1 Samuel 9

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God Uses Nobodies To

Become Somebody

9:1 – 10:8
Sermon by Rodney Tan
Melaka Gospel Chapel
Sunday 9 September 2018
• Introduction
• 1) Saul Looks For The Missing Donkeys (v1-5)
• 2) Saul Directed To The House of Samuel (v6-10)
• 3) Samuel Talks To Saul About His Future (v11-27)
• 4) Samuel Anoints Saul (10:1-8)
• Application
• Saul’s Background
• tribe of Benjamin – smallest tribe & clan
• belonged to a powerful and wealthy family that
owned real estate and animals and had servants
• tall, good-looking, and strong
• obedient to his father
• wasn’t a quitter
• modest / shy
• no indication of spiritual life
• 1 Corinthians 1:26 (NIV) Brothers and sisters, think of what you
were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human
standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble
1) Saul Looks For The Missing Donkey (v1-5)
• Saul – handsome, strong and tall
• God – looks at godly character
• Isaiah 1:19 “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good
things of the land."
• “Nobodies” – God can use – be willing and obedient
2) Saul Directed To The House of Samuel (v6-10)
• Saul - willing to be directed by the Lord
- seek guidance from God / others
• God can use nobodies when we seek godly wisdom from God/others
• Proverbs 19:20-21 "Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the
end you will be counted among the wise. 21 Many are the plans in a
person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
• We will be wise like them
• Allow God’s purposes to be done in our lives
3) Samuel Talks To Saul About His Future (v11-27)
• Saul did not know the high priest, Samuel
• But Saul’s servant knew about Samuel (seer/man of God)
• An insignificant event (missing donkeys) brought Saul and Samuel
• God works in unusual ways!
• Saul and Samuel “bumped” into each other at the city gate!
• Samuel had a special message for Saul & a long talk
• They had a feast that night (v24)
• “Big promotion” for Saul
3) Samuel Talks To Saul About His Future (v11-27)
• Saul – started out strong but changed and boasted about self.
• 1 Corinthians 1:21 "Therefore, as it is written: "Let the one who
boasts boast in the Lord."
• God is the source of all our strength
• Boast only of the Lord
4) Samuel Anoints Saul (10:1-8)
• Samuel anointed Saul as the first king of Israel (v1)
• Samuel gave Saul 3 signs to reassure him:
• 1) Meet two men who would tell him his lost donkeys have been
found (v2)
• 2) Meet three pilgrims heading for Bethel (v3-4)
• 3) Meet a band of prophets returning from worship & they would be
prophesying (v3-6)
• Quote: Everyday there is a
fork in the road of our lives
that we have to decide.
• Q: How will we turn out?
- Good beginning, bad ending
- Bad beginning, good ending
- Good beginning, good ending
Q: How?
• Saul – his obedience and teachability, not outward appearance
• He was willing to be directed by God & to seek guidance from God
• Obedient to his father (Kish)
• Seek advice from Samuel (others) & to obey them
• Wait patiently for godly advice
• Remember a good beginning does not guarantee a strong finish.
• God uses the weak things of the world to fulfil His mission
God’s Part / Promise
• He could solve our problems
• He could also supply our needs
• He could endue us with the power we needed for service

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