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 Adolescence – ( to grow up )

 * period of psychological and social

transition between childhood and
 * transitional stage of human
development in which a juvenile
matures into an adult
 * transition of biological, social, and
psychological changes
 Adolescence from the Latin noun dolor,
meaning pain.
 The ages of adolescence vary by
 This is also the puberty period
 PD No. 603 dated December 10, 1974
listed the Rights of Children and Young
Persons without distinction as to
legitimacy/illegitimacy, sex, social status,
religion, political antecedents, and other
 A. Every child is endowed with dignity
and worth of a human being from the
moment of conception
 Has the right to a balanced diet,
adequate clothing, sufficient shelter,
proper medical attention, and all the
basic physical requirements of a healthy
and vigorous life.
 Has the right to be brought up in an
atmosphere of morality and rectitude for
the enrichment and the strengthening of
his character
 Has the right to full opportunities for safe
and wholesome recreation and
 Has the right to an education
commensurate with his abilities and to
the development of his skills for the
improvement of his skills for the
improvement of his capacity for service
himself and his fellowmen.
 Has the right to the care, assistance and
protection of the state, particularly when his
parents or guardians fail or are unable to
provide him with his fundamental needs for
growth, development and improvement.
 Has the right to an efficient and honest
government that will deepen his faith in
democracy and inspire him with the
morality of the constituted authorities both
in their public and private lives.
 Children are some of the most fascinating beings to inhabit
our world, and often, people wonder why we must study
their growth and development. Three of the most important
reasons that I find to be true have validity in nearly every
situation we encounter in modern society. In my
experience, because I have a very mild case of cerebral
palsy, many children hesitantly approach me and wonder
why certain things look the way they do, but I have to keep
in mind that children are genuinely curious. The way that I
approach them and quench their curiosity also aids
in understanding the development of adolescents and
older children as well as geriatric populations and the
development of neurological diseases such as dementias.

 To learn more about the child you were.
 To find out how children think and
 To understand growth and development
 To strengthen the relationship with the
children already in your life
 To prepare your future community, social
and work situations that involve children
 To give you confidence when children are
placed in your care.
 To be able to identify and take action
against child abuse.
 To see the world through the eyes of a
 To be the best parent you can be
 To understand the contributions of your own
parents to your growth and development.
 A. Attachment to parents
 B. Taking the perspective of others
 C. Understanding what others think
 D. Similar and different
 E. Assessing children’s abilities

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