disconnect the light or put oil in the car?
– These drugs Mask Symptoms!!!!
But most people come to see us because of thinking this way too!

• Pain (Neck, Back)

• Headaches
• Sciatica
• Numbness
• Tingling
• Stiffness

1. Science
2. Philosophy
3. Art
What is Chiropractic Philosophy:

1. The body is a self-healing organism.

2. The Nervous System controls ALL body
functions & processes.
3. The structure of the spine dictates the
function of the nervous system.
4. Changes in the structure of the spine can
affect the Nervous System, thus affecting
• The delicate nerves and spinal cord are protected
by the skull and spinal column.
• These delicate nerves may be irritated by changes
in posture and spinal alignment.
• We call this “SUBLUXATION”
• Chiropractors specialize in reducing
“SUBLUXATION” or mis-alignments.
What Controls and Coordinates ALL Functions in the Body?

• The brain by way of the

Central Nervous System
• Information from brain
travels down the spinal
cord and out through
spinal nerves.
• Brain makes decisions
based on information it
• If the brain receives bad
input then output will be
• Garbage in =
Garbage out!

“Copyright ©2003 Nucleus Medical Art, All rights Reserved.”

How did My Spine Get Like This?
1) Birth Trauma
2) Car Accidents
3) Falls
4) Sport Injuries
5) Chronic Poor Posture
6) Many Others

83% 11% 6%

Even babies should be born with a neck curve! If they don’t have one, it is
likely birth trauma which straightened the spine – “Forceps delivery”, etc.
Journal of Anatomy - 1977
But Doc, I’ve Never been in an Accident!!

Poor Ergonomic Workstation Good Ergonomic Workstation

No Arm Arm rests support arms and take

Rest pressure off the upper back
Other Common Minor Repetitive Traumas
Whiplash – What is it?

“Copyright ©2003 Nucleus Medical Art, All rights Reserved.”

Whiplash, also called cervical acceleration / deceleration trauma (CAD), happens

when the head and neck are violently moved with split second. Such movement,
usually resulting from a car crash, can in fact happen with falls, sports, and other
activities such as riding roller coasters. Damage can occur to vertebrae and
cervical tissue found in the neck, as well as other parts of the spine and body.
Whiplash is typically categorized as a soft tissue injury as the muscles and
ligaments of the neck are torn and strained, thus swelling, often resulting in pain
and stiffness in the neck/upper back, headaches, nausea, numbness and loss of
balance. Symptoms may not be evident for days, weeks or even a month following
an accident.
Car Accidents – Do I need Damage to My Car to be Hurt???

•People in cars during a crash are no
different then delicate eggs in a carton
at the grocery store!

•Why do you look inside the egg carton?

•Because the eggs can be
broken when the carton is
without damage
Well then, How do I get Whiplash at Low Speeds?

In nearly all actual crash test studies, volunteers have been injured in
crashes in which no vehicle damage has occurred!!
Volunteers in Recent Human Crash
Tests were injured with Low Speed Impacts

“Whiplash” can and does occur at low speeds where no visible

vehicle damage is seen! These vehicles were crashed several
times during recent testing…notice the lack of damage!
(The Spine Research Institute of San Diego - CRASH 2002)

“Whiplash” alters the shape of the spine and posture, and thus
may affect your health!
Chiropractic Science: So What is Normal?

Normal Front and Side Views for the Posture & Spine
Chiropractic Science: So What is Normal?
Right side trunk shift of the Low back.
Right side trunk shift and spine x-ray
of the Low back.
Posture is the Spine!!
Posture is the Spine!!
Posture is the Window to the Shape of the Spine

I’m on the inside

of the posture. If
the posture is
crooked, then so
am I!!
Right lateral Trunk shift and spine x-ray of the Low back.
This x-ray shows what this posture does to the spine
•Which Side of
the spine would
wear out first?
•Could nerves
be affected?
•Should we cut
out the bad disc
or simply fix the
•This mis-
alignment can
symptoms of

"Posture affects and moderates every physiologic function from breathing to

hormonal production. Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure,
pulse and lung capacity are among the functions most easily influenced by
posture.“ AJPM 1994
How you age is up to you!

“To Live a long, active, energetic life, few things matter more than good posture”
-Rene Cailliet, M.D.
The Most Common Abnormal Posture:
Forward Head Posture

Common Problems Associated

with this Posture:
1. Headaches
2. Neck Pain
3. TMJ
4. Arm Pain
5. Degenerative Arthritis
6. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
7. Stretched Spinal Cord & Nerves
8. Deformed Ligaments
9. Muscle Spasm
10. Stretched Blood Vessels
11. Disc Decay
Side View of Neck – X-Rays
Normal Abnormal
Effects on neck bones from Poor Alignment Over time
Side Neck X-Ray Simulation of Spinal Degeneration
A Bad Spine equals Poor Nerve Function
1) Good Neck Curve, 2) Bad Neck Curve

Healthy Bad Neck

Relaxed Curve….
Spinal Stretched
Cord nerves
(Nerves) and blood
and Blood vessels

What if this
nerve went
down your leg,
or into your
arm, or to your
What is a Disc Herniation?
A herniated spinal disc
occurs when a healthy
disc bulges or ruptures.
Pressure from a
herniated disc on a
nerve root
(compressed nerve
root) or the spinal cord
can cause pain.

