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Work values that serves as the
foundation for productivity
 Industriousness
 Order and efficient use of time
 Spirit of inventiveness and sense of responsibility
 Teamwork and spirit of service
 Professionalism
 Productivity is the outcome of human work. It is the
result of man’s ability. Productivity increase is a
reflection of the fuller use of man’ capacities.
-acquisition of material rewards
-return to spirituality
Jack horn’s five ways of
improving productivity
 Position work station in the direct view of a supervisor
 Assign each employee more work than he/she can

complete in one day.

 Have one person handle chores that require leaving in

one day
 Arrange the workflow so that a break will readily be

 Keep areas in which employee congregate under

management observation.
The Filipino cultural value
 Filipino have been noted for their strong cultural
values although they are known for their receptiveness
to foreign influences. Filipino traits such as
personalism, friendliness, close family ties. Ad good
sense of humor are part of our culture that gives the
Filipino an edge.
Strengths and weaknesses
of the Filipino character
 Filipino values are ambivalent in he sense that they are
potential for good or evil.
 They may help or hinder personal and national

development depending on how they are understood

and practiced or lived.
Strengths of the Filipino
 Pakikipagkapwa Tao – refers to pakikiramay or to the
Filipino's ability to empathize with others
 Family orientation – concern for the family is shown by

the Filipino's high regard accorded to the elderly.

Strengths of the fililpino
 Sense of humor
 Flexibility, adaptability, creativity
 Hard work and industry
 Spirituality
 Ability to survive
Weaknesses of the filipino character
 Extreme personalism
 Extreme family centeredness
 Lack of discipline
 Colonial mentality
 kanya-kanya syndrome
 Lack of self-analysis and self reflections
The Filipino values for
 Truth, love and faith
 Integrity
 Hard work
 Social justice

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