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1.Identify and define the different data-

gathering techniques.
2.Value the importance of ethical
principles of conducting research as a
3.Relate the impact of teachers research
involvement on teachers.
What is the second factor
and used by
researchers to be able to
conduct quality research?
What are the different
1. Observation
2. Physiological Measures
3. Standardized Tests
4. Interviews and Questionnaires
5. Life-History Records
1. Observation
– this technique simply means
that we are gathering
information by observing
through the senses such as
sight, hearing, taste, touch, and
- It can be done at the
laboratories or through
materialistics settings.
Physiological Measures
- In this technique, the
researcher has certain
indicators of a children’s
development such as, among
others, heart rate, hormonal
levels, bone growth, body
weight, and brain activity are
Standardized Tests
- The researcher will prepare
a test that assessed
individuals’ performance in
different domains and these
test are administered in a
consistent manner.
Interviews and Questionnaires
- in this technique the
researcher will ask question,
gather the data, and
information can be obtained
by utilizing standard
Life - history records
- In this technique the
researcher will gather their
answers through records of
information about a lifetime
chronology events and
Ethical Principle

Code of Ethics
- governs the behavior of
the teachers.
What are the three (3) common
standards in which the NAEYC
1. In research, never harm
children, physically or
2. Children and their families
have the right to full of
information about the
3. Children’s questions about
research should be answered in a
truthful manner and in ways that
children can understand.
4. There should be respect for
Impact of Teachers’ Research Involvement on Teachers:

1. Teachers who have bee involved in research may become

 More reflective
 More critical and analytical in their teaching
 More open and committed to professional development

2. Participating in teacher research also helps teachers

 More deliberate in their decision-making
 Actions in the classroom

3. teacher research develops the

 Professional dispositions of lifelong learning
 Reflective and mindful teaching
 Self-transformation
4. Engaging in teacher research at any level may lead to
 Rethinking
 reconstructing

5. Teacher research has the potential to

 Demonstrate to teachers
 Prospective teachers

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