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 

Intended learning outcomes:

At the end of this chapter,
you are expected to;

* Demonstrate skills in rating

software for teaching and learning
use.  
 SYSTEM SOFTWARE-consists of programs
that control the operations of the computer
and its devices.
 APPLICATION SOFTWARE- or application
programs allow users to perform specific
tasks like writing documents , making
project presentations, video recording and
many others.
type of system software
which contain instruction that
coordinate of all the activities
of the computer hardware
Application software
 1. STAND ALONE OPERATING SYSTEM- this is complete operating
system that works on a desktop computer, notebook computer, or
mobile computing device.
 2. EMBEDDED OPERATING SYSTEM- this kind of operating system
resides in an internal chip rather than a hard drive.
 -iOS
 -Google Android
 -Blackberry OS
 3. EMERGING OPERATING SYSTEM- like that of Google’s Chrome
OS has the potential to revolutionalize computing
 -Or Application programs allow
users to perform specific tasks like
writing documents, making project
presentation, video recording and
many others.
 As a productivity/ business tool
 Create graphics and multimedia projects
 Support school and professional activity
 Help individual with home and personal activities
 Facilitate communication
 Instructional software- these are programs designed specifically
to deliver instruction or aid with the delivery of instruction.
 Tutorial software- a software that teaches the users about new
 Drill and Practice Software- provides exercises in which students
work on items one at a time and receive feedback on their
 Simulations- provide a life or word like of system that students
make experience through the computer.
 Instructional Games-it allows learners to practice their skills in a
 more engaging.
 Problem Solving Software-focuses on fostering skills in
problem solving.
 Special Needs Software-designed specifically for students
with learning disabilities to assist them in carrying out
school task.
 Productivity Software- is designed to help teachers and
students in creating their sports, computing of grades,
communicating, developing of materials and keeping of
words effectively and efficiently.
 Word Processing Software- is one of the most widely
application software.
 Save time in the preparation of materials needed for
teaching and learning
 Enhances documents appearance
 Allows sharing of documents
 Allows collaboration on documents

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