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Promotional Interview

• A promotion interview is inevitable if you seek a career advancement.

Promotion interviews are conducted for an employee who is a
candidate for a higher job position within the company.
• A job promotion interview is different from a job interview for a new
position for several reasons. First, you are already part of the
company, and you know what their expectations are. Secondly, every
day - before and after the interview - will give you an opportunity to
show off your abilities while working in your current position.
During the Job Promotion Interview
 Stay Professional.
 Highlight your strengths.
 Remember You Don't Know Everything.
 Don't Be Over Confident.
 Ask Questions. 1
Exit Interview

• An exit interview is a meeting with a terminating employee that is

generally conducted by a human resources staff member. The exit
interview provides your organization with the opportunity to obtain
frank and honest feedback from the employee who is leaving
your employment.
• Managers and supervisors are also encouraged to conduct exit
interviews. When trust exists, the exit interview feedback is useful for
organizational improvement and development.
• The exit interview is an integral component of your employment
ending process because the information you obtain can make major
improvements in your organization. In some organizations, the exit
interview is conducted as a part of the employment
termination meeting in addition to the rest of the steps on the 2
employment termination checklist.

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