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Investeşte în oameni !

Fondul Social European


“Formarea continuă a cadrelor didactice pentru
utilizarea resurselor informatice moderne în
predarea eficientă a limbii engleze şi evaluarea la
nivel european a
competenţelor lingvistice”
Curs de formare

Oltenita 2012
Cadrul European Comun de Referință pentru
Limbi Moderne (CEF)şi predarea limbilor
străine cu priorităţi comunicative
Profilul european şi formarea profesorului de
limbi moderne
Tipuri de activităţi de învăţare adecvate
pentru abordarea interculturalităţii şi
Identifying the Europen profile for
language teacher education:

• principles;
• competences;
• qualifications;
The future European teaching
profession is viewed as:
• a well-qualified profession;
• a profession of lifelong learners;
• a mobile profession;
• a profession based on partnership;
Continuous Professional
Development (CPD)
• checks up competences;
• maintains competences up to date;
• develops competences further
CPD activities should be:
• continuous;
• using collaborative techniques;
• applying active learning;
• practiced with groups of teachers;
• reflective;
• responsive to teachers’ needs
How the Profile is organized
• the structure of educational courses;
• knowledge and comprehension of the
underlying language teaching;
• strategies and teaching skills and learning;
• values that the system of language teaching
should promote;
21st Century Skills for Teachers
• finding and managing resources;
• publishing on the web;
• connecting with colleagues, students, parents,
and local and global communities;
• develop good practices in their students;
• help students include these skills during the
learning process
Educational Technology Standards for
• use of reflective tools such as portfolios;
• self-monitoring with the reflection circle;
• constructivist models of learning;
• learner autonomy;
• cognitive models such as language learning
Common Reference Levels
• global scale;
• Microfunctions and macrofunctions
Cooperative Learning
• eight principles;
• learning inform available at the site;
• multiple intelligence chart
Main Features of Task based language
• priority given to the meaning;
• there is a communication problem to solve
• there is some sort of relationship to similar real
world activities
• task completion is very important
• the assessment is based on the outcome/how
well the task has been accomplished
The European Portfolio and Passport
• an evidence of the learner’s language learning history;
• it can include test scores, certificates, samples of
students’work, and personal evidence, such as tapes or
reflective statements;
• ELP is also a pedagogical tool meant to increase learner
autonomy through self-assessment and reflectio;
• the European Language Portfolio (ELP) contains three
parts: a Language Passport, a Language Biography and
a Dossier;
What is intercultural competence?

• knowledge;
• skills and attitudes;
• values;
Intermediate competences
• a competence of decentring;
• a competence refusing to accept
(communicative or learning) failure;
• a competence of distancing;
• a competence in critical analysis;
• a competence for recognising the ‘Other’, and
A definition of culture
• special insights;
• going beyond facts;
What is lingoculture?
• language;

• information relating to the national culture;

Intercultural Education
• creates attitudes about the world and life itself;
• develops different stances from which to view
and interpret reality;
• tests a reliable set of beliefs;
• negotiate the observable world, the stories and
the cultures of people;
• open possibilities of conflict and contradiction;

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