“Copyright ©2003 Nucleus Medical Art,

All rights Reserved.”
Side View of Low Back: X-Rays & M.R.I.
Normal Abnormal

“Slipped Disc”
a.k.a. Disc
Sciatica Diagram - How Pain can affect the leg?

A low back
can irritate the
nerves that
give rise to the
sciatic nerve
causing pain
and numbness
and tingling
into your leg

“Copyright ©2003 Nucleus Medical Art,

All rights Reserved.”
How Do We Fix Your Problems?

1. Exercise
2. Adjust
3. Traction
2 Main Types of Care at our office

• “Patch Up” or Relief Care

– 3-5x/week until pain goes away usually lasts 10-15
visits depending on extent of problem
– Patient comes back in when they hurt again.

• “Corrective-Fix” Care 3-4x/week for 10

– In essence, this is posture and spinal rehab.

– Similar to orthodontic bracing of bad teeth. Can

teeth be corrected in 1 visit? 2 weeks?

– Once achieved, Patient is placed on

maintenance check ups, usually 1x/1-2 months
Example of How We Fix Abnormal Posture

Abnormal Posture
Another Example: Exercise, Adjust , and Traction

Abnormal Posture
Abnormal posture = Abnormal spine

How to correct?

How long does it take?

10 wks @ 3-5x per week

How much change to expect?

1. How old you are
2. How long the problem has been there
3. How much damage is in the spine
4. How hard you work at it – EAT
5. How fast does your body change?
Living Proof - Chiropractic Works!

These are typical cases at our chiropractic

office taken after a 10 week program of
care. The average total visits for 10 wks of
posture rehabilitation was 35.
Margaret M: 4yrs. Nk pain, HA’s, Ear Infections told she
needed tubes. Pre-post x-ray 6 weeks. Spontaneous Remission
Before After
You’re Never too old for Spinal Correction: 70 yrs old, Neck pain &
Stiffness. 10 week post dramatic correction.

Before After
A 40 year old female with neck pain and arm pain. Before-Side view alignment
of the neck is reversed and the after treatment x-ray shows a return toward
Before After
Lisa: 17, Chronic Low Back Pain, Scoliosis. 6-mnth post
Before After

Healing Takes Time!

Dr. DJ. Many times 8-10 weeks is just the beginning. Chronic LBP and Leg pain.
Told he needed surgery. Pre-10wk post, 6 month post and 9-month follow-up

Before After

Healing Takes Time!

Devon: Referred by pediatrician for intense headaches, neck stiffness and low
back pain which was unresponsive to prescribed medications. Also diagnosed as
ADD which “RESOLVED” suddenly with posture rehab care.

Before After Before

Neck X-Rays

Frank: Chronic Stiffness, Headaches, Neck Discomfort and also Low Back Pain with severe
leg cramping (Intermittent neurogenic claudication), numbness, twitching of calf which
resulted from low back surgery scar tissue. Surgeons stated they could not help him
beyond medication to cover up his pain and mask symptoms! 60 Visits

Before After Before

Neck X-Rays Low Back X-Rays


Healing Takes Time! – 60 in office treatments

Eric M. : Neck Stiffness, Low back pain, Herniated Low Back Disc, Low Back Fracture

Before After Before

Neck X-Rays Low Back X-Rays

Forrest: Neck Pain due to car accident

Before After Before

Neck X-Rays

Before and After Side View
Remember, How Do We Fix The Spine?

1. Exercise
2. Adjust
3. Traction
Now that My Spine is Corrected, Will It Stay That Way 4-Ever??

Maintenance – Supportive Care:

Why do I need maintenance care???

Don’t you see a Dentist 2 x / yr?
They Make fake Teeth Not Spines!!!

1) After optimal correction is achieved 1 x per month

2) Keeps your spine corrected and body functions at
3) Reminds you of your exercises and home traction
4) 6 months to 1 year follow up on the corrected region
Given to ____________________________ Date:___________

This certificate entitles you to $50.00 off of the price of a new patient
consultation and a detailed chiropractic examination & X-Rays.
Come and see how Chiropractic Care can help you!
"The Patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right
to refuse to pay, cancel, payment, or be reimbursed for any other service,
examination, or treatment which is performed as a result of and within 72
hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or
reduced fee service, examination, or treatment." This discounted plan can
be considered an economic hardship and does not apply utilization of health
care insurances, workers compensation, Medicare, nor personal injury cases.
Additional X-ray views will be billed at the Time of Service Discounted Price of
$25.00 Per x-ray film.

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