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Welcome to the

presentation everyone.

Value Education Assignment

The topic is –


• Definition of stress
• How to identify signs of stress
• Impacts of stress
• Reducing/coping with stress
• What are anxiety and depression
• Comparision of stress and depression
• How and where to get help
Definition of stress
The stress applied to a material is the force per unit area
applied to the material. The maximum stress a material
can stand before it breaks is called the breaking
stress or ultimate tensile stress.


Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of

demand. It comes from the strains of day-to-day life or
acute events.
Major Signs of Stress :-
Digestive problems
Tense muscles and aches
Racing heartbeat and
restlessness, sweating
Skin problems
Getting sick more frequently
Irritability, quick temper
Worried, anxious thoughts
Forgetfulness, problems
How stress impacts the body
You have a “fight or flight” response
Adrenaline and other body chemicals are
Good for short spurts, not long term
Chronic stress without healthy release has
long-term consequences to physical and
emotional health
Chronic stress can take a toll

Increased vulnerability to
 Infections, viruses  Heart conditions
 Sleep problems  Weight gain or loss
 Anxiety  Infertility
 Depression  Compromised glucose
 GI problems control (diabetes)

Take the Holmes and Rahe stress test at
Strategies for coping with stress
• Relax deliberately and breathe deeply
• Yoga and Meditation
• Eat well, with a healthy, balanced variety of foods
• Stop smoking
• Limit coffee and alcohol
• Exercise and move your body
• Sleep long enough to feel rested
• Set limits
• Spend time with others
• Laugh and sing
• Practice spirituality
• Focus on your goals
Rationale for reframing

Reframing negative thoughts can help us:

• Turn them into positive possibilities
• Reduce stress and improve mood
To avoid stress
Practice gratefulness

 I recognize
 I acknowledge
 I appreciate
Signs of anxiety disorders
• Irrational feelings of fear, • Irritability
uneasiness, dread • Sweating
• Excessive worry • Fatigue
• Impaired concentration or • Headaches and stomach
selective attention problems
• Feeling restless or on edge • Insomnia
• Heart palpitations or racing • Repetitive/compulsive
heartbeat behaviors (checking, counting,
• Avoiding activities or people washing)
• Easily startled or jumpy • Nervousness
• Bothered by normal
surrounding noise or
Depression—what others notice
• Talking very negatively • Talking suddenly about
• Acting without concern separation or divorce
for others • Complaining of medically
• Abusing alcohol or drugs unexplained aches and
• Picking fights, being pains
irritable, critical, or mean • Eating or sleeping too
• Withdrawing from people much or too little
• Having trouble at work • Behaving unusually or
Lastly, Where to go for help
• Certified Counseller
• Employee Assistance Program at your company
• Your doctor (get a referral)
• Mental health clinician (e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist,
social worker, psychiatric nurse, family therapist)
• Complete an online screening, give to your clinician to
get a full evaluation
Depression and Bipolar Test:, click “Tools”
Massachusetts residents:
Outside Massachusetts:
Here we come to end of our topic.

• Thanking you all

Yours friend
Bhaskar Agrawal
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
NIT Raipur

 Have a Peaceful Day 

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