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1700 th

-is a method of
learning taught by the
churchmen)of the
medieval universities
in Europe circa in
• Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury
• Peter Abelard
• Peter Lombard
• Alexander of Hales
• Albertus Magnus
• Duns Scotus
• William of Ockham
• Bonaventure
• Thomas Aquinas
He developed a
philosophy that
claimed to lead
through reason
alone to basic truths
about God. But he
believed that human
beings need divine
revelation to fill out
and expand such
Peter Peter
Abelard Lombard
1. Intellectual discipline- where it
supports the doctrine of the church
by rational argument.
2. Faith by reason- where it
attempted to give supporting
authority to the intellect to justify
faith by reason and substantiate
theology by logic.
1. Disputed Question -which are
nothing more than written accounts of
actual classroom discussions.
2. Disputed Question on Truth-where
Thomas Aquinas teaching comprises
253 individual questions on truth and
3. Summae-which are systematic and
organized development theology in its
entirely question method.
A. Argumentative method/disputed
Methods(Scholastic Method)
1. stating a position,
thesis, or a question
2. setting down
objections to the
3. Proving one side
4. Answering or disputing
objection in order.
-which are
according to
principles and
3 Elements of Syllogism
1. Major premises or large
class(all inclusive)
2. Minor premises or smaller
class or middle term
(predicate subject of major
3.Conclusion or specific case
(Subject is the subject of the
minor premise and the
predicate is the major
-constant use of each
teacher in problem method
-aimed at formulating a
conclusion in some topics
after many possible answers
-found effective in both in
putting across fundamental,
universally accepted
doctrines and investigating
new and controversial
